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Family Times Daily Questions Prior Knowledge Sequence Vocabulary Inflected Endings Predictions Guided Comprehension Setting and Theme Personification Independent.

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Presentation on theme: "Family Times Daily Questions Prior Knowledge Sequence Vocabulary Inflected Endings Predictions Guided Comprehension Setting and Theme Personification Independent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Times Daily Questions Prior Knowledge Sequence Vocabulary Inflected Endings Predictions Guided Comprehension Setting and Theme Personification Independent Readers Revolutionary War Women Additional Resources Language Skills

2 Genre: Poem Vocabulary Strategy: Word Structure Comprehension Skill: Sequence Comprehension Strategy: Graphic Organizers Study Skills



5 Language Skills Daily Fix It Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Transparency: Subject-Verb Agreement Practice Book Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Spelling Spelling Strategies Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Writing Workshop Reading/Writing Reading/Writing Writing PromptWriting Prompt Writer’s CraftWriter’s Craft Editing/RevisingEditing/Revising

6 Language Skills

7 Day 1 Daily Fix It 1.Mr. henry enjoy teaching U.S. history. Mr. Henry enjoys teaching U.S. history. 2.He is eagar to teach we about the Revolutionary War. He is eager to teach us about the Revolutionary War. Language Skills

8 Day 2 Daily Fix It 1. Isnt that also called the War of Independence. Isn’t that also called the War of Indipendence? 2.Thirteen colonies was ruled by england until 1776. Thirteen colonies were ruled by England until 1776.

9 Language Skills Day 3 Daily Fix It 1.Paul revere watched for a glimmir of light in the tower. Paul Revere watched for a glimmer of light in the tower. 2.Him horse was redy to run. His horse was ready to run.

10 Language Skills Day 4 Daily Fix It 1.My family are visiting Boston on vakation. My family is visiting Boston on vacation. 2.Many heros lived hear. Many heroes lived here.

11 Language Skills Day 5 Daily Fix It 1.British Ships float in the harber. British ships float in the harbor. 2.They’re sharp masts looks like dangerous weapons. Their sharp masts look like dangerous weapons.

12 Language Skills




16 Spelling Strategy Step 1: Look at the word. Say it and listen to the sounds. Step 2: Spell the word aloud. Step 3: Think about its spelling. Is there anything special to remember? Step 4: Picture the word with your eyes shut. Step 5: Look at the word and write it. Step 6: Cover the word. Picture it and write it again. Check its spelling.

17 Language Skills






23 Writing Prompt “Interview” a famous person from history that you have read about. Write questions and answers that are based on your reading. Try to make this person “come alive” for your audience.

24 Language Skills Editing/Revising Checklist Do sequence words show the order in which events occurred? Do questions focus on the most important parts of the person’s experience? Have I used verbs that agree with my subjects in number? Are words with the final syllables or, er, and ar spelled correctly?

25 Weekly Questions: Daily Questions: How can people promote freedom? What risks did Paul Revere and his friend face that night? How did Paul Revere promote freedom? What did you learn about women in the Revolution that surprised you?

26 Activate Prior Knowledge Fourth of July Revolutionary War Celebrations Picnics Parades barbeques Flag waving Independence from England freedom victory

27 Sequence The sequence of events is the order in which they take place, from first to last. Clue words such as first, next, and then may show sequence in a story or article, but not always. Other clues are dates and time a day. Two events can happen at the same time. While and at the same time are clue words. Date First Event Second Event Third EventFinal Event

28 Strategy: Graphic Organizers Active readers often create graphic organizers to help them understand and remember what they read. A time line like the one below can help you keep track of the sequence of events.


30 Write 1.Read “Before the Midnight Ride.” Make a graphic organizer like the one above to show the sequence of events in the article. 2. Jot down three questions about the sequence of events. Look for answers in the article and do library research. Write your questions and answers.




34 Vocabulary List Fate Fearless Glimmer Lingers Magnified Somber Steed Introduce Vocabulary Dear Diary, Father asked me to take the steed to the barn after dinner. Our horse, Belle, always lingers near the house at sunset. Belle waits there, hoping for some extra grain. Just then, I could see the sun glimmer near the horizon. I tried to sneak up on Belle so she wouldn’t run off, but the sound of my walking was magnified by the new heels on my boots. The minute Belle heard me coming, she galloped away into the somber dusk. I yelled a warning for her to stop, but Belle is fearless with me. Despite my shouts, she just looked at me as if to say, “Ha! Ha!” Just wait until father comes out for her. Then her fate will be sealed! Number a sheet of paper 1-7. Reread one or two sentences at a time. Look at how the vocabulary words are used. Write down a synonym or meaning for each vocabulary word. Ask students explain context clues that helped figure out the meaning.

35 Fate What becomes of someone or something.

36 Fearless Without fear; afraid of nothing.

37 Glimmer A faint, unsteady light

38 Lingers Stays on; goes slowly, as if unwilling to leave.

39 Magnified Caused something to look larger than it actually is.

40 Somber Having deep shadows; dark; gloomy.

41 Steed A horse, especially a riding horse

42 More Words to Know: Belfry: A space in a tower in which bells may be hung Grenadiers: Members of a specially chosen unit of foot soldiers Stealthy: Done in a secret manner

43 Practice Lesson Vocabulary: Is a soldier Somber when marching off to war? Would a steed ever race across a field? Would a fearless soldier be afraid? If an image is magnified, how does it look? What does it mean if a rainstorm lingers for days? What did Paul Revere see glimmer from the belfry?

44 Vocabulary Strategy Inflected endings: -s, -ed, and –ing The inflected ending –s, -ed, and –ing may be added to verbs. You can use these endings to help you figure out the meanings of unfamiliar verbs. 1.Cover the ending and read the base form of the word. 2.Reread the sentence and make sure the word is a verb, that it shows action. (Nouns can also end in –s.) 3.Now look in the sentence for clues about what the word may mean. 4. See if your meaning makes sense in the sentence. As you read “War Heroes in Stone,” look for verbs that end with –s, -ed, or –ing. Think about the endings and the way the words are used to help you figure out their meanings.



47 Genre: Poem A poem is a composition arranged in lines. Some poems have rhyme, and some have both. As you read this narrative poem- a long poem that tells a story- notice the rhyme and rhythm.

48 How does Paul Revere feel during his ride?

49 Preview and Predict Look at the poem title and illustrations. Identify the subject of the poem and predict why the ride was made. Use lesson vocabulary words in the discussion.

50 Guided Comprehension: What is the poem’s setting? Identify the time of the events in the poem. Reread the second stanza. Name the main idea and one supporting detail. Based on the first page, what do you think the theme, or the big idea, of the poem will be? What was Paul Revere’s friend doing before he heard the British soldiers marching to their boats? What caused Paul Revere’s friend to climb the tower of Old North Church? Why do you think Paul Revere’s friend feels “secret dread”? What does the phrase “ a line of black that bends and floats” in the first verse on p.240 mean? What events could you add to a time line to help identify the order of events?

51 Guided Comprehension Continued: Summarize the facts you’ve learned from the poem so far and think about the impact this event has had on you life. How do you think Paul Revere is feeling at this point in the poem? What events during the start of Paul Revere’s ride could you add to a time line? What does Paul Revere do right before he comes into Medford town? Identify the base word and ending of galloped in the first sentence. What is the meaning of the word? How would you describe the mood, or feeling, of the poem at this point? Does it reflect Paul Revere’s mood? What do you think the author’s opinion is of the farmers of Concord? How much time has passed during the ride? How is this poem different from other stories you have read about the Revolutionary War? Why do you think Longfellow chose to tell this story as a poem?

52 Setting and Theme (TM 237) Setting is the time and place the events in a story or poem occur. Theme is the big idea of a selection. Model how to determine the setting, using the poem’s first two stanzas. Reread the last stanza. Which clues reinforce the correct setting. a) Charlestown shore, bay, moon b) “Goodnight,” prison bar, reflection


54 Personification Personification is giving human traits to animals, objects, forces of nature, and abstract ideas. These characteristics can be feelings, the ability to talk, intelligence, or personality. Writers use personification to : Make fiction seem more real. Make nonfiction more lively. Look on p. 239. Notice the use of personification of wind. What are the human characteristics of wind? Work with a partner to locate examples of personification in the story. Come up with 3-4 examples on your own.

55 SUMMARY The author describes the activities of Paul Revere before the early battles of the American Revolution. In addition, the author sets the stage for the conflict behind the American Revolution by reviewing the disagreements between the American colonists and the British. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS PAGE 4 What was the purpose of a liberty tree? PAGES 5–6 What event came before the American Revolution that caused the British to go deeply into debt? PAGE 7 Why did the colonists oppose taxation so fiercely? PAGES 11–12 How did a misunderstanding about the Boston Massacre contribute to tensions between Americans and the British?



58 SUMMARY The author tells the real story of Paul Revere’s ride at the beginning of the American Revolution. She explains how Revere and others warned colonial leaders such as John Hancock and Samuel Adams to be well prepared to raise arms against the British. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS PAGE 4 What event came before Paul Revere’s boat trip to Lexington? PAGE 8 Why did it make sense for William Dawes to travel to Lexington when Paul Revere was also headed there? PAGE 13 Why did Paul Revere tell the British that they should flee Lexington? PAGE 16 What conclusions can you draw about the meaning of the phrase “the shot heard round the world”?



61 SUMMARY The book gives the historical background that led to the creation of the National Guard. The author also discusses the twentieth-century activities of the U.S. National Guard, including civil rights protection, riot protection, disaster relief, and international defense. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS PAGE 3 What question might you ask about the Minutemen before reading this page? PAGE 5 Who are the people who served as the Minutemen? PAGE 6 What was the earliest evidence of a group of fighting volunteers in the United States? PAGE 20 What is the main idea on page 20? PAGE 20 What is a detail on page 20 that supports the main idea?



64 Genre: Web Site Web pages are found on Internet Web Sites. A web page contains information about a topic or topics. Text Features: Often this information is broken down into subtopics. Each subtopic is a link. The links on this page are in blue and underlined. When you click on a link, you move to another page. What is the main topic of the Web page shown on p.251, and what are the subtopics? Why are the women’s names on p. 251 underlined? What steps has the writer taken so far? What organizer would best show facts about Sampson?

65 Think about the two selections and what lessons you learn from reading about Paul Revere and Deborah Sampson. Imagine that you are explaining the lessons you learned to a friend. Write down what you would say.

66 Additional Resources: Personification Personification 2 Poetry for Teachers Paul Revere House Paul Revere Short Movie Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Site Subject – Verb Agreement Quiz Subject – Verb Agreement Game

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