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COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL SAFETY PLAN Crisis and Disaster: Overview California public schools are required to comply with California Education Code, Section.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL SAFETY PLAN Crisis and Disaster: Overview California public schools are required to comply with California Education Code, Section."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL SAFETY PLAN Crisis and Disaster: Overview California public schools are required to comply with California Education Code, Section 35294.10 et. seq. and Sections 32280 et. seq, dealing with the preparation of a “Safe School Plan.” This plan addresses: school climate safety planning the development of resilient, peaceful, law abiding students with the social-psychological skills to enhance their effective functioning in the present and future

2 4 Phases of Crisis Management This plan incorporates the four phases of crisis management: 1.mitigation/prevention 2. preparedness 3. response 4. recovery

3 School Safety Plan Very Comprehensive Focus on Prevention of a Tragedy Mitigation important to plan for scenarios Prevention: Our Approach School is still the safest place for children Over 25 Board Policies on Safety Drills help us prepare with repetitive practice

4 What do we do now to Mitigate? “Mitigation” - the activities designed to reduce or eliminate risks to persons or property or to lessen the effects or consequences of an incident. Mitigation measures may be implemented prior to, during, or after an incident. School Connectedness School wide Positive Behavior Intervention School Culture of Respect, Responsibility, & Safety Positive Referral System Anti-Bullying Program Threat Assessment of: controlling perimeter, visitor registration, preventative school security, school safety checklist, vulnerabilities check

5 Responding to a Crisis Flowcharts of safety procedures for all kinds of situations Follow procedures, policies, and structures to respond and recover Practice Drills, announced and unannounced, for Earthquake, Fire, and Lockdown Consistent procedures for Day and After School Programs

6 Renewed Focus on Safety More staff hired to supervise students More drills for practicing many different scenarios and including surprise drills All doors but the outside office and inside cafeteria doors are locked at all times Perimeter gates and peep holes upgrades Visitor Registration Procedures tightened up No classroom interruptions Code Yellow and Code Red Lockdowns


8 Lockdown Procedures During all lockdowns:  No students, staff, visitors are allowed to leave any building for any reason.  Restroom needs will be provided in the classroom using trash cans or buckets.  Information will be communicated via school email.  Social networking (i.e. Facebook) is prohibited in an effort to not compromise student safety.  Do not open the door for any reason. Remain calm.  Students will be checked out by office staff in the office only after cleared by law enforcement.

9 Code Yellow “Students and staff, we are in a code yellow. Please lockdown now.” This means there is something in the community that poses a threat to the school, i.e., bank robbery, shots fired, police chase, etc. All outside activities should cease and students/staff move indoors. All doors must be locked. Staff and students can move within the classroom. Movement outside is prohibited.

10 CODE RED “Students and staff, we are in a code red. Please lockdown now.” This means there is an immediate threat to the school. This is a complete classroom and school lockdown.  Remain in the current classroom, library, or cafeteria. If outdoors, move all students, staff and identified visitors into the nearest classroom, office or secure room.  Lock all interior and exterior doors.  Turn off all lights.  Close all curtains and blinds.  Move students away from windows and doors.  Have students crouch down and remain quiet.  Students cannot leave the room for any reason including restroom breaks.  Staff members who are working with students outside the classroom should go to the nearest safe location.

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