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EDSC 440S Presentation EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Part 1: Rules, Procedures, Routines, and Effective Room Arrangement Modified 7/04.

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Presentation on theme: "EDSC 440S Presentation EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Part 1: Rules, Procedures, Routines, and Effective Room Arrangement Modified 7/04."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDSC 440S Presentation EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Part 1: Rules, Procedures, Routines, and Effective Room Arrangement Modified 7/04

2 EDSC 440S Presentation Rules and Procedures Rules are stated expectations regarding behavior Procedures identify routines for specific activities Classroom rules and procedures are dependent upon school and district –What rules are specifically forbidden or required (possession of drugs, hall permits) –What consequences occur for rule violations (tardies, attendance, discipline reporting) –Administrative procedures (for assigning texts, collecting fees, taking roll)

3 EDSC 440S Presentation 1. Establish Classroom Rules Limit to 5-8 rules or guidelines, possibly: –Bring all needed materials to class Routines help reinforcement – i.e., labs every Monday, tests on Thursdays –Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings Pencils sharpened, materials ready, warm-ups completed –Respect and be polite to all people And: Listen and stay seated when someone is talking –Respect other’s property Keep room neat, pick up letter, don’t write on desks –Obey all school rules

4 EDSC 440S Presentation 2. Establish Procedures & Routines For beginning-of-period activities –Attendance (need attendance forms, seating chart, tardy slips, grade book) – LEGAL RECORD! –Student absences (Signing slips, providing makeup work and handouts, taking late work) –Student tardies (have routine [sign in sheet?] to avoid constant disruptions) –What students do while you take roll –Permission to leave class

5 EDSC 440S Presentation For use of materials and equipment –What may students access and retrieve? Texts, dictionaries, print resources Pencil sharpener Returned work, makeup work and handouts Art supplies/lab equipment Computers –What is off limits for students? Grade book, attendance records, teacher desk 2. Establish Procedures & Routines

6 EDSC 440S Presentation 2. Establish Procedures & Routines For behavior during instruction –Student attention Student participation (How to ask questions, contribute to discussion, receive help, choral response) –Seatwork (Talking among students, obtaining help, getting out of seat, turning in work, after work is completed) For groupwork –Student participation (Taking turns in discussion, collaborating on assignments, dividing up responsibilities) –Use of materials and supplies (who will bring what) –Assignment of students to groups –Monitoring students and providing feedback –Assessing student work

7 EDSC 440S Presentation 2. Establish Procedures & Routines For ending the period –Returning materials –Room clean up –Assigning homework –Dismissing class For student needs –Personal grooming, cell phone/beeper use, collecting their materials, restroom use, eating, chewing gum For class interruptions –Announcements, office workers, visitors, fire and disaster drills

8 EDSC 440S Presentation 3. Have a Room Arrangement that Facilitates Effective Classroom Management 5 Keys: Arrangement Congestion Teacher View and Access Material Access Student View and Access

9 EDSC 440S Presentation KEY 1: Arrangement Use a room arrangement consistent with your instructional goals and activities. –What are your favorite instructional formats? Decide first: Where will you conduct whole class instruction? – need table or lectern How will you organize student groups of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 –Where will you put TV/VCR/Projector (Electrical outlet? Cords out of the way?) Storage/bookshelves/work areas for you/students/TAs –If you have needs – ask! Replace damaged student furniture Have the chalkboard and bulletin boards you need

10 EDSC 440S Presentation KEY 2: No Congestion Keep traffic areas free of congestion. –Keep pathway clear of cords,boxes, etc. –Maintain easy access to pencil sharpener, trash can, doorways, bookshelves, supply areas, teacher’s desk, computers Class sets of texts (how will students retrieve, check for return?) Permission for sharpener and trash Easy provision of student supplies (include pencil bag w/highlighter, pen, pencil, etc in notebook as part of points) –What and how will you provide? (set of boxes w/glue, markers, tape, ruler, crayons, post-its) Sign in (who, what, when) and requirements for computer use (all work submitted, good citizenship grade, no absences)

11 EDSC 440S Presentation KEY 3: Teacher Access Be sure students are easily seen by the teacher –Students who have something to hide often sit at the back of the room –Control all parts your room by desk in one spot, lectern in another Make sure all students are easily accessible by the teacher –Don’t avoid students because you can’t get to them

12 EDSC 440S Presentation KEY 4: Material Access Keep frequently used teaching materials and student supplies readily accessible. Determine what students will retrieve versus what you will supply: –Class texts, notebooks, returned homework, art supplies, lab materials –Have space for students to store their notebooks –Assign responsibilities to reduce congestion and limit who has access –Post daily activities so students will know what is needed when they enter the classroom

13 EDSC 440S Presentation KEY 5: Student Access Be certain students can easily see instructional presentations. –Determine regular room arrangement by how often you use chalk/whiteboards, overhead/LCD projector, TV/VCR, and your most common instructional format. –Bulletin boards and Wall Displays Post student work, instructionally relevant material, decorative items, assignments, rules, schedules, a clock, school spirit, correct paper heading, and other items. Don’t overdecorate. Change displays periodically. Laminate when possible for reuse. Where to find materials? –Excellent student work (ask to keep!), business and industry, travel posters, school supply stores, magazines, Internet

14 EDSC 440S Presentation IF YOU HAVE TO FLOAT Have an honest discussion with teachers whose classrooms you share –Basic needs: Overhead projector! (even if you have to transport it all day) Permanent space on the whiteboards Permanent space on the bulletin board Drawer/cabinet/bookshelf space Sufficient desks –Create Travel Bag On wheels! W/files for student work and lesson handouts; transparency sheets and markers, chalk, pens, pencils, paper, paper clips, tissues, rubber bands Color code folders for each class –Assign responsibilities to students/TAs to assist you before class starts (w/role, arranging chairs, positioning projector, distributing materials)

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