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1. Compliance Issues 2. Paperwork Updates 3. Accommodations and Modifications 4. MME/MEAP Amendments 5. Service Log Special Education Department Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Compliance Issues 2. Paperwork Updates 3. Accommodations and Modifications 4. MME/MEAP Amendments 5. Service Log Special Education Department Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Compliance Issues 2. Paperwork Updates 3. Accommodations and Modifications 4. MME/MEAP Amendments 5. Service Log Special Education Department Meeting November 5, 2012

2 The Magic Button or What is Mark IEP Complete?

3 The Steps  Complete the IEP  Click “Validate”  Correct all validation errors  Click “Save”  Click the “Mark IEP Complete” button  Message: IEP form data has been marked complete and will be transferred to the SIS Special Education module  Click “Okay”

4 This is what Dawn sees.

5 Validation Will Not Find...  Date errors -- all of them  PLAAFP errors  Provider errors  Hours errors  Instructional Setting errors  Personal Care errors  ESY errors You are responsible for checking that these items are correct.

6 If Dawn sends you a note about errors, you MUST correct them in MISTAR, validate, save and click on “Mark the IEP Complete.”

7 Instructional Setting OR Where does a student receive instruction?

8 How to decide which number to use:  If a student receives instruction inside a general education classroom for 80% or more of the day, choose setting 11.  If a student receives instruction inside a general education classroom for 40% - 79% of the day, choose setting 12.  If a student receives instruction inside a general education classroom for less than 40% of the day, choose setting 13.

9 REED/IEP/Notice of Meeting  NEW LINE -- REPLACES THE MET REPRESENTATIVE LINE:  Evaluation/Evaluation Data Representative District RepresentativeParent/Guardian/Surrogate Evaluation/ Data RepresentativeStudent Special Education Teacher/ProviderOther/Title General Education TeacherOther/Title SECTION III: PARTICIPANTS INVOLVED IN THE REVIEW OF EXISTING EVALUATION DATA: Required! Someone must be designated. For an annual, this could be the service provider.

10 IEP Accommodations & Modifications


12 Strategies Strategies refer to skills or techniques used to assist in learning. Strategies are individualized to suit the student learning style and developmental level.

13 Highlighting Rehearsal color coding memory joggers visual cues number lines alphabet strips key ring sight words flip chart organization/transition cards

14 Accommodations are not the same as modifications. Accommodations Accommodations are intended to lessen the effects of a student’s disability; they are not intended to reduce learning expectations

15 taped books math charts additional time oral test preferred seating study carrel amplified system braille writer adapted keyboard specialized software

16 Modifications Modifications refer to changes made to curriculum expectations in order to meet the needs of the student. Modifications are made when the expectations are beyond the students level of ability. Modifications may be minimal or very complex depending on the student performance. Modifications must be clearly acknowledged in the IEP.

17 *second language exemptions *withdrawal for specific skill *include student in same activity but individualize the expectations and materials *student is involved in same theme/unit but provide different task and expectations Examples

18 Modifications The student is taught something different from the rest of the class. The student is taught the same information, but at a different level of complexity. The student has a reduced assignment (for example, has fewer questions to answer). Use a lower level reading text book, which covers similar subject content. Expectations of what the student learns will vary based on modifications agreed to on the IEP

19 Accommodations and modifications are the specific supports and services a student needs to succeed in the general education classroom The Basics Accommodations and modifications for instruction and assessment MUST be clearly specified in the student’s IEP and must be routinely used in the classroom. Routine procedures used with every student in a class are NOT accommodations.

20 What are the perceptions of the parents, teachers and others about how the accommodations appear to have worked? What accommodations is the student regularly using in the classroom and on tests? What is the student’s perception of how well an accommodation has worked? Has the student been willing to use the accommodation? Have there been difficulties administering the selected accommodations?

21 Accommodations are generally grouped into the following categories: Presentation Response Timing/Scheduling (e.g., extended time, frequent breaks) Setting

22 Timing/Scheduling Test at students best time of day Extended assessment time Frequent supervised breaks Use of clock or timer

23 Setting Alternative location Individually or in small group Placement of student where he/she is most comfortable Able to move, stand or pace in a manner where others’ work cannot be seen and is not distracting. Use of concentration aids (e.g., stress balls or noise buffers). Placement of teacher/proctor near student.

24 Presentation: Aids Use of calculator /talking calculator (on non mental math assessments) Use of manipulatives (e.g. actual coins,base 10 blocks) Use of rulers Use of auditory amplification devices or sound systems Use of visual aids (e.g., magnification devices) Use of Braille and enlarged print versions of assessment Use of page tuner Use of acetate colored shield, highlighters,highlighter tape, page flags, and reading guides on test booklets.

25 Presentation: Reading Test Reading Aloud Math, Science, Social Studies Sign Math, Science and Social Studies ASL or Exact English.

26 There are six general rules that must be followed in determining what types of accommodations can be used on a test:

27 1. An accommodation should be used on an assessment only if it is routinely used as part of the student’s instructional program. In other words, to the greatest extent possible, accommodations used on the assessment should match accommodations used in the classroom.

28 2. The accommodation must be documented in the student’s IEP, Section 504 Plan, or ELL instructional plan. That means accommodations need to be discussed by a team of people who know the student well and understand the student’s educational goals.

29 3. The student must be proficient in using the accommodation. That means that the student has had plenty of time to learn how to work with the accommodation in the classroom before trying to use it on the test.

30 4. Accommodations must be evaluated and determined to be beneficial for the student’s learning during instruction before carrying them over into the assessment process.

31 5. Decisions about using accommodations must be based on the individual student. For example, all students with visual impairment may not need Braille assessment booklets. In some cases, enlarged print booklets are more appropriate. The test could be read aloud for some content areas, such as mathematics. It all depends on the student’s individual needs.

32 6. A student’s classroom accommodations should be reviewed periodically to make sure they’re still effective and necessary. Over time, as the student grows and changes, the decisions about accommodations may change, too.

33 The accommodation summary tables can be found at under each of the assessments.

34 Quiz Time: Modification or Accommodation


36  Provide student with copies of notes taken by a peer

37 Allow students to answer half of the questions on a test for full credit.

38 Let the student respond orally for a Science test.

39 Allow a fifth grade student to use a 1 st grade math book to complete assignments,

40 Require fewer problems covering all content on assignments.

41 Objectives Service Log Goal: To Track and Report student progress toward objectives and use of accommodations listed in the IEP. Two ways to Demonstrate Progress Service Log Goal and Objectives Lesson Plans Student Name and Goal identified within the lesson plan

42 42

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44 Monitoring  To stay in compliance with the state we must be able to demonstrate that students are making progress toward their goals.  Observation  Service Log  Lesson Plan  Schedule Return Observation Date

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