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Observations  Increased awareness of sustainable environmental practices.  Plethora of bioremediation products that have not delivered on promises.

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Presentation on theme: "Observations  Increased awareness of sustainable environmental practices.  Plethora of bioremediation products that have not delivered on promises."— Presentation transcript:


2 Observations  Increased awareness of sustainable environmental practices.  Plethora of bioremediation products that have not delivered on promises.  While technology is meeting the challenge to solve the problem, it is employee and consumer attitude that needs to be addressed by government and larger companies.  While EPA continues to police the market, it is the end user that is responsible for the environmentally safe clean up of oil spills.  Cost of “dig and haul” is becoming cost prohibitive.

3 S200 Oil Gone Company Mission  To provide environmentally responsible and effective solutions to oil pollution problems.  Develop new products and services with both Government and Private Sector interests.  Actively support environmental protection reforms and activities.

4 Background- Exxon Valdez  Exxon searched the globe for a biotechnological solution to the Valdez spill.  French Petroleum company ELF AQUITAINE was developing a bio remediation product called INIPOL EAP-22.  After extensive tests Exxon purchased INIPOL EAP-22 to remediate the contaminated coastline.  Elf Petroleum was purchased by TOTAL Petroleum who rationalized their operations and folded the bioremediation chemical sales group of the AQUITAINE division.  Head Chemist at ELF AQUITANE was Jim Lynn, founder of International Environmental Products ( IEP).  Jim Lynn has in recent years developed the concept further to produce a S200 – Oil Gone.

5 Spanish Prestige Oil Spill

6 Prestige Update  S200 Oil Gone was selected from 30 worldwide products as the preferred treatment to clean up the Spanish Coast.  Spain continues to use S-200C on the cleanup and will expand usage over the next 5 years.  S-200C is the material of choice even for weathered hydrocarbons as proven by the continuing use as the clean up tool for a 5 year old spill.

7 The Product  S-200 Oil Gone remediate hydrocarbon spills or leaks with demonstrated proven bio-technology. S- 200 Oil Gone is totally biodegradable and rapidly reduces the hydrocarbon spill to water and carbon dioxide.  S200 Oil Gone is non toxic in both salt and fresh water, non inflammable and non corrosive.  Application rate is one part product to one part oil and is easily applied with spray or direct pouring.

8 Oil Particles in water, including nano size particles can be removed by S200 Oil Gone. S200 Oil Gone takes out all oil particulate contamination in polluted water.

9 S200 Oil Gone, when mixed into any oil polluted water, instantly surrounds and stabilizes any oil particle in the water.

10 Using S200 Oil Gone, after the instantaneous encapsulation, the particles will immediately cross link and form large unbreakable flocs. This effectively removes the sheen and reduces the spill area.

11 S200 Oil Gone, immediately feeds oil eating bacteria that multiplies exponentially to totally dominate the surrounding environment and in turn quickly biodegrades the oil to form environmentally safe C02 and water.

12 Application on Water

13 Marina Applications S200 Oil Gone is designed to remediate new and existing oil spills on water and shoreline caused by: S200 Oil Gone is designed to remediate new and existing oil spills on water and shoreline caused by:  1/ Watercraft and ship oil spillage during refueling.  2/ Oil Storage tank areas adjacent to waterways.  3/ Boat and Ship bilge.  4/ Dredging activity  5/ Sites previously considered too difficult to resolve i.e. hydrocarbon pollution below water table.

14 Benefits to Marinas  Eliminates or reduces waste issues by degrading the oil/fuels into CO² and water  Bilge socks and rags are no longer needed.  Eliminates or reduces the number of bilge cleanouts to on shore facilities.  Eliminates or reduces fines paid for accidental spillage from bilges or fuel station pumps.  Encapsulates oil particles protecting boat hulls, marina poles, rocks and adjacent vegetation.

15 Marina Benefits  One application encapsulates oil particles both in and out of solution.  Keeps encased oil on the surface thus protecting delicate undersea life.  Moves with the tide and totally remediate the hydrocarbon in a matter of weeks.

16 Marina Application  Boats –Purchase 20 litre drums –1 litre per 25 foot boat per 3 months. Additional litre per 10ft increments or if bilge pollution is considerable.  Refueling –From 20 litre drums decant to supplied spray packs. –Store near refueling pumps and applied when necessary.

17 S200 Oil Gone Applications  Railroads –Spills on tracks and depots. –Transformer leak cleanup  Airports –Jet fuel spills –Oil and fuel spills around equipment  Marinas –Boat bilge clean up –Filling station overflow –Removes and bioremediate sheen during dredging and maintenance  Vehicle Parking Areas –Non-point source runoff cleanup –Leaks from vehicles and staining  Oil –Refineries  Preventative maintenance  Leak and spill cleanups  Sheen cleanup on loading/UNLOADING FROM BARGES  Riprap Cleanup –Terminals  Spill and leak cleanup  Storm water runoff management –Filling Stations  Gas/oil tank removal  Groundwater remediation  Surface spills around dispensing

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