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Sample Power Point Used with permission from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education Training and Technical Assistance Centers – I’m Determined.

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Presentation on theme: "Sample Power Point Used with permission from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education Training and Technical Assistance Centers – I’m Determined."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sample Power Point Used with permission from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education Training and Technical Assistance Centers – I’m Determined Project. 2010 ASPIRE Student Led IEP initiative is funded by the Georgia State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG), Georgia Department of Education through a grant from the Office of Special Education Programs, United States Department of Education and is a collaboration with the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities.

2 Welcome to My IEP Meeting Joe Smith

3 Invited Guests Robert Smith, My Dad Connie Smith, My Mom Ms. Beamer, My English Teacher Ms. Rust, My P.E. Teacher Ms. Murden, My Study Skills Teacher Mr. Stanley, My Math Teacher

4 I’m here because… I want to learn more about my IEP. I want to learn more about myself. I need help reaching some of my goals. My IEP

5 My disability is called ADHD This means…  I have difficulty ignoring noises and people around me.  It’s hard for me to get started and stay focused in class.

6 These are my strengths!  I’m friendly.  I love basketball and football.  I’m good at biology and math.  I love to hang out with friends and go places.  I have a terrific family.

7 These are my challenges! I can’t sit still for very long. Sometimes I blurt things out and distract others. Sometimes I try to do too much at once.

8 My plans for the future are…  I want to graduate from high school with good grades.  I want to join the military and I want to be a doctor.

9 My educational goals are… I want to take Chemistry and Advanced Biology, and Health Occ. I and II. I want to learn how to keep myself focused and not disturb people around me. I want to get involved in student government.

10 This is how you can help me! Allow me to take 2 or 3 short breaks to move around so I can focus. Give me a signal when I am off task. Don’t let me make excuses when I get lazy. Pair me with a strong lab partner so I can share a copy of his/her notes.

11 My learning style is… I learn best in a quiet, structured classroom. I am a visual learner and like hands on activities. I may need reminders to get me back on track. I feel great when I get positive comments from my teachers.

12 I’m glad you came!

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