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Self-Determination: The Key to a Successful Transition for Everyone Ann Deschamps, Ed.D. TransCen, Inc. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Self-Determination: The Key to a Successful Transition for Everyone Ann Deschamps, Ed.D. TransCen, Inc. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-Determination: The Key to a Successful Transition for Everyone Ann Deschamps, Ed.D. TransCen, Inc. 1

2 Overall Objectives  To understand the link between self-determination and success after high school  To understand the why self-advocacy skill instruction is worth infusing into the curriculum  To explore ways to integrate self-advocacy skill instruction (promotion of) into high schools  To collect tools and strategies that will be helpful to promoting and teaching self-advocacy skills 2

3 Overview  Reminder Activity  Definitions  History, Policy, and Research  Continuum of Everything  Barrier Activity  Overview of Strategies  Power of Theme Songs 3

4 Reminder Activity  Think for a minute about why you chose to be in the field of special education.  Pair off with somebody near you and share and compare your reasons. 4

5 A day in the life of a special education teacher

6 Discussing self- determination can be confusing…..

7  Knowing and doing what is right for oneself  The desire, ability, and practice of directing one’s own life – leads to making informed decisions through reflecting on and building one’s strengths as well as understanding limitations and accommodations. What is Self-Determination? 7

8 Self-advocacy skills are the foundation necessary to become a self-determined person. Make choices Solve problems Ask questions Know strengths and limits Express opinions Set goals 8

9 Definitions  Self-determination - goal  Self-advocacy – way to reach that goal  High Incidence  Low Incidence 9

10 History  Evolution of special education – 94-142 EHA – IDEA – transition was added  Categories of disability in IDEA  Culture of special education  Life in school vs. life after school  What are we teaching our students vs. what our students are learning 10


12 Policy  Federal policy supports self-determination  IDEA  New Rules of Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act  The Americans with Disabilities Act and the ADAAA 12

13 What Research Says  A study with more than 1,500 successful people from business, science, sports, and the arts revealed that “ successful people in any field excel at making decisions, self-managing their behavior, and adapting to changing circumstances. ” Garfield (1986)  Wehmeyer and colleagues have found that individuals with higher self- determination skills have better adult outcomes (i.e., Wehmeyer & Palmer, 2003; Wehmeyer & Schwartz, 1997; 1998).  Students with higher self-determination skills did better in inclusive settings (Wehmeyer, Lance, & Bashinski, 2002).  Students in post-secondary education settings reported significant positive impact self-determination skills had on their ability to enter and remain in college (Getzel & Thoma, 2006).

14 What Research Says Young adults with good self-advocacy skills experience:  Enhanced academic performance and more active class participation (Gilberts, Agran, Hughes, and Wehmeyer, 2001)  Improved employment and independent living opportunities (Wehmeyer & Palmer, 2003)  More positive quality of life and reported life satisfaction (McDougall, Evans, & Balding, 2010) 14

15 More Research  For transition age youth receiving SSI benefits, autonomy and empowerment are positively associated with participation in 2 and 4 year colleges. (Berry, Ward, and Caplan, 2012)  Students need instruction and practice in self- advocacy and IEP participation skills (Test, Fowler, Brewer, & Wood, 2005) 15

16 Continuum of Everything  Self-knowledge  Self-awareness  Academic knowledge  Independence  IEP Participation  Anything 16

17 Be prepared! Preparing students for IEP Participation can be daunting.

18 Continuum of IEP Participation  Attending  Answering  Speaking  Questioning  Introducing  Initiating (parts)  Leading with support  Leading independently

19 Barrier Activity  From the list of seven barriers, come to a consensus as to the top 3 for your table  Brainstorm as a group strategies to overcome each of your top 3  Record your top 3 and a BRIEF summary of the strategies on the flip chart 19

20 Barriers  Student’s schedule is too busy  Standardized tests and core competency instruction require all my energy and attention  Not the right materials/resources/curriculum  Not enough planning time  Takes too long  Lack of knowledge how to teach these skills  Focus on compliance 20

21 Overview of Strategies  Models to follow  Curriculum with specific lessons  Tools  Approaches  Advice  Goals 21

22 Instructional Strategies (Field and Hoffman, 1995)  Teachers are co-learners  Modeling  Cooperative Learning  Experiential Learning  Inclusive instruction  Participation of student’s family and friends  Listening  Team teaching  Appropriate use of humor  Teachable moments 22

23 You can face the challenges….

24 Power of Theme Songs Rules  Pick one that speaks to you  Make sure it is sending a positive message  Change it when you need to 24

25 Examples  Let It Go – Frozen  Unwritten – Natasha Bedingfield  Running Down a Dream – Tom Petty  Won’t Back Down – Tom Petty  Can You Feel It – The Jacksons  I Will Survive – Gloria Gaynor  Simply the Best – Tina Turner  Stronger – Kanye West 25

26 As you go through the year – remind yourself why you are here

27 Self-Determination: The Key to a Successful Transition for Everyone Part II and III Tools and Strategies for Implementing Self-Advocacy Instruction Ann Deschamps, Ed.D. TransCen, Inc. 27

28 Brainstorm  Over the course of your career, what are some strategies that you have used to teach self-advocacy skills? 28

29 Using the IEP to Teach Self-Advocacy  Learning about the IEP  Participating in the IEP Process  Participating in the IEP Meeting 29

30 Continuum of IEP Participation  Attending  Answering  Speaking  Questioning  Introducing  Initiating (parts)  Leading with support  Leading independently

31 Ways for Students to Participate in the IEP Meeting  Begin meeting by stating purpose;  Introduce everyone;  Review past goal and performance;  State your school and transition goals;  Ask questions if you don’t understand;  State the support/accommodations you’ll need;  Summarize goals;  Close meeting by thanking everyone 31

32 Essential Self-Advocacy Skills Checklist  Understands IEP goals  Contributes to development of IEP goals  Identifies when help is needed  Obtains help when needed  Articulates short and long term goals  Outline steps necessary to reach goals  Identifies potential barriers to goal achievement  Determines accommodations necessary to overcome barrier 32

33 Essential Self-Advocacy Skills Checklist  Recognizes strengths and weaknesses  Articulates strengths and weaknesses  Understands disability  Explains disability  Knows when to disclose disability  Understand disability’s impact on performance  Identifies compensatory accommodations  Requests accommodations as needed 33


35 Back to the Future  What kind of Job do you want to have when you are 25?  What kind of training or education would you need after high school to be qualified for this job?  What do you need to accomplish in high school to be qualified for the training and education you will need?  What should you be doing now to get ready for this career path? 35

36  Meeting #1: Conduct Self-Advocacy Interview  Meeting #2: Share and discuss purpose of the IEP, focus on goals (plain English)  Meeting #3: Review accommodations on the IEP  Meeting #4: Discuss the IEP meeting  Meeting #5: Talk about strengths, weaknesses, and learning style  Meeting #6: Conduct self-advocacy interview again Interview Activity 36

37  Why is it important to talk about disclosure?  Disclosure questions – why, when, what, to whom, and how?  Settings: – Workplace – Postsecondary education – Social/community Disclosure 37

38  Monitors progress in the ability to express the need for assistance or accommodations  Set up to be used by the customer  Progress can be monitored with a service provider  Gives guidance and tips for phrases to use Student Disclosure Tool 38


40 Plan to Teach Self-Advocacy Skills  Goals  Instructional Strategies  Family Involvement 40

41 Chopper - BHN 41

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