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Mrs.Rudin Mrs.Rudin 2 nd Grade.  Love and Logic is…  “an approach to working with students that puts teachers in control, teaches kids to think for.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs.Rudin Mrs.Rudin 2 nd Grade.  Love and Logic is…  “an approach to working with students that puts teachers in control, teaches kids to think for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs.Rudin Mrs.Rudin 2 nd Grade

2  Love and Logic is…  “an approach to working with students that puts teachers in control, teaches kids to think for themselves, raises the level of student responsibility, and prepares kids to function effectively in a society filled with temptations, decisions, and consequences.”  (Fay & Funk, 1995)

3 At Avery, we follow the school wide Grizzly Cub Expectations…

4  It is our mission at Avery Elementary to create a safe and enriching environment where students and faculty unite in learning through collaboration, independent thinking, and applying knowledge. In doing this, we believe students will be empowered to succeed as lifelong learners and productive citizens for the future.

5  Accept responsibilities for your own actions.  Voices remain quiet and movement is orderly in the halls.  Enter school on time, prepared and ready to learn.  Respect self, others, and school property.  You control your own behaviors – be polite!  Excellence in education is of utmost importance.  Safety rules are obeyed for everyone’s benefit.

6  Common Core Standards  Learning Focused Schools Strategies  Differentiated Instruction  Collaboration with Support Services  Collaboration with other teachers

7 7:20-8:00 Restroom/Morning Work/Agenda 8:00-9:00 Writer’s Workshop 9:00-9:05 Restroom Break/Snack 9:05-10:15 Reading Rotations/Grammar/Phonics 10:15-11:15 Math 11:15-11:20 Restroom Break 11:20-11:45 Social Studies/Science/Health 11:52-12:22 Lunch/Line 1/Table 15 12:33-1:21 Specials (Art, Music, PE, Technology) 1:25-1:45 Recess 1:45- 2:00 Restroom Break/Clean-up/Pack-up 2:00-2:20 Extended Text/D.E.A.R. 2:20 Afternoon Announcements/Dismissal

8 Reading  Activities to meet each child’s needs  SuccessMaker  Accelerated Reader  Differentiated Activities  Guided reading groups  Meet with groups 3 - 4 times weekly for about 20 minutes each  4-8 students with similar reading and comprehension abilities  Groups change

9 Students have a Writer’s Notebook. We have a mini-lesson, turn and share, and writing time for 45-60 minutes everyday. Students are required to write with a pen, Common Core Standards are utilized. We will also have a writing journal for Science/Social Studies/Health and Math

10 Math  Whole Group  Small Groups (rotations)  Hands-on activities to enhance math strategies  Math Journaling  Practice with hands-on activities and practice pages.  Independent practice at their level  SuccessMaker math.  Math Facts in a Flash

11 Social Studies  Georgia Geography & Map Skills  5 regions  Rivers  Georgia’s Historical People  James Oglethorpe, Sequoyah, Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, Jimmy Carter, Creek & Cherokee Native Americans, Jackie Robinson, Martin Luther King, Jr.  Georgia Government  Citizenship, rules & laws, government buildings, flag  Georgia Economics

12 Science  Earth Science  Stars, Earth & Moon  Physical Science  Energy: light, heat, motion  Life Science  Life cycles of animals and plants

13  Art -Kay Martin  Music -David Boggs,  P.E. - Coach Fitts, Coach Bobo, Coach Wallace  Technology-Jennifer Azarruga 12:33-1:21 We follow a 6-day rotation schedule. Monthly schedules will be sent home on a calendar for you to keep at home.

14  CCSD recommends 2 nd grade students have no more than 20 minutes of homework each night  Homework goes home on Friday and due next Friday  Homework packet  Students are encouraged to read for pleasure every day  AR  Book It  Six Flags Reading Program

15 OutstandingO 90-100 SatisfactoryS 80-89 Needs ImprovementN 70-79 UnsatisfactoryU <70

16  Visitor Check-In  Agendas and Blue Folders should be reviewed and signed daily  Graded papers and Important Information come home in Yellow Friday Folder  Lunch/visitors  11:52-12:22  No Birthday Treats in lunchroom (no peanut products!) Recommend goody bags  Ice Cream Friday 50 cents  Invitations one for everyone in class  Transportation Notes

17 Parties this year: Winter End-of-Year Room Mom and helpers Conferences will be scheduled in October unless requested earlier. Healthy Snack and Water We will take 1 instructional field trip this year to the Funk Heritage Museum in October. No siblings are permitted

18 I am thrilled to be spending this year with your child. I want to work together with you to provide the best possible education. If you need anything, please jot me a note or send me an email at Website address:

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