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Welcome to English Ms. Lori Trice Ms. Attaway Course Description Reading Reading Independent and group Independent and group Short stories Short stories.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to English Ms. Lori Trice Ms. Attaway Course Description Reading Reading Independent and group Independent and group Short stories Short stories."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to English Ms. Lori Trice Ms. Attaway

3 Course Description Reading Reading Independent and group Independent and group Short stories Short stories Novels Novels Plays Plays Non fiction Non fiction Writing Writing Short answer Short answer Expository Expository Persuasive Persuasive

4 Course Description ReadingWriting Test Preparation EOC/STAARVocabulary PSAT words PSAT/SAT

5 Resources Holt McDougal Literature Grade 10 - use your home copy or the online version Holt McDougal Literature Grade 10 - use your home copy or the online version Teacher’s Web Page Teacher’s Web Page

6 Literature Fall Semester Literature & Writing focus Of Mice and Men mini research persuasive essay Short Stories literary essay Animal Farm logical fallacies

7 Literature Spring Semester Literature & Writing focus Ender’s Game Expository Essay Julius Caesar Research Project

8 Supplies Composition Notebook Composition Notebook Notebook paper Notebook paper Binder or Notebook Binder or Notebook Blue or black pens Blue or black pens Pencils Pencils Kleenexes (helpful) Kleenexes (helpful)

9 Grading Policy Formative Assessments Formative Assessments Minor Summative Assessments Minor Summative Assessments Major Summative Assessments Major Summative Assessments (Minor and Major can be re-assessed) Minor Summatives – 30% Major Summatives – 70%

10 Grading Policy Formatives: practice, so you can gage your success of a concept like grammar, mini lits, quick writes Summatives: (2 kinds) Minor (30%) – check for understanding, quizzes, discussion of literature, written revisions Major (70%) – evaluate understanding, previously tested material (minor summatives) Critical reading of text, response to literature, writing, revising and editing

11 Make up Work for absences Make-up work is the responsibility of the student, not the teacher. Students have one class day for each class day absent plus one additional class day to complete assignments, test, etc. Work assigned prior to absence is due the day you return. Work assigned prior to absence is due the day you return. Please check my web page under “Lesson Plans” before asking for your class work after an absence.

12 Retesting/Revising Students may retake or redo an assessment to demonstrate mastery. Students must complete any prerequisites and the retest/revisions within a reasonable amount of time (usually one week after graded assignments have been returned.)

13 Non-Academic Behavior Failing to complete assignments Failing to complete assignments Not participating in class Not participating in class Repeated late work Repeated late work Not attending tutorials Not attending tutorials Consequences Consequences Detention Detention Saturday School Saturday School ISSC ISSC Loss of parking permit Loss of parking permit

14 What does cheating include? Cheating includes such acts as: Cheating includes such acts as: Copying during a test. Copying during a test. Sharing answers or test questions with other students. Sharing answers or test questions with other students. Copying information on any assignment in which an individual grade is given. Copying information on any assignment in which an individual grade is given. Plagiarizing. Plagiarizing.

15 Cheating & Plagiarism Work will be submitted to Work will be submitted to Cheating will not be tolerated in this class. Cheating will not be tolerated in this class. Consequences will follow the district policy. Consequences will follow the district policy.

16 Class Expectations I expect you to come in ready to work. I expect you to bring your supplies. I expect you complete your work. I expect you to be respectful. I expect you to enjoy this class, if not, then to respectfully tolerate it. What do you expect of me?

17 Tardy 1 st - Warning 2 nd – Call home 3 rd – Referral to AP and office assigned detention

18 Restroom Black hall pass at white board by door leave your phone if you choose to go to the restroom

19 Dress Code Follow school dress code. Follow school dress code. Everyone comes fully clothed! Everyone comes fully clothed!

20 Beginning of Class Silent Reading – Take out your book and begin reading Silent Reading – Take out your book and begin reading Put away your phone, I will Put away your phone, I will Check daily agenda on board Check daily agenda on board Clear desks of all bags. Place bags on the floor, or chair beside you. Clear desks of all bags. Place bags on the floor, or chair beside you.

21 Last, First Teacher Class, period Date Your Work + No Name = 0 Your Work + No Name = 0 Be proud of the work you do. It shows others that you value yourself and your work. Be proud of the work you do. It shows others that you value yourself and your work.

22 End of Class Teacher dismisses class, please do not line up at the door. Teacher dismisses class, please do not line up at the door. Pick up everything around desk, look behind as you walk away to be sure you have not left something. Pick up everything around desk, look behind as you walk away to be sure you have not left something.

23 Tutorials My tutorials are Monday, Wednesday and Friday after school. I am here in the mornings, but I’m usually busier than the afternoon. My tutorials are Monday, Wednesday and Friday after school. I am here in the mornings, but I’m usually busier than the afternoon. Always, you can make an appointment, just tell me and I’ll schedule you into my calendar. Always, you can make an appointment, just tell me and I’ll schedule you into my calendar.

24 Questions?

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