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October 14, 2011.  BUT you still need to participate in IEP meetings in a well-documented, meaningful manner.

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Presentation on theme: "October 14, 2011.  BUT you still need to participate in IEP meetings in a well-documented, meaningful manner."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 14, 2011

2  BUT you still need to participate in IEP meetings in a well-documented, meaningful manner.

3  When the parent and LEA agree that the attendance is not necessary because the member’s area of service isn’t being modified or discussed  Major change: The member’s absence needs to be documented on Member Excusal form  Include reason for absence  Minor change to service area that is not yours: No need to complete the Member Excusal form

4  Here are your answers:  /lib/21381016112141880/Making_Changes_to_the _IEP.pdf /lib/21381016112141880/Making_Changes_to_the _IEP.pdf

5 If the parent and LEA consent to the excusal The member MUST submit, in writing, to the parent and team, input into the development of the IEP prior to the meeting.

6  Use the Davis School District IEP Team Member Not Attending form  Best practice is to involve all relevant members of the IEP team whenever possible. Use the form SPARINGLY. When used, a copy needs to be sent to your supervisor at the district.  What does the form look like? What does the form look like?

7  The parent has the right to consent or refuse consent for an IEP team member excusal.  It is not appropriate to request this consent at the scheduled meeting time.  Consent must be sought prior to the scheduled meeting time..  It is recommended that consent is obtained and written input is provided no less than 2 days prior to the meeting.

8  The LEA designee  This team member is responsible for knowledge about the availability of resources of the LEA.  If a trained LEA designee cannot attend, the meeting must be re-scheduled for a time when an LEA is available.

9  In limited cases, a TRAINED school counselor may act as an LEA Designee.

10  Requirements for General Ed. Teacher attendance are listed on page 3 of the PIE “IEP Team Member Excusal” document  There are very limited circumstances in which a general education teacher is not required at an eligibility/IEP meeting.

11  Excusal of more that 1 IEP team member is not recommended because it could deny parents their right to meaningfully participate in the IEP process.  If more than 1 team member cannot attend, the meeting should be re-scheduled.

12  The team needs to identify a meeting date and time that all members of the team can be present.  Meetings need to include all members whenever possible.

13  Date of submission of written statement of input into the development of the IEP.  This MUST be at least two days before the meeting  The input the excused member has to offer to the IEP.  The location the input is documented on the DRAFT IEP.  Goal area, service labels, times and freq., classroom and/or test modifications or accommodations

14  A copy of the DRAFT IEP labeled DRAFT with the areas of documentation highlighted along with this explanation.  Attach all of the above documentation to the Member not Attending form and place in the student’s file with the IEP.

15  Provide evidence of the student’s present level of functioning and academic performance.  Progress reports or an evaluation summary can support ending services.  Be sure to update progress reports to show achievement  Provide contact information to the parent

16  Excusal of a team member is not intended to be a time saver.  Involvement in the IEP team meeting is often less time consuming than the excusal process.

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