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Heroic Myth Perseus.

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1 Heroic Myth Perseus

2 Introduction to Heroic Myth
Humans are the protagonists, not gods Narrative about events in the human, not divine, past “Hero” Homer: noble-born male who’s alive Later: noble figure from the distant past.

3 Folktale Motifs and Heroic Myths
Partly divine birth Miraculous birth and childhood Great strength is a benefit and menace A friend Falls under enemy’s power of spell Breaks a taboo Is tempted Responsible for friend’s death

4 Folktale Motifs and Heroic Myths
The quest Help from gods Return home and is domesticated Rewarded for his efforts Great funeral

5 Danaë and the Shower of Gold
Legends of Perseus Danaë and the Shower of Gold

6 Danaë and the Shower of Gold
Lynceus (the one spared) in Argos after Danaüs Hypermnestra His son Abas has twins Acrisius, rules in Argos Proetus, rules in nearby Tiryns (Poetids-madness) Acrisius has a daughter, Danaë, but wants sons

7 Danaë and the Shower of Gold
Oracles says Danaë will have a son, but that he will kill him (Acrisius) Zeus’s “rain shower” impregnates her Set adrift in a wooden box Dictys at Seriphos Polydectes Tricked Perseus into going on a quest for the head of a Gorgon


9 Poor Danae Danae was the daughter of Acrisius. An oracle warned Acrisius that Danae's son would someday kill him, so Acrisius shut Danae in a bronze room, away from all male company. However, Zeus conceived a passion for Danae, and came to her through the roof, in the form of a shower of gold that poured down into her lap; as a result she had a son, Perseus. When Acrisius discovered Perseus, he locked both mother and son in a chest, and set it adrift on the sea. The chest came ashore at Seriphus, where Danae and Perseus were welcomed. Later, King Polydectes of Seriphus fell in love with Danae and tried to force himself on her; he was eventually killed by Perseus.

10 Danae and Perseus set adrift

11 Perseus, the Gorgon Slayer

12 Graeae and Perseus Medusa was one of three terrible sisters called Gorgons. They had leathery wings, brazen claws, and writhing poisonous snakes in place of hair. Anyone who looked at them turned to stone. But Perseus was helped by the gods. Athena lent him her brightly polished shield, and Hermes gave him a magic sword. Perseus came to the land of night where the three Gray Sisters (the Graeae) lived. They had only one eye and one tooth among them. They refused to help Perseus, but he stole their eye and returned it only when they told him where to find the Gorgons.

13 Perseus, the Gorgon Slayer
Stheno Euryalê Medusa (the only mortal Gorgon) Help from the Graeae-shared on eye, Perseus stole it. “Where can the Gorgons be found?”

14 Medusa

15 Perseus the Gorgon Slayer
Magical implements-nymphs Cap of Hades Winged sandals The kibisis-special leather puch Extra sharp sword Highly polished bronze shield Using invisibility snuck up and killed Medusa by cutting off her head while looking in the shield.

16 Perseus’ gifts from Nymph

17 Slaying Medusa With winged sandals that enabled him to fly, the helmet of Hades that made him invisible, and a bag in which to conceal the head, he set out again and finally found the three Gorgons asleep. He put on his cap of darkness and flew nearer. Alighting, he looked into his shining shield, thus avoiding a direct look at the Gorgons. With one stroke of his sword he cut off Medusa's head.

18 Slaying Medusa

19 Perseus with Medusa’s Head

20 Perseus the Gorgon Slayer
From the body of Medusa, who was pregnant by Poseidon Pegasus, later tamed by Bellerophon Chrysaör Perseus frees his mother from Polydectes’s aggression with the head of Medusa

21 Pegasus

22 Rescuing Danae Perseus continued home and rescued his mother by turning Polydectes and his supporters to stone at the sight of Medusa's head.

23 Perseus and Andromeda

24 Perseus and Andromeda

25 Perseus and Andromeda Cepheus’s daughter, Andromeda, about to be sacrificed to a sea monster, because of the rash boast by her mother, Cassiopeä Perseus given Andromeda and the kingdom for having freed her Phineus, to whom Andromeda had been betrothed, killed with his men by the head of Medusa

26 Andromeda Saved

27 Andromeda beautiful daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiope of Joppa in Palestine (called Ethiopia) and wife of Perseus. Cassiope offended the Nereids by boasting that Andromeda was more beautiful than they, so in revenge Poseidon sent a sea monster to devastate Cepheus' kingdom. Since only Andromeda's sacrifice would appease the gods, she was chained to a rock and left to be devoured by the monster. Perseus flew by on the winged horse Pegasus, fell in love with Andromeda, and asked Cepheus for her hand. Cepheus agreed, and Perseus slew the monster. At their marriage feast, however, Andromeda's uncle, Phineus, to whom she had originally been promised, tried to claim her. Perseus turned him to stone with Medusa's head. Andromeda bore Perseus six sons and a daughter.

28 Perseus kills Phineus

29 The Death of Acrisius

30 The Death of Acrisius Perseus returns to Argos
Acrisius flees (it is fated that Perseus will kill him) At a sports contest in Thessaly, Perseus accidentally kills him with a stray discus Trades Argos of Tiryns with Megapenthes, a son of Proetus Perseus also builds Mycenae

31 The final chapter Can’t escape the Fates!
Mycenae founded by Perseus, later ruled by Atreus and then Agamemnon Perseus’ grandson Heracles

32 The Death of Acrisius After a long rule, Perseus and Andromeda become constellations, where their story can be seen Perseus Perseus Cartoon

33 Perseus and Folktale

34 Perseus

35 Perseus and Folktale Perseus’ tale is nearly a child’s fairy tale
Closest we have to a folktale The form of the girl’s tragedy for Danaë

36 Perseus and Folktale Prohibition Seclusion
Can’t marry Seclusion Locked in a chamber Violation of the prohibition The shower Threat of punishment or death Set adrift in a box Liberation Save by Dictys

37 Perseus and Folktale Perseus’s story somewhat like Gilgamesh’s
More emphasis on the quest Extraordinary birth; his own strength a threat to his family; impossible labors with divine help; rewarded in the end with a kingdom and wife Differences: no taboo, no male friend

38 Perseus and Folktale Perseus devoid of internal struggle and personality These are adult themes and not a part of folktale Perhaps the Perseus story circulated as oral tales (for children?) before it was written down

39 End

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