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SSEM Advisory Committee April 23, 2009. Topics of Discussion  Upcoming SSEM Open Labs  SpS Task Model  Release Date  Sample Screens  Finalization.

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Presentation on theme: "SSEM Advisory Committee April 23, 2009. Topics of Discussion  Upcoming SSEM Open Labs  SpS Task Model  Release Date  Sample Screens  Finalization."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSEM Advisory Committee April 23, 2009

2 Topics of Discussion  Upcoming SSEM Open Labs  SpS Task Model  Release Date  Sample Screens  Finalization of Forms  New ODE Forms  PB Bug List  Purging Unfinalized Forms  Current Issues  Mac Issue  EMIS Extract  Update  Tips  Current Issues  PB Updates  IE 8 & Adobe Reader 9.0 Upgrades  Questions?

3  In final stages of development  Will be released in phases  Phase 1 – 6.0 Task Model  Expected release date of 7/13/2009  Items contained:  New teacher screens  New ODE forms  Current Admin security screens  Phase 2 – 6.1 Task Model  Expected release date of 8/12/2009  Items contained:  New Admin security screens  EMIS FY10 changes SpS Task Model












15  At the time of the upgrade, all proposed forms will be finalized.  IEP’s should be finalized by district personnel before leaving for the summer.  Some school districts are adding this requirement to teacher check-out lists.  If the forms are not finalized at the end of the year by the district, the upgrade will finalize them automatically.  However, they will all be finalized together, IEP, progress reports, ETR, in ONE finalized set.  Any old IEPs that haven’t been finalized should be finalized as an Other set. There should only be one good set for this year.  Any SSEM banks that have been created will roll over.

16  The new forms are a reorganization of information.  Because of the total redesign of the forms by ODE, the Create From Existing (CFE) option will only work when using new form to new form. You will NO T be able to create from existing from old form to new form.  New Forms effective date: September 1, 2009. You can have a parent meeting on 8/31/09 and use the old forms – If you have a meeting on 9/1/09, it must be on the new forms. Likewise, if you finalized the IEP with the old forms, and 9/1/09 or later you do an addendum, the whole IEP must be re-written on the new forms.

17  Progress Reports will all display in portrait mode in the new module.  A new form series, PR09 will be created. This is for Service Plans. (When a PARENT places their student at a private school and you provide services.)  This is not used when you, the district, place the student at a private school. The key word here is “PARENT.”

18  Not leaving a placeholder for blank services on the EMIS Data Collection Form (DCF). (5.1.2)  Test date year calculation on EMIS extract is placing 2009 instead of 2008 for October in the EMIS extract. (5.1.2)  Due date calculation on IEP Due Date Report not calculating as a year minus one day. (6.0)  Disability Condition print from PR06P2. (6.0)  Copy/paste showing new funky characters. This is being looked at. A work around for now is use notepad to copy from.

19  Mass Delete of Unfinalized Forms  Used to purge old proposed forms from the system  Deleted forms CANNOT be restored  Submit a helpdesk ticket by 5/29/2009 including purge date.  By default all proposed forms with a creation date prior to 7/1/07 will be purged.

20  Class Print – only designed to print progress reports  Problems with Adobe Reader 9.0 installs  Progress Reports are blank when viewing them using Print Merge  PB 8.0 Delete Staff Utility  Transferring staff activity does NOT transfer the user’s SSEM banks  Will be fixed in the PB 8.1 release

21  Safari and Adobe Reader. They are not behaving well in the newer versions. Scrolling scrambles the screen. This is NOT an SSEM issue. It is a conflict between Safari and Adobe. Some users have found that if you use the slide bar in the browser it will act ok. Using the wheel on the mouse causes a mess.

22  It’s here!  It’s working!  Currently MVECA is doing extract for districts in order to test.  Will be making this available for districts to do on their own.

23  Data must be clean  Before finalizing IEP  Ensure Date Code Form is filled out.  If a Disability Code changes, form MUST include a new Disability Determination and Disability Start Date.  Include Date Code Form in finalized set!  Data Collection Forms must be correct.  Secondary Planning  If student is underage – mark Secondary Planning as Not Applicable, and leave Program Code blank.

24  Finalizing IEPs  Make sure only the current IEP is included in EMIS for each student  If more than one IEP is included, it will cause errors in the extract

25  EMIS Coordinator Security  Requires 300/500 level security access.  Must also have either Principal, Clerical, Guidance, Master or School Administrator role.

26  ProgressBook 8.1  Released 3/3/09  Requires SQL 2005/2008 to run  Will be installed at MVECA during summer  Allows the transfer of SSEM Banks with the Transfer/Delete Staff Utility

27  IE 8  Next school year, PB and SSEM will work with IE 8. Do not update to that version until August.  Adobe Reader 9.0  SSEM is now functioning properly with Adobe 9.0.  This is not required to use SSEM (SpS), but it WILL be a requirement for PB users.  As always, please ensure the old version of Adobe has been completely uninstalled before attempting to install an upgrade.


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