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District Report Cards: A Useful Tool for Parents? May 12, 2014 Arkansas General Assembly Joint Committee on Education.

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Presentation on theme: "District Report Cards: A Useful Tool for Parents? May 12, 2014 Arkansas General Assembly Joint Committee on Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Report Cards: A Useful Tool for Parents? May 12, 2014 Arkansas General Assembly Joint Committee on Education

2 Objectives of Presentation 1.Introduction to OEP 2.Today’s Topic: District RCs – Can we improve on existing information? 3.What do other states do? 4.What other indicators should we consider? 5.Prototype Report Card 6.Feedback/Questions

3 Today’s Topic: District Report Cards? ACT 35 from 2003-04 special session legislated a school rating system NCLB system not currently helpful Districts across state are either rated as Achieving (~ 4%) or Needs Improvement (~96%) AR has published school performance reports for years Report cards with a lot of important and helpful information currently produced by Arkansas Research Center (but PDF’s of 20+ pages). How could we do a better job of quickly sharing the most important information with parents and district stakeholders? 3

4 Room for Improvement Current ADE School Report Cards Demographic & funding background indicators Grade by grade test scores; categorized by subgroup Additional data on AP, ACT, SAT Graduation Rates & Attendance Rates Disciplinary incidents Student retention rates Teacher quality indicators Very Detailed PDF on ADE Web – Would it be helpful to have a 1 page hardcopy for all parents? 4

5 1 Pager  2 Sources of Data Quantitative Data on Student Achievement Benchmark (or PARCC) Assessments for Grades 3-8 HS End of Course Exams Graduation Rates Survey Data from School Community Teachers Parents Students 5

6 Precedent for Such a Report Card Example report cards from other states What to look for? Letter grades (and clarity of calculations) Graphics Indicators other than test scores Visual appeal 6

7 7 + Visual graphics of test scores + Includes: performance, attendance, promotion, dropout and graduation rates -Does not include growth measure -Overall grading system unclear Arizona

8 8 Louisiana

9 9 Oklahoma

10 Summary of Report Cards Perhaps too “busy” Examples of how “not to present” information to a public that is not fully engaged in this type of information The example on the next slide might be a bit better Colors & Clarity Simplicity Definitions 10

11 11

12 Other Components Current legislative interim study on district wide surveys (Looking at “360” evaluations) NM – Opportunity to learn student survey HI – School Quality Survey (SQS) targets teachers, students, parents, admin staff, and support staff Goal is to provide context, not to be high-stakes or part of letter grade (if high-stakes, responses might be guarded) Many different constituencies to consider (teachers, students, parents, etc.) These surveys could deal with parental involvement, school safety, work environment for teachers, student engagement, etc. 12

13 OEP Prototype Report Cards Not clear if this should be produced by ADE or outside entity (or at all!) Goal – with a one pager, – Easier to read and digest… – Share overview level school information to a public who may: Stop here.. This is enough information Dig further.. Surf to comprehensive ADE performance reports on web Key components: Page 1: test proficiency rates, test score growth, HS measures, and overall letter grade (goal of summary letter grade is to help public make sense of individual components of report card) Page 2: important contextual data from surveys and subgroups 13

14 14 Proposed Report Card Draft Includes District / State info Includes District / State info Demographics Demographics Spending per Pupil Spending per Pupil Includes measures: Includes measures: Benchmark Benchmark Proficiency Proficiency Growth Growth High School High School Gr. 11 Literacy Gr. 11 Literacy Alg. + Geo. Alg. + Geo. Graduation Rate Graduation Rate Overall Grade Overall Grade State averages for a comparison point State averages for a comparison point

15 15 Proposed Report Card Draft Includes survey data: Includes survey data: Parent perceptions Parent perceptions Teacher perceptions Teacher perceptions Based on survey distributed to parents and teachers Based on survey distributed to parents and teachers Includes subgroup academic performance on all measures Includes subgroup academic performance on all measures

16 Questions? Thank you for your time and invitation!

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