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© Caveon, 2006 Test Administration Manuals: Content Overview Jim Impara, Ph.D. Caveon, LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "© Caveon, 2006 Test Administration Manuals: Content Overview Jim Impara, Ph.D. Caveon, LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Caveon, 2006 Test Administration Manuals: Content Overview Jim Impara, Ph.D. Caveon, LLC

2 © Caveon, 2006 Test questions How many proctors do you need for a room with 45 candidates? Seating charts should be prepared and sent to the sponsor with the test answer sheets. A proctor can leave candidates alone while escorting a candidate to the restroom. How many people should be present when the test materials are being inventoried?

3 © Caveon, 2006 Manual content overview Descriptions of activities to be undertaken: –prior to testing –during testing –after testing Forms Special instructions

4 © Caveon, 2006 Prior to testing Employing proctors* –how many, qualifications, training, NDA Receiving the tests –inventorying, securely storing, taking to test location Preparing the test site –setting up seats & seating charts, intake of candidates, signage Candidate intake –Verifying identification, seating candidates, development of seating chart Restricting admission of contraband –cell phones, communication devices, qwerty keyboard devices, etc. *Content with an asterisk will be covered in more detail.

5 © Caveon, 2006 During testing Provide test instructions/directions –Completing the answer sheet, rules regarding talking, bathroom and other breaks, test timing, NDA completion Proctor duties* –Monitoring candidates, answering questions, handling disruptions, monitoring breaks, restroom breaks Timing the test (if the test is timed) Ending the test –Calling time, ensuring no candidates continue working after time is called *Content with an asterisk will be covered in more detail.

6 © Caveon, 2006 After the test Collecting materials from candidates* Preparing incident reports Verifying and returning materials –inventorying, preparing for shipping, shipping Following up on incidents *Content with an asterisk will be covered in more detail.

7 © Caveon, 2006 Special topics 2 person rule* Advise proctors in detail –Common incidents: survey prior incident reports –Other incidents occurring less frequently Taking a test booklet out of the testing room Creating a disturbance –Emergency incidents requiring: Immediate evacuation No evacuation (or delayed evacuation) Training Proctors –Include hard copies of overheads in manual for training Include hard copies of all forms in manual (seating chart, incident report, inventory, etc.) Copyright the manual *Content with an asterisk will be covered in more detail.

8 © Caveon, 2006 Prior to testing - Proctors: How many At least one proctor for each 20 - 25 examinees At least two proctors (or one administrator and one proctor) on site for handling emergencies.

9 © Caveon, 2006 Prior to testing - Proctors: Qualifications Qualifications for proctors/test administrators –Not eligible for taking the test for a specified (long) period of time –Not participating in a training program (either a student or an instructor) –Administrators must have proctoring experience

10 © Caveon, 2006 Prior to testing - Proctors: Training and NDA All proctors should be trained using (to the extent possible) common materials that are provided in the manual (either an appendix or a separate set of training materials) or in a separate document. All individuals who may see the test (administrator, proctors, candidates) should sign a non disclosure agreement (NDA)

11 © Caveon, 2006 During Testing - Proctor Duties Monitoring Candidates –Verify candidates are in their correct seats (verify - or construct - seating chart) –Circulate around the room frequently –When not circulating, stand in a place where candidates can be observed, but candidates can’t observe proctor –Candidates should never be left alone. –If proctors have administrative duties, there should be additional proctors to observe candidates.

12 © Caveon, 2006 During testing - Proctor Duties Monitoring breaks –If there is a scheduled break during testing the test directions should caution candidates against discussion - proctors should mingle with candidates to ensure there is no discussion of the test. –If restroom breaks are permitted, there should be a proctor to monitor the candidates who are on the break. (All materials should be collected, an exit pass provided, the candidate should be escorted to the restroom and the proctor wait outside to escort the candidate back to the testing room, collect the exit pass, give test materials back to the candidate to resume testing.)

13 © Caveon, 2006 During Testing - Proctor Duties Answering questions –Proctors should answer any questions related to the test content with a statement such as: “I am not permitted to provide you with any assistance, do the best you can.” This should be part of the general instructions at the beginning of testing. –If a damaged booklet is found, the proctor should advise the test administrator and assist in taking the action approved by the test sponsor. –Under no circumstance should a proctor open a test book or read a question. –If a candidate makes a disturbance, the proctor should call the test administrator or another proctor before handling the disturbance.

14 © Caveon, 2006 After the test - collecting materials When testing is completed candidates need to be instructed about what is to be returned and how the materials to be returned should be organized. Proctors should collect materials and verify that all materials are returned. If feasible, verify no that test booklets have missing pages.

15 © Caveon, 2006 Special Topics -Two Person Rule Whenever boxes of test materials are open two persons should be in attendance and both required to sign an inventory verification document. Specifically, two people are present when test materials are: –received, inventoried, and stored in a secure location –moved from the secure location to the testing site (and back to the secure site after testing, if this is done) –Inventoried and repacked for shipping after testing and either given to the shipper or the boxes sealed and stored in secure storage awaiting shipment.

16 © Caveon, 2006 Special Topics - Anecdotes Would your proctors know what to do? Teacher certification candidate: after starting the test, got up and walked out of the test with his test booklet. Professional engineering candidate: devised a scanner to look like an approved calculator. Scanned the test. Construction licensure candidate: acted drunk and created a disturbance by commenting aloud about some items, belching, and cursing, refused to leave when asked. When inventorying test booklets prior to shipping back to sponsor, one booklet was missing.

17 © Caveon, 2006 Test questions - Answers How many proctors do you need for a room with 45 candidates? At least 2, but 3 preferred. Seating charts should be prepared and sent to the sponsor with the test answer sheets. True - if collusion is found, then the seating chart is evidence. A proctor can leave candidates alone while escorting a candidate to the restroom. False - Candidates taking the test should never be left alone. How many people should be present when the test materials are being inventoried? At least 2 (the 2- person rule).

18 © Caveon, 2006 Caveon Services Security Audit Security Plan Preparation

19 © Caveon, 2006 Thank You Jim Impara

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