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Cafeteria Expectations It’s as easy as pie to have a good lunch and get time to play! Updated August 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Cafeteria Expectations It’s as easy as pie to have a good lunch and get time to play! Updated August 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cafeteria Expectations It’s as easy as pie to have a good lunch and get time to play! Updated August 2013

2 Being RESPECTFUL Means: To honor the rights or wishes of others.

3 Keep Hands to Self  Eat your own lunch.  Do not take, eat or touch other friend’s food.

4 STOP, LOOK, & LISTEN If an adult gives instructions: stop turn around politely look at them listen follow instructions If an adult gives instructions: stop turn around politely look at them listen follow instructions

5 Talk…Avoid Yelling  Use appropriate VOLUME and LANGUAGE – You must be a Voice Level 0 (completely quiet) when walking to and from lunch or to be dismissed.  Keep voices down while eating. While you are eating you should be a Voice Level 2 (talking, not yelling).  Use appropriate VOLUME and LANGUAGE – You must be a Voice Level 0 (completely quiet) when walking to and from lunch or to be dismissed.  Keep voices down while eating. While you are eating you should be a Voice Level 2 (talking, not yelling).

6 Being RESPONSIBLE Means: To behave in a sensible way so other people will trust you.  Being a responsible Stallion means staying in your seat while eating.  Throwing away your trash.  Using the restroom responsibly during lunch and recess, not after the bell rings.

7 Wait Your Turn in Line  Stay in line while waiting to buy lunch or get a drink  Saving spaces is not allowed  Taking cuts is not allowed  Move to the lunch area once you get your food  Stay in line while waiting to buy lunch or get a drink  Saving spaces is not allowed  Taking cuts is not allowed  Move to the lunch area once you get your food

8 Keep ALL Food in Lunch Area Food and drinks stay at the lunch tables NO That Means NO Food in: Recess area Hallways Restrooms

9 Clean Up Your Area  Pick up trash from TABLES  Pick up trash from the GROUND  Put all trash in trash cans.  You will not be dismissed until your area is completely clean.  Water bottles, milk, or juice that you don’t drink should be drained into the trash can with the small drain holes, then the container goes into the regular trash cans.  Pick up trash from TABLES  Pick up trash from the GROUND  Put all trash in trash cans.  You will not be dismissed until your area is completely clean.  Water bottles, milk, or juice that you don’t drink should be drained into the trash can with the small drain holes, then the container goes into the regular trash cans.

10 Being SAFE Means: Not likely to cause any physical injury or harm. Do not run around, play tag, or jump over benches in the lunch area.

11 Stay In Designated Areas The tables lined with RED TAPE are “Peanut Free”. You may not have ANY food with any type of nuts at these tables. Stay on the playground, not behind the buildings or through the ESS gate. The tables lined with RED TAPE are “Peanut Free”. You may not have ANY food with any type of nuts at these tables. Stay on the playground, not behind the buildings or through the ESS gate.

12 Keep Your Food OFF the Ground  If you don’t want a food item  don’t take it to begin with  If you’ve eat, throw what’s left in the trash  Keep food on the tables  Food is for eating and absolutely nothing else – it should never be thrown or put on the ground.  If you don’t want a food item  don’t take it to begin with  If you’ve eat, throw what’s left in the trash  Keep food on the tables  Food is for eating and absolutely nothing else – it should never be thrown or put on the ground.

13 Make it a great lunch or not – the choice is yours! I hope my lunch is going to be healthy! Where’s the veggies?

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