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Synergy in Unisys Solutions for Windows 2000 with Aelita Controlled Migration Suite.

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Presentation on theme: "Synergy in Unisys Solutions for Windows 2000 with Aelita Controlled Migration Suite."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synergy in e-@ction Unisys e-@ction Solutions for Windows 2000 with Aelita Controlled Migration Suite

2 Migration Consulting Challenges Unfamiliar Network Environments (Discovery) Distributed Architecture / Slow Links Project Management across teams and locations Exchange and Novell Migrations Ensuring Minimal User Impact Time/speed of migration and rollback capabilities Client-requested Customizations Complete and continuous reporting to a client Packaging a Unisys Complete Win2K Solution

3 Deployment Readiness Enterprise Directory Reporter Collect network infrastructure information Examine resource and directory security & configuration settings Identify Administrators Plan Organizational Units Get Ready to Migrate Over 120 pre-defined reports + easy custom reports

4 Sample EDR Report

5 Design and Planning Enterprise Delegation Manager Model your client’s Proposed Organizational Unit Structure Test Delegated Administration in the NT4 Environment Provide “Proof of Concept” before actual migration Prepare for Active Directory Migrate OU and delegation structure to the native Win2K model

6 Enterprise Deployment & Migrations Domain Migration Wizard Distributed Project Management Capabilities Zero User Impact Total Reversibility and Safety Highest Performance Control and Flexibility Access to Aelita Development team for custom tasks Solution Ranked #1 by Industry Experts Two Years Running

7 Zero User Impact Migration of all user properties and advanced in-database reconfiguration* Password Synchronization Source-Target or Target-Source* Full Rollback Capabilities* Advanced profile migration tools* Familiar Scripting Framework* (for client- requested customizations) Huge savings of time and hassle on all tasks WAN-optimized design saves precious bandwidth* *Aelita Exclusives

8 Technology for consulting services Single-point project management for all migration sessions and tasks Client-Consultant Workflow and Collaboration built into DMW Automatic reporting on impending changes for a signoff by a client Allows Unisys consultants to be non-intrusive DMW performs in minutes where other tools need hours and days

9 Speed Is of Essence! Aelita tools can complete a task during a lunch break where other solutions need a weekend All resources can be updated in one go Unisys delivers more added value at the same cost to the client Transitional period for a client can very short

10 Exchange 2000 Deployments Exchange 2000 Migration Migrate to Exchange 2000Migrate to Exchange 2000 Consolidate Exchange ServersConsolidate Exchange Servers SynchronizeSynchronize MailboxesMailboxes Distribution ListsDistribution Lists Public FoldersPublic Folders No Messaging Service DowntimeNo Messaging Service Downtime Mail-Enabled Reporting and Workflow ArchitectureMail-Enabled Reporting and Workflow Architecture

11 Deployment of Massive e-@ction Enterprise Servers Server Consolidation Wizard Merge or Split File Servers Data Synchronization On-the-fly repermissioning Copy data and shares Works while you sleep Users do not notice that their data is relocated

12 Training: Classes and Web-conferences In Blue Bell In Columbus At remote sites On the Web http://aelita.webex.com

13 Premier Support (800) support hotline 8am-6pm M-F Pager relay during scheduled off-peak hours The Philadelphia Connection (Jeremy) Web-based Remote Control Initial On-site Aelita Presence (Proof of Concept and Pilots)

14 The High Cost of Free Software NetIQ provides MCS with migration tools “Free of Charge” for MCS use MCS practice does not include execution of the actual migration Client is left with a migration plan built around NetIQ tool, not around their specific needs The free licenses leave with the MCS consultant prior to the actual migration Client must deal with NetIQ directly for purchase of the specified migration tools.

15 Unique Aelita Value Proposition 1.The Tools: Easy to use and learn, flexible, feature complete. 2.The Training: Available immediately and as needed at no charge. 3.The Support: When Unisys needs it, where Unisys wants it. 4.The Pricing: All licenses purchased count toward a single Unisys license agreement (next purchase is license number 40,001) 5.The Customer Experience: Unisys Consulting charges one price to the customer. Migration is completed before the deadline. Migration goes unnoticed by the average user. Hero = Unisys

16 We eat, sleep, drink, think and move this stuff.

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