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Resolving Conflict and Dealing with Difficult People

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Presentation on theme: "Resolving Conflict and Dealing with Difficult People"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resolving Conflict and Dealing with Difficult People
Chapter Thirteen Resolving Conflict and Dealing with Difficult People

2 Views of Conflict Traditional view: a clash between incompatible people, ideas, or interests New view: an opportunity for personal growth

3 Finding the Root of Conflict

4 Organizational Change
Most organizations have tension between stability and change

5 Ineffective Communication
When different people work closely together, communication breakdowns are inevitable For a misunderstanding… For true disagreements…

6 Value and Culture Clashes
Conflict may be due to value differences between individuals

7 Work Policies and Practices
Conflict may happen when…

8 Adversarial Management
Conflict can occur when managers view employees and other managers with distrust and suspicion

9 Competition for Scarce Resources
Downsizing and cost cutting can lead to destructive competition for scarce resources

10 Personality Clashes Some people just don’t like each other

11 Resolving Conflict Assertively
Conflict is often uncomfortable Nonassertive behavior ignores the problem Aggressive behavior violates the rights of others

12 Figure 13.1 - Dealing with People You Can't Stand

13 How to Become More Assertive
You can learn to express wants, dislikes and feelings in a clear and direct manner without threatening or attacking others

14 Learn to Negotiate Effectively

15 The Win/Lose Strategy Attempts to achieve goals at the expense of others

16 The Lose/Lose Strategy
Both parties give up something and may feel frustrated

17 The Win/Win Strategy Work toward a mutually satisfying solution

18 Figure 13.2 - Top Negotiating Tips

19 Beware of Defensive Behaviors

20 Know that Negotiating (Behavior) Styles Vary

21 Figure 13.3 - Behavioral Styles for Conflict Situations

22 Negotiating Styles Vary
Avoidance style Uncooperative/Nonassertive Accommodating style Cooperative/Nonassertive Win/lose style Uncooperative/Aggressive

23 Negotiating Styles Vary
Problem-solving style Assertive/Cooperative Compromising style Moderately assertive/Moderately cooperative

24 Conflict Resolution Process
Step 1: Decide whether you have a misunderstanding or a true disagreement Step 2: Define the problem and collect facts Step 3: Clarify perceptions Step 4: Generate options for mutual gain Step 5: Implement options with integrity

25 Labor Unions in Conflict Resolution

26 Collective Bargaining

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