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Bloodborne Pathogens How to Keep Yourself Safe. Bloodborne Diseases A bloodborne pathogen is a virus or germ which is carried by the blood and causes.

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Presentation on theme: "Bloodborne Pathogens How to Keep Yourself Safe. Bloodborne Diseases A bloodborne pathogen is a virus or germ which is carried by the blood and causes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bloodborne Pathogens How to Keep Yourself Safe

2 Bloodborne Diseases A bloodborne pathogen is a virus or germ which is carried by the blood and causes disease. Hepatitis B and HIV are the major bloodborne diseases. Job-Related disease you are most likely to come into contact with is Hepatitis B. 200,000 – 300,000 are infected every year.

3 Spread of Infections Infections can be spread through: Open Cuts Mucous Membranes Dermatitis Acne

4 HIV - Symptoms Diarrhea Fatigue Fever HIV is still considered fatal.

5 Hepatitis B (HBV) HBV can be prevented through vaccination. HBV can survive on environmental surfaces dried and at room temperature for at least a week.

6 Universal Precautions Treat all body fluid spills as if they were contaminated. Treat everyone as a carrier. This is taking universal precautions. Reduces the risk of infecting yourself or unwittingly infecting someone else. Right of privacy prevent the disclosure of bloodborne disease diagnosis.

7 Effective Work Practices Number One effective practice – HAND WASHING Hand washing prevents the spread of contamination from your hands to other parts of the body or surfaces. Other ways include: –Minimize splashing, spraying, spattering, regeneration of contaminated droplets.

8 Work Practice Controls Do not put anything that would go in your mouth near an area where injuries are attended. This includes eating, smoking, applying cosmetics, lip balm, or contact lenses.

9 Protective Equipment / Procedures Gloves Vo-Ban Germicidal Cleaning Solution (No cleaning materials of ANY kind are to be kept in the Classroom per OSHA requirements.) You must use protective equipment correctly EVERYTIME you perform a task involving infectious materials. Procedures: –Notify the Office or Custodial Staff if Body Fluid Spill onto Surpface. –Wear Appropriate Protective Equipment (Gloves) –Use a Germicidal Cleaning Solution. –Disinfect Any Non-Disposable Tools –Wash Hands.

10 Glove Removal Gloves must be removed as soon as possible if they become contaminated, the job is finished, or the gloves are torn. Appropriate steps in glove removal include: –Peel glove from top to bottom, turning it inside out. –Peel second glove with uncovered hand, tucking the first glove into the second. –Never touch the outside of the glove with bare hands. –Dispose of gloves in a biohazard bag. –Wash hands.

11 Clean-Up Kits Clean-Up kits include: Latex Gloves Vo-Ban for Vomit Clean-Up Biohazard Bags for materials used to clean up blood, vomit, mucous Kits are obtained from the custodial staff.

12 School Procedures When blood, vomit, mucous are exposed, you must: –Direct student to Kleenex or other materials to stop flow of blood or mucous. Send to restroom for cuts or abrasions to wash with soap and water. –Send students to the hallway for containment (nose bleed). –Notify the office or custodian IMMEDIATELY for clean-up. –For vomit, sprinkle Vo-Ban on the area to eliminate the spread. –Place any materials with body fluids into biohazard bag, tie a knot in top of bag, and place in the biohazard receptacle in the custodial office. –Custodians will sanitize any exposed areas with germicide.

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