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Individual Education Plan Overview Presented By: Pamela Cameron Winter 2013.

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2 Individual Education Plan Overview Presented By: Pamela Cameron Winter 2013

3 What is an IEP? An IEP is…. A concise and useable document which summarizes the plan for the student’s educational program A tool to assist teachers in monitoring and communicating student growth

4 What is an IEP? a plan developed, implemented and monitored by school staff in consultation with others involved with the student a flexible working document with meaning for all contributors an ongoing record to ensure continuity in programming

5 IEPs: Are written records of planning developed in consultation with students, parents, school personnel and other service providers Provide coherent short term and long term planning for student learning and service needs Provide evidence of individualized planning Contain goals towards which student achievement is measured Form the basis of reporting students’ progress

6 An IEP is not… “written in stone” a daily plan, or a description of everything that will be taught to one student a means to monitor the effectiveness of teachers

7 IEPs Must be reviewed at least annually Do not take the place of regular reporting periods

8 THE OBLIGATIONS OF SCHOOL BOARDS cont. The Individual Education Plan Order states A Board of Education must ensure that an IEP is designed for a student with special needs as soon as practical after the student is so identified by the board.

9 THE OBLIGATIONS OF SCHOOL BOARDS cont. 3. Where a board is required to provide an IEP for a student under Section 2…, the board must offer each student with special needs…learning activities in accordance with the IEP designed for that student.

10 Suggested Timeframe September /Oct.– IEP developed in consultation with parent October/ Nov. – IEP completed November – Brief report on IEP goals (if needed) and Parent Teacher meeting (if needed) March – Review IEP goals, report on IEP goals, and Parent Teacher meeting (if needed) June – Final report on IEP goals and Transition meeting

11 Goals and Plan Identify the most important and achievable areas to focus on; parents’ and student’s goals and values immediacy/urgency of need The first goal should address the disability. For a student reported in a behaviour category (R or H), the first goal should address behavioural issues.

12 Goals and Plan cont. transferability to other curriculum areas age appropriateness usefulness in other environments (Individual Education Planning for Student with Special Needs: Min of Education; RB0061)

13 Goals It is recommended that no more than four goals be selected except in unusual circumstances. In rare occasions, it may be necessary to work on more than four goals.

14 Goals cont. Determine the priority long-term goals for the student Goals should: challenge the student, but be achievable be relevant to the individual student’s actual needs focus on what will be learned, rather than what will be taught be stated positively (what the student will do) (Individual Education Planning for Students with Special Needs: Min of Education; RB0061)

15 Goals are very broad 1. Student A will improve listening skills 2. Student B will improve her social skills. 3. Student C will complete academic assignments.

16 Objectives Break the goals down into objectives These objectives should be S.M.A.R.T. Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timely

17 Objective for Goal 1 Objectives should follow the CBC method: Condition – When student A is given a single oral direction Behavior – he will be able to follow it Criteria – 4 out of 5 times with verbal prompting

18 Objective for Goal 2 Condition – When Student B is in the hallway Behaviour – She will keep her hands and feet to herself Criteria-100% of the time with verbal prompting

19 Objectives for Goal 3 Condition – When student C is given a math assignment in the classroom Behavior – he will be able to complete Criteria – 80% of the task without redirection

20 Strategies Following the SMART Objectives, strategies will be included Strategies are how you are going to get there. What supports/adaptations need to be in place to help the student achieve the objective?

21 Responsibilities: The person or persons should be listed as to who will be responsible for implementing the strategies. Included could be the EA, the classroom teacher, the resource teacher, the counsellor, etc.

22 Evaluation: Methods of Evaluation must be included in the IEP E.g. Checklists, observation notes, test results, etc.

23 The goal, objective and strategies should be listed together: Vertically Goal: Student C will complete academic assignments Objective: When student C is given a math assignment in the classroom he will be able to complete 80% of the task with redirection. Strategies: -reduce the amount of questions -give student a calculator -give verbal prompts to redirect when off task

24 Horizontally (preferable) GoalMeasurable Objective Adaptations Strategies Measures/ Evaluation Personnel Respon- sible Measurable Objective Adaptations Strategies Measures/ Evaluation Personnel Respon- sible

25 REPORTING: Adaptations For students whose learning outcomes are the same as the provincial curriculum: teaching methods, materials and/or evaluation methods are adapted and identified in the IEP standard reports: structured comments for the primary years and letter grades or percentages after grade 3 may be awarded a Dogwood Graduation Diploma or a School Completion Certificate

26 REPORTING: Modifications For students whose learning outcomes are different from or in addition to the provincial curriculum: individualized, personalized goals are developed and stated in the IEP reports include structured written comments on individualized goals Reports can include a letter grade in relation to the IEP goal may receive a School Completion Certificate after meeting the goals of their IEP/Student Learning Plans

27 Evaluation To help monitor progress, a rating scale can be included. An example is: 1. Not yet introduced 2. Does not meet 3. Progressing 4. Meets Beside each objective indicate the progress the student has made towards this objective. (Many IEP programs have a built-in evaluation section.)

28 Signatures Signatures are NOT required on an IEP. Meaningful consultation of the parent IS required and the date should be indicated on the IEP when consultation was offered (in a meeting, by phone, letter, etc.).

29 Use as a Report Card The IEP can be used as a report card. It is included as a regular attachment to the regular report card. It does not replace the regular classroom teacher’s report card. When used as a report card attachment, structured written comments such as what the student is able to do, areas of difficulty and ways of providing support) should be written for each of the goal areas. It is required to maintain the Ministry mandate of formally reporting progress three times per year.

30 Identification and Assessment A Functional Behaviour Assessment is required for students reported in the behaviour categories (H and R); Analyze the student’s functional behaviour in various settings; Focus on strengths and needs; (goals are formulated from the student’s needs); The assessment assists in the planning and evaluating of the educational program.

31 The IEP describes Assessment of current strengths and needs; Goals and measurable objectives; Strategies, resources and measures for tracking student achievement of the goals; Persons responsible (including parents); Specific areas of the curriculum which are adapted or modified; Evaluation Where the plan will be carried out (classroom, resource room, community); Transition plans

32 Requirements of Intensive Behaviour/ Serious Mental Illness (H) Direct intervention by a specialist teacher or supervised EA; and/or Placement in a special program to promote behavioural change and implement the IEP; and/or Ongoing individually implemented social skills training and/or instruction in behavioral and learning stragegies.

33 Additional Requirements for IBI/SMI An IEP must be coordinated with intervention/care plans developed in consultation with an outside agency. There must be documentation of previous school plans to demonstrate that the district has exhausted its own resources and the capacity to manage. There must be an interagency or service provider review process which should be conducted at least two times per year.

34 TASK: Think of a student you know and, with a partner and, using the information given: -Write 3 behavioural goals, -1 CBC objective for each goal, -1 strategy for each objective - how you will evaluate progress Be prepared to report your results to the larger group


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