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© The 1-Page Game Plan Complex Template (Level 3).

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1 © The 1-Page Game Plan Complex Template (Level 3)

2 © THE FIVE KEY QUESTIONS 1.What are the most important goals for my organization? 1.What are my and my team’s goals, and are they linked to the bigger organizational picture? 1.Can we see clearly the progress we are making whenever we need to look? 1.What internal and external forces have caused directional changes since we last looked? 1.What are the most important things we need to emphasize right now in order to meet our goals? CRITICAL-TO- QUALITY STRATEGIES GOALS VISION STRATEGIC INITIATIVES AND TACTICS MEASURES ON SEPARATE DASHBOARD PAGE 1-Paging symbols

3 © The Innovative, Reliable, and Consistent Provider of Services Achieve World Class in Project Management Drive OM of12% - with Revenue Growth of 18% pa. Develop Leadership Throughout Organization Deepen Therapeutic Expertise Reputation Launch Therapeutic area 2 with dedicated team (DP) Expand Therapeutic Area 1 into Europe via point person in Europe (MM) Leverage Medicaid expertise into Europe (BL) Hire 6 PMs with specific Therapeutic Areas 2 & 3 background by Q3 (ML/MG) Plan & Launch Therapeutic Area 3 by Q4 (DP) Launch new therapeutic areas with global impact Back up launches with real expertise Measure reputation Measure our reputation for PM Smartest PM tools Experienced PM recruits hungry to expand tools Quality sales opportunity system Six-Sigma Process re-engineering talent New pricing on value-add services Develop and retain existing top talent Recruitment focus: EU PMs Effective appraisals to stretch individuals Initiate bi-annual survey of our PM performance, quality of tools, and reputation staring in Q2 (CF) PM Tools evaluate, enrich, train and follow-up (DG) 6 world class recruits from competitors against the “PM Career” competence profile (CF) Re-engineer 3 target processes using Lean Sigma (AM) World class grants and pass-throughs (DH) Implement value added services pricing plan (SP) Contract Mgt to identify, isolate, and address low performing (GW) EVA variance reporting for top 50 projects by Q2 (DS) Intensify all staff communications processes (GS, All) Recruitment focus upon EU Project Management – see Goal 2 100% compliance to annual appraisal process to drive stretch personal objectives (GS, All)) Manage leadership development via succession planning assignments from Q1 (GS) Training records on system by Q1 (GS) CRITICAL TO QUALITY STRATEGIES GOALS VISION STRATEGIC INITIATIVESA ND TACTICS Expand Portfolio of Clients by 20% in all Segments Double win rates Develop Biotech value-added service Leverage existing client relationships Install bid optimization process in Q1 (GW) Lessons learned meeting for all major losses (GW) Exec attendance at every bid defense (All) Expand medical and regulatory presence in California Biotech (SP/BH) Scorecard review - escalation process for red projects (SE) Leverage Top 20 pull-through client relationships (DB) Business Unit Game Plan

4 © Complex Template – Coaching Tips When you are creating your plan with a team and with your partners, make sure that you do not show them a completed game plan immediately. It requires some explanation of goals, measures, critical-to-quality strategies, and tactics first. Start by showing your ideas for goals, and critical-to-quality items (see Chapter Four of Manage Your World on ONE PAGE. Leave the rest of the template blank, then get their ideas for goals and measures and incorporate through meetings and workshops. Then let the process of completion continue from there with you completing the plan in real time. Refer to the top-down/bottom-up elements of planning in Chapter Five. Manage Your World on ONE PAGE If you cascade the 1-Pager down throughout your organization, make sure that there is alignment at the goal level. Create your dashboard of measures to fit your goals on a separate page. Try to get your measures done before moving on to tactics. This pays off enormously in the long run. Remember that this is a living document you will use at your team meetings. It helps to appoint a team member to be owner of the latest version and to do some of the real-time updating, especially if you all have 1-Pagers that tie-in with each other. Try to insert sufficient tactics to cover at least 3 future planning periods. More will arise as these few get completed or adapted. Use the 1-Pager to set the agenda for your management meetings. It maintains alignment and focus. Include it in your team’s Ground Rules. The next slide is the Template, read the suggestions as you complete it. We want you to use and share this template freely. As you adapt it, we ask you to email your 1-Pager, Dashboard, and other useful items so we can add them to our open library at Please make them appropriately anonymous!. Email to

5 © Type Your Organization's Vision Statement Here: Make it Inspiring! Achieve World Class in Project Management Third Goal Here: Remember Your Dashboard is a Separate Page Remember Your Dashboard is on a Separate Page Type Your First Goal Here – Example Next Right First tactic for Goal 1 goes here. Second tactic for Goal 1 goes here Third here. And so on. Example next right. Key Question: Do these tactics (or projects) you list deliver against those things above that are critical to quality? If not, use the Four Step process in Chapter 6. List things critical for quality for this goal They cause focus upon the strategies Example next right Measure our reputation for PM Smartest PM tools Experienced PM recruits hungry to expand tools You discover these critical items through a cause and effect analysis See chapter Four of the book. Less than 3 critical items is OK! In fact it’s better. It increases focus and decrease work. Initiate bi-annual survey of our PM performance, quality of tools, and reputation staring in Q2 (CF). PM Tools evaluate, enrich, train and follow-up (DG). 6 world class recruits from competitors in 1 year against the “PM Career” competence profile (CF). Try hard to add accountabilities and due dates at the tactic level. If you have too may tactics, beware of losing focus. Try to get your tactics to cover two or three planning periods ahead. Remember that this is a living document – these tactics will change regularly. Experienced users of the 1-Pager say that a great tactic is the title of a change project which can be led. Avoid multiple leaders of tactics – it creates unintended hiding places for accountability. Change the colors and font to suit you. CRITICAL TO QUALITY STRATEGIES GOALS VISION 5 Goals is More Than Enough For Any Team. Easy Does It! If you haven't tried the 4-Step Process in Chapter 4….. Remember that when you show the 1-Pagee to someone for the first time, don’t show it all at once. Work slowly down the page. It’s easy to turn people off with so much information. STRATEGIC INITIATIVESA ND TACTICS

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