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“The Summer Grove Way” Behavioral Expectations. School Wide Expectations espect self and R espect self and O thers A ct Responsibly R eact Thoughtfully.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Summer Grove Way” Behavioral Expectations. School Wide Expectations espect self and R espect self and O thers A ct Responsibly R eact Thoughtfully."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Summer Grove Way” Behavioral Expectations

2 School Wide Expectations espect self and R espect self and O thers A ct Responsibly R eact Thoughtfully

3 The Summer Grove Elementary Learning Community will educate and prepare students for a lifetime of success.

4 School Bus Loading/Unloading Area Classrooms Playground Hallways/Breezeways Auditorium Restroom

5 School Bus Loading/Unloading Area Classrooms Playground Hallways/Breezeways Auditorium Restroom

6 School Bus Loading/Unloading Area Classrooms Playground Hallways/Breezeways Auditorium Restroom

7 R espect self and O thers A ct Responsibly R eact Thoughtfully Classroom-Speak and act respectfully. -Keep hands, feet and objects to self. -Complete all class and home assignments neatly and on time. -Follow directions the first time they are given. Halls and Breezeway -Keep hands, feet and objects away from the wall and other people. -Respect the displays mounted on the walls. -Walk quietly and in line.-Keep to the right when walking. Restroom-Remain quiet.-Wash hands and put towels in the trash cans. -Use the facilities properly by only urinating in the urinal or bowl and flushing after use. -Refrain from climbing or hanging on the doors. -Always respect others’ privacy. Playground-Follow the directions of all duty personnel. -Share and take turns on the equipment. -Remain within the assigned play area. -Line up quickly and quietly when the bell rings. -Play fairly and use good sportsmanship. Cafeteria-Remain seated and speak softly while inside. -Speak respectfully to others while in the serving line. -Walk and line up in a quiet, orderly manner. -Clean around your area and put your trash in the can. -Eat your own food and keep your hands on your own plate. School Bus-Keep hands, feet and objects to self. -Remain seated at all times. -Keep objects out of the aisle. -Load and unload in an orderly manner. Loading Zones -Speak softly and respectfully-Wait and walk quietly as directed. -Carry backpacks in a safe manner. -Remain seated in assigned areas. Auditorium-Enter and exit assemblies quietly-Sit up straight and keep eyes on the speaker.-Applaud at the appropriate time in order to show appreciation.

8 Comply with all rules and regulations Provide accurate home information Respect authority and rights of others Attend school regularly and on time Follow the dress code Obey transportation rules Cooperate with searches Complete all assignments

9 The student must conduct themselves in a manner that promotes safety and follow bus rules when riding the bus. The principal may suspend from school or suspend from riding the bus any student who commits any infraction.

10 Pants, shorts and skirts must be worn at the waist. No “sagging” is permitted. Belts should be buckled at all times. Shorts and skirt length must be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee.

11 Cell Phones Radio Paging Other (CD Player, DVD Players, Game Systems, CD’s, and DVD’s) CONSEQUENCES Confiscation – 5 day waiting period In School Suspension Out of School Suspension with Parent Return





16 1 st – Parent check-in with student and a verbal warning is issued. 2 nd – Parent check-in with student and a verbal warning is issued. 3 rd – Parent check-in with student receiving a standard tardy letter. 4 th – Parent check-in with student along with a conference with the counselor or coordinator. 5 th – Parent check-in with student with an administrative conference 6 th – Parent check-in with student and issued one- day recess detention 7 th – Parent check-in with student and issued two days recess detention 8 th – Parent check-in with student and issued one day ISS 9 th – Parent check-in with student and issued two days ISS 10 th – Student is placed in ISS pending a CPSB administrative conference from the Attendance Department

17 Suspensions Cost You Dearly Unexcused Absences Missed Assignments Decreased Learning Negative Discipline Record Failing Class or Grade Missed Opportunities for Special Programs

18 Communication with Parents Referral for Counseling Truancy Support Behavioral Contracts In-School Suspensions Legal Intervention

19 The Choice is Yours…

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