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第四組 組長 : 林敬堯 組員 : 林翊翔 洪佑騰 梁瑋庭 黃芯渝 謝孟芬 蔡心慈. 1. Motivation 2. Who is GAGA? 3. GAGA`s Music 3-1. Born this way 3-2. Hair 3-3. So Happy I Could Die 4. GAGA`s.

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Presentation on theme: "第四組 組長 : 林敬堯 組員 : 林翊翔 洪佑騰 梁瑋庭 黃芯渝 謝孟芬 蔡心慈. 1. Motivation 2. Who is GAGA? 3. GAGA`s Music 3-1. Born this way 3-2. Hair 3-3. So Happy I Could Die 4. GAGA`s."— Presentation transcript:

1 第四組 組長 : 林敬堯 組員 : 林翊翔 洪佑騰 梁瑋庭 黃芯渝 謝孟芬 蔡心慈

2 1. Motivation 2. Who is GAGA? 3. GAGA`s Music 3-1. Born this way 3-2. Hair 3-3. So Happy I Could Die 4. GAGA`s Style 5. GAGA’s Fashion Dress 6. Conclusion 7. Reference

3 Lady Gaga’ s dress and her music is unique, but we don’t know what makes her have so many creative and crazy ideas.

4  Four  Thirteen  Fourteen  Bully  Seventeen

5  【 THE FAME 】  【 THE FAME MONSTER 】  【 BORN THIS WAY 】  【 Property Of Music 】 : rock & dance & electronic & pop

6 More than fifteen million Sold

7 More than Nine million Sold

8  No matter gay, straight, or bi, Lesbian, transgendered life I'm on the right track baby I was born to survive No matter black, white or beige Chola or orient made I'm on the right track baby I was born to be brave Theme: Being yourself & do what you want to do ; you are the only one in the world.

9 Whenever I dress cool, My parents put up a fight And if I'm a hotshot, Mom will cut my hair at night In the morning I'm sure of my identity I scream Mom and Dad Why can't I be who I wanna be? Theme: Don’t let anyone influence yourself. Be yourself.

10 Just give in Don’t give up baby Open up your heart and your mind to me Just know when That glass is empty That the world is gonna bend Happy in the club with a bottle of red wine Stars in our eyes ‘cuz we’re having a good time Theme: Having a lot of friends, You can be happy enough to die.

11  Have a high-heeled shoes  A fancy clothes


13 Bubble Dress Butterfly of hair

14 Beef Dress Lobster Dress

15 Flame GAGA Boy of GAGA : Jo Calderone

16 Green GAGA outer space dress Peacock dress

17 Egg dress ET face

18 Powerful Music Fancy Clothes Being Myself

19 Lady Gaga said “The most important thing about creativity is that you honor your creativity. And you do not ever ignore it because of what society is projecting on you” and “Be yourself. Don’ t let anyone ever tell you that you can’t achieve your dreams.” The two sentences are very inspiring to us.

20 以 Lady Gaga 整體造型帶動的流行風潮之探討 作者 : 邱詩媛 & 唐道凱 & 吳怡臻 另類時尚起源 ── Lady GaGa( 女神卡卡 ) 作者 : 鄭依芸 & 曹玉珍 & 楊絢任 YOUTUBE Lady Gaga : 你是生來如此 !!@ Monster ball Tour 中文字幕 110709 音樂飆榜 Lady Gaga 女神卡卡專訪

21 YOUTUBE 文茜世界周報 獨家專訪女神卡卡 不靠富家背景 卡卡從紐約街頭躍升天后 110704 TVBS 女神來了 Lady Gaga 2 110704 TVBS 女神來了 Lady Gaga 3


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