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Demand more from the energy you use. Intelligent Energy Management Solutions For Foundry and Metalcasting Facilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Demand more from the energy you use. Intelligent Energy Management Solutions For Foundry and Metalcasting Facilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demand more from the energy you use. Intelligent Energy Management Solutions For Foundry and Metalcasting Facilities

2 ABOUT POWERIT SOLUTIONS The Company Manufacturer of automated hardware and software system providing energy solutions Offices in WA, CT, NC and CA and two locations in Sweden Operating in the US since 2002 Powerit’s technology is installed in over 1000 locations worldwide

3 WHO WE ARE We are: We are not: Hardware, software & installation A balance of savings & risk Measureable & verifiable savings Easily integrated to existing controls Designed for critical load control A clean and green technology Consultant Aggregator ESCO Closed technology A risk to your operations

4 Intelligent, Automated Energy Management Systems Specific Implementation & Field Integration Tools Peak Demand Management Intelligent Demand Response Real-time Metering & Power Data Reporting Unique Solutions Designed to Work in Challenging C&I Applications Turn-key Project; Automated Measurement & Verification WHAT WE DO Leading technology company that enables innovative ways to control energy use and reduce costs for industrial and commercial facilities

5 POWERIT AT WORK Here’s a Sample of Our Foundry Clients: Carondelet Corp. Rochester Metal Products Eagle Alloys Hitchiner Manufacturing Federal Mogul Gregg Industries Cannon- Muskegon Corp. Pacific Alloy Pacific Steel California Steel Industries Metal Tek International Foote Foundry

6 Energy Savings Control Secure Productivity Protection Powerit Solutions Provides: WHAT WE DO Real-time Metering & Power Data Reporting Turn-key Projects; Automated M&V Savings via Demand Response & Demand Control & Energy Efficiency Unique Solution Designed to Work in Challenging Applications

7 WHAT WE DO Intelligent Demand Response Intelligent Energy Efficiency Intelligent Demand Control Intelligent Energy Management

8 INTELLIGENT ENERGY EFFICIENCY Identifying opportunities for on-going energy efficiency by strategically managing consumption to reduce overall electrical consumption without compromising production or quality Quick Payback: typically 2 to 18 months Savings: 7-15% reduction in overall electrical utility bill Innovation: intelligent coordination of facility operations and building management A Powerful Solution: Primary Benefits: Intelligent Demand Response Intelligent Energy Efficiency Intelligent Energy Management Intelligent Demand Control

9 INTELLIGENT DEMAND CONTROL Intelligent Demand Response Intelligent Energy Efficiency Intelligent Energy Management Intelligent Demand Control Understanding where, when, and why demand spikes occur then reducing or shifting them with minimal impact on facility operations Quick Payback: typically 2 to 18 months Savings: 10 – 40% reduction in overall peak demand Innovation: prioritizing loads based on rules and set points A Powerful Solution: Primary Benefits:

10 INTELLIGENT DEMAND CONTROL Demand Control Via Load Shedding

11 INTELLIGENT DEMAND CONTROL [ ] By managing their peak demand, our client saves over $65,000 a month with no negative impact to production. Sheds Loads to Reduce Peak Demand Charges

12 INTELLIGENT DEMAND RESPONSE Event-based reduction in electric usage by end-user customers in response to changes in the price of electricity over time or to incentive payments designed to induce lower peak use Quick Payback: typically 6 months- sometimes less than 1 Savings: revenue/discounts received for both availability commitment and performance Innovation: prioritizing loads based on rules and set points A Powerful Solution: Primary Benefits: Intelligent Demand Response Intelligent Energy Efficiency Intelligent Energy Management Intelligent Demand Control

13 INTELLIGENT DEMAND RESPONSE Definitions of Demand Response Manual DR Operators receive notification, make reductions by hand Controlled Manual DR Operators receive notification, make reduction manually using installed control system Auto DR Signal sent by utility or aggregator to site and triggers automatic reduction using fixed list of loads Intelligent DR Signal received by utility initiates DR automation & rolling curtailment begins based on user-defined action plan Intelligent Auto DR Enables all the qualities of Intelligent DR with the added complexity of a decision tree that allows for the event to be triggered without human interaction at the time of the event. Intelligent, Auto DR Intelligent DR Demand Response

14 CURTAILMENT CHALLENGES Any Solutions Must Address These Objectives: Load shedding is too risky Can’t earn enough to justify risk Not enough automation infrastructure to do it right Not able to determine exact curtailment level Not enough information to make participation decision Must coordinate differing processes & systems

15 Spara EMS gathers real-time data from utility meter The system calculates curtailment requirements Available loads are evaluated for and categorized for reduction The system takes coordinated action to mitigate peak charges Spara EMS confirms reduction using meter data Savings are verified and documented via reports HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS How It Works

16 PRODUCT LINE Powerit Solutions Product Line Spara Konnekt™ Wireless Radios Spara EMS™ GUI Software Spara EMS™

17 Embedded Operator Intelligence Intelligent Load Protection Adjustable priority grouping Reduction time limiting Detailed load protection rules Analog & digital blocking constraints Manual override INTELLIGENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT System lets you create the rules and settings that protect your facilities processes. And combines them with the intelligence of predictive and adaptive software.

18 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE System Application Diagram

19 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Spara ™ Energy Management Software Demand Software GUI Operator friendly graphics Menu-based setup screens Multi-level passwords Flexible SQL Reports Customized industry- specific reports Database integration Energy & financial reports Alarming & Trending Historical trending Email, SMS & pager alarms Current, all & archived alarms Energy Calculations Patent pending Automatic DR baseline calcs Adaptive demand control set point Static & dynamic priority

20 THE OPPORTUNITY We give you the tools to take control of your energy use. We give you the tools to take control of your energy use. Take Advantage of Intelligent Energy Management Unique system enables participation in savings initiatives, including DR Keep firm control over all load actions; reduce risk to production Develop plans that fit your process & meet utility requirements Powerit’s experience & proven success reduces your risk Benefits even the most rigidly constrained facilities

21 HOW THE PROCESS WORKS Process of Developing Projects Qualify Site Audit Check Utility Programs Powerit Proposal Implement Confirm & Train Project complete

22 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Product & Services Designed for Industrial Facilities Konnekt™ Robust wireless industrial I/O Reliable comm. in industrial environment Frequency- hopping, spread spectrum Integration Integrates easily with existing PLC, DCS or building control systems LonWorks, BacNet, ControlNet, etc… Turn-key UL-labeled Panels Complete drawings Turnkey installation Project management Services Full commissioning On-site & remote, interactive training Savings verification

23 Demand more from the energy you use. Corporate Headquarters 114 Alaskan Way South, Suite 201 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: 206.467.3030 Toll Free: 866.499.3030 Email: THANK YOU

24 APPENDIX Please use appendix to supplement this presentation.

25 CANNON MUSKEGON CORPORATION A Powerful Solution: Powerit’s system gave the facility the technology to keep production in top priority and cut costly peak demand by 26%, resulting in annual savings over $96,000. ROI = Less than 10 months Equals generation capacity CO2 offset of 1,755 acres of fir tree forests 26% decrease in peak demand Avoided the generation capacity to power 999 homes “The Energy Director is a great tool. We have achieved the predicted savings and would definitely recommend it to others.” Dick Winsemius, Plant Engineering and Maintenance Manager Powerit’s Financial & Environmental Impact:

26 FOOTE FOUNDRY Project Cost = $271,015 Equipment = $108,228 Engineering = $430,341 Infrared Temp Monitoring System = $35,714 Installation = $59,774 Primary Loads: Induction Furnace Air Compressor Powerit’s Financial & Environmental Impact: “We are no looking beyond furnace operations to see where the system will allow us to reduce our energy costs even more.” Jerry Dale, Plant Manager ROI = Less than 16 months Equals generation capacity CO2 offset of 667 acres of fir tree forests 26% decrease in peak demand Avoided the generation capacity to power 380 homes A Powerful Solution: Powerit’s system gave the facility the technology to keep production in top priority and cut costly peak demand by 26%, resulting in annual savings over $96,000.

27 ROCHESTER METAL PRODUCTS A Powerful Solution: The system enables the furnaces used for the melting process to operate as one cohesive system. Rochester is receiving savings of more than $60,250 per month, with a reduction in electricity of 5,000 kW. “Powerit Solutions provided our business with a system that controls our electrical demand very well.” Doug Smith, Project Engineer ROI = Less than 3 months Equals generation capacity CO2 offset of 6,500 acres of fir tree forests 25% decrease in peak demand Avoided the generation capacity to power 3,700 homes Powerit’s Financial & Environmental Impact:

28 INTELLIGENT DEMAND RESPONSE Intelligent Tightly control your DR activity; remove risk Accept automated DR signals Dictate exactly what action is taken & when Controlled Balance productivity needs with DR earnings goals Easy-to-use system allows flexible coordination Intelligent Real-time & feedback on savings performance Real-time & achieved energy and load data Reliable Intelligent Demand Response (IDR)

29 INTELLIGENT DEMAND CONTROL Intelligent Demand Control (IDC) Predictive algorithm identifies pending peaks Calculates action necessary to avoid highest peak Prediction System directly modifies equipment run status Uses embedded intelligence to protect process Action Real-time & archived report of savings performance Real-time & archived energy and load data Information

30 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Spara EMS™ Energy Management Software

31 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Spara EMS™ Energy Management Software

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