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2015 Alerts for Test Coordinators

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1 2015 Alerts for Test Coordinators
ACT Aspire “Rocks” 2015 Alerts for Test Coordinators

2 “Rock” with your Guides
ACT Aspire Test Coordinator Manual ALSDE Alerts

3 General Alerts All Test Coordinators must read the Test Coordinator Manual: Summative Testing. Upon receipt of an ACT Aspire Test Coordinator Manual, ACT Aspire Room Supervisor’s Manual (Paper Summative Testing or Online Summative Testing), read, sign, and date the statement located on the cover of each manual. In order to maintain security and protection of a System Test Coordinator or Building Test Coordinator who has a relative in his/her school or system, the LEA should identify a full- time certified/back-up person to assist with dissemination and retrieval of testing materials. No relative of a student who is taking the test may serve as a Room Supervisor or Proctor for that student.

4 Policies and Procedures Prohibited Staff Behavior
Accessing or obtaining a test booklet or test questions prior to the test for any reason. Photocopying, making an electronic copy, or keeping a personal copy of the test or of any test items (An exception is provided for students who need to utilize digital scanning magnification for test items. See the ACT Aspire Accessibility User Guide.) Taking notes about test questions or any paraphrase or test questions to aid in preparing students for testing. Aiding or assisting a student with a response or answer to a secure test item, including providing formulas. Rephrasing test questions for students. Creating an answer key or “crib sheet” of answers to test questions

5 Policies and Procedures Prohibited Staff Behavior
Editing or changing student answers after completion of the test, with or without the student’s permission. Allowing students to test in an unsupervised setting Leaving test materials in an unsecured place or attended Failing to properly report or document incidents of prohibited behavior involving students, staff, and others Allowing students to test longer than the permitted time. Failing to return and account for all testing materials after the test session has ended

6 Policies and Procedures Possession of Prohibited Items by Testing Staff- ALSDE Policy
School personnel involved in administration of state testing may not use digital devices (including but not limited to telephones, cell phones, MP3 players, cameras, or other telecommunication devices capable of capturing or relaying information) during test administration. Violations may result in disciplinary action/certification revocation. Additional disciplinary action may be taken by the LEA. All electronic devices, including computers located in the testing room, must be turned off before testing materials are brought into the room, and they must remain off until testing materials are removed from the room. This rule does not apply to the designated teacher workstation for online testing. All copiers, scanners, printers, telephones and other electronic devices must be disabled or removed from the testing room before test materials are brought into the room.

7 Policies and Procedures Security of Test Materials
The Test Coordinator’s Receipt and Return of ACT Aspire Testing Materials form accompanies testing materials which are delivered to the BTC and returned to the STC at the conclusion of testing. The System Test Coordinator and Building Test Coordinator must count and sign for all testing materials when they are issued for administration and when they are returned immediately following test administration. The use of this form is required in order to ensure the security of the test.

8 Test Security Maintain an accurate District Security Checklist.
No test booklet should be opened by any person other than the examinee on the test date. Testing materials should be distributed for the exact number of students being tested in each setting. The directions for completing the demographic information and test do not require the use of a test booklet or answer folder for demonstration purposes.

9 Accessibility and Accommodations
Please read and become familiar with the Accessibility User’s Guide(Avocet). When making decisions related to accommodations/accessibility features and specifically for read-aloud accommodation, please refer to Understanding Accessibility Supports for ACT Aspire, rstanding%20Accessibility%20Supports%20for%20ACT% 20Aspire.pdf . Large print and braille materials are ordered through the ACT Aspire portal.

10 Test Format ACT Aspire Assessments consist of selected-response questions (English, Reading, Mathematics, and Science) and constructed response questions (Writing, Reading, Mathematics, and Science).Online tests also have technology-enhanced items. Exemplar ACT Aspire online test questions can be accessed online at Visit Avocet for exemplar supporting documents and answer keys.

11 Test Schedules The testing window for paper summative tests is April 6-April 24, 2015. The testing window for online summative tests is April 6-May 15, 2015. Time requirements vary by grade and subject. The timing for paper and online tests is the same. In scheduling multiple tests, keep in mind the administrative time Room Supervisors need to transition to the next test according to the collection/distribution of test materials and the reading of Verbal Instructions. English Text Audio for Sighted and English Text Audio for Blind, when selected in the PNP, will automatically launch at 300% the standard testing time.

12 Calculators Students taking the Grades 3-5 Mathematics subject tests cannot use a calculator. All problems can be solved without the use of a calculator. Students in Grades 6-8 are allowed, but not required, to use an approved calculator on ACT Aspire Mathematics (only) tests Please refer to (Avocet) for information on approved and prohibited calculators.

13 Bathroom Breaks and Student Illness ALSDE Policy
Students will need to complete a test in a single sitting. Please allow time for restroom breaks and material handling prior to each test session.  Unauthorized breaks will be handled the same for ACT Aspire as they are for all other standardized assessments.  Examinees who leave the room during a timed test to go to the restroom may NOT make up lost time.  The room supervisor should record on the ALSDE irregularity form the time that the student left the room and the time the student returned.    Before the examinee leaves the room, the room supervisor must collect the examinee’s test booklet and answer document; the materials must be returned to the examinee when he or she is readmitted When a student becomes sick and must leave the room, the room supervisor will note the time and reason the student left the room.  The hall monitor should ensure that the student does not interact with other students while he or she is out of the room; the student may not have access to any materials or unauthorized devices during the time out of the room.  If the student remains in school and is able to continue testing on the original test date, The Building Test Coordinator may arrange for a make-up session.  The room supervisor assigned to administer the make-up session will allow the student the documented time remaining to finish the test.

14 Selecting and Training Staff
The Room Supervisor … Must be proficient in English and experienced in testing. Supervise a test room. Distribute test materials if administering paper tests. Start a test session if administering online tests. Help students log into online testing system if administering online tests. Read test instructions. Properly time tests

15 Selecting and Training Staff
The Proctor… Read and understand the appropriate Room Supervisor Manual. Help distribute test materials if administering paper tests. Help students log into the online testing system if administering online tests. Verify the timing of the test with the Room Supervisor. Walk around the room during testing to be sure all students are working on the correct test and to observe student behavior. Report any irregularities to the Room Supervisor immediately. Accompany students to the restroom if more than one leaves during the timed portion of the test. Pay strict attention to monitoring students during the entire testing session. Help collect and account for all answer documents, test booklets, and scratch paper. Ensure students have stopped testing and have correctly logged out of the online testing system.

16 Prohibited Student Behavior
A full list is available on Page 7 of the Paper Room Supervisor’s Manual If you SUSPECT a student is engaged in any of the prohibited activities, discreetly warn the student that these actions are prohibited and direct the student to resume testing, and continue to observe the student closely. If you OBSERVE any of these behaviors, collect the student’s answer document and test booklet. Inform the student that his or her test will be voided. All prohibited behaviors must be documented using the ACT Aspire Testing Irregularity Report. The ALSDE must be notified of any prohibited behavior resulting in invalidation of a student’s test.

17 Prohibited Items for Students ALSDE Policy
The possession of a digital device (including but not limited to cell phones, MP3 players, cameras, or other telecommunication devices capable of capturing or relaying information) is strictly prohibited during the administration of a secure test. School personnel will collect such devices before students can enter the testing room. If a student is observed in possession of a digital device during the administration of a secure test, the device will be confiscated. If a student is observed using a digital device during the administration of a secure test, testing for the student will cease, the device will be confiscated and is subject to search, the student will be dismissed from testing, and the student’s test will be invalidated. Additional disciplinary action may be taken by the LEA.

18 Computer Workstations Online Testing ONLY
Each online testing room must have a separate computer workstation. The room supervisor will use it to access the Platform, begin and close the test session, and monitor testing progress.  The workstation must pass the System Check and be located in an area where the room supervisor can see all examinees in the room.  Whether a desktop or a laptop is used as the workstation, the computer must remain stationary on a table or a desk throughout the test session.   The room supervisor may not exit the program and enter any other site on the computer during the test session.  No iPads, cell phones, tablets, or other electronic devices may be used in the test room.

19 Irregularities If an irregularity occurs, the RS must complete an AL Irregularity form. Once the AL Irregularity form is received by the BTC, he/she must enter the information on an ACT Aspire Irregularity form located in the Portal. The SDE must determine if answer documents should be voided. Do not bubble “VOID,” without SDE permission. All irregularities reports must also be entered using the correct coding by the test coordinator in the online ACT Aspire Portal for each session. Failure to report any irregularity is a test security violation.

20 Irregularity Forms ACT Aspire ALSDE

21 Mistiming If a mistiming on a subject occurs and is noticed on the same day, allow the students to make up the shortage of time in that section before dismissal. If a mistiming is noticed after dismissal, the tests will be voided. Report any mistimings on the Test Irregularity Report, and return the report to the Test Coordinator along with the answer documents.

22 Scratch Paper Paper Online
Students may use scratch paper if they request it. The following information must be written at the top of each sheet of scratch paper: first and last name, school name, subject they are currently testing, and school grade. The scratch paper must be collected and returned to the Test Coordinator, who will include it in the nonscorable shipment of materials. Students will be given scratch paper. The following information must be written at the top of each sheet of scratch paper: first and last name, school name, subject they are currently testing, and school grade. The scratch paper must be collected and securely destroyed by the Test Coordinator.

23 Receipts, Security, and Storage of Test Materials for Paper Testing
The Act Aspire shipment will include the following materials: packing list, security checklist, test coordinator kit, test booklets, and answer documents. Each student name that was entered into a test session in the ACT Aspire Portal will be printed on the front cover of the answer document for the student. The answer documents are sorted by subject, grade, and session created in the Portal. Test booklets are serialized and must be returned after test administration. Do not unsort booklets from the order in which they are received. Examine your shipment of test materials and verify that the contents match those listed on the enclosed packing list. Used and unused test booklets and answer documents should be returned in the same box(es) the materials were received

24 Pre-gridded Answer Documents and Blank Overage
It is critical that students test using materials with the correct name and grid the matching test form located on the test booklet to the correct field on the answer document. Before testing, students will be asked to fill in boxes D, G, and H on the front and back covers of the answer document. If the student has a pre-gridded answer document, he/she cannot add to or alter any information in boxes A, B, C, E, F, and I. The pre-gridded information will override anything students try to change. A 5% overage of blank answer documents will be sent to each LEA. For additional materials outside of the 5%, System Test Coordinators must contact Kanetra Germany at or Failure to enter student information in the Portal and grid answer documents properly could delay receipt of student test results.

25 Gridding an Answer Documents
If the BTC or RS is responsible for hand gridding student information on a document that does not have pre-printed Pre-ID information, follow the directions outlined on pages of the Test Coordinator Manual. If a student has a blank answer document and requires that the student(s) hand grid the demographic information, read aloud the directions found on pages 7-8 of the TC alerts or pages 4-5 of the RS alerts.

26 Desirable Conditions All students in a room must take the same grade and subject tests. Lapboards must not be used. Seats must be arranged so that all students face the Room Supervisor. If tables are used, students must be seated on the side of the table facing the test administrator. No students may be seated at ends of tables or facing other students. Distance between students must be wide enough to allow Proctors to circulate during the examination without disturbing students.

27 Seating The Room Supervisor will complete a seating chart from the Test Assignment Roster. Students’ names must be recorded on the seating chart, and students must be seated according to the seating chart. Students should not be allowed to select their own seats. Once students are checked in, the Room Supervisor will write ABSENT in the box on the seating chart for any student who is not present for testing.

28 Returning Test Materials
Ensure that any irregularities that occurred during the testing session have been recorded. Enter the irregularity information in the online ACT Aspire Portal for each student affected. Make a copy of all Testing Irregularity Reports, found in the Room Supervisor Manual, before returning them, in case questions arise during processing. Place test booklets and used answer documents in Test Assignment Roster order. Return the following to the Building Test Coordinator: Room Supervisor’s Manual Test Booklets (placed in numerical order) Answer Documents (placed in Test Assignment Roster order) Class Roster Seating Chart Irregularity Forms (if applicable)

29 Returning Used Answer Documents to ACT Aspire
Gather scorable answer documents (and Irregularity Reports) for scoring. Stack the answer documents carefully in each original shipping box. Secure each box securely with packaging tape. Place one lavender return shipping label (found in the Test Coordinator Kit) on top of each box. Count the number of boxes. Fill in the sequence of boxes being returned (Box __ of __). ALL USED ANSWER DOCUMENTS MUST BE RETURNED(LOWRY) WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE LAST REGULARLY SCHEDULED PAPER TEST SESSION. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL DELAY SUMMATIVE REPORTS. MAKEUPS MAY CONTINUE TO BE GIVEN WITH THE UNUSED MATERIALS AND BE PACKED AND SHIPPED(LOWRY) WITH THE NONSCORABLE PICKUP. PLEASE USE LAVENDER LABELS FOR THE BOX(ES)/ENVELOP(S) TO DENOTE SCORABLE (MAKE-UP) MATERIALS.

30 Packing Nonscorable Materials
Check the items and quantities against the items and quantities shown on the packing list. Pack materials (used test booklets, unused answer documents, scratch paper, and unused labels) in the original shipping boxes for each subject, bottom to top, starting with the highest number. Seal each box securely with packing tape. Place one yellow return shipping label from the Test Coordinator Kit on top of each box. Count the number of boxes. Fill in the sequence of boxes being returned (Box __ of __).

31 Online Testing Ensure your equipment and network meet the minimum system hardware and software requirements. Each school must participate in a “system readiness” check. Ensure that all student information has been entered into an online test session in the ACT Aspire Portal.

32 ACT Aspire Portal and TestNav
Administrative and proctoring tasks will be done in the ACT Aspire Portal ( Students will log in to TestNav ( to take tests. If there are questions related to the Portal, please refer to Portal User Guide ( on Avocet, or contact the ACT Aspire Support Team at

33 Materials Provided by Your School and Desirable Testing Conditions
Pencils Scratch Paper * Calculators All students in a room must take the same grade and subject test. Maps, posters, charts, and bulletin board materials related to the subject tested must be removed or covered.

34 Online Testing Guidelines
If computers can be moved, arrange them in such a way that students’ will not be able to see other student’s work. If computers cannot be moved, take steps to seat students in a way where they cannot see other student’s work. Privacy guards may be used. TestNav 8 must be the only application running on the computer during testing. TestNav does not allow students to keep working after time has expired.

35 Post-testing Instructions
It is the Room Supervisor’s responsibility to log into the ACT Aspire Portal and check the status of each student’s test in the session just concluded. Complete and submit any irregularity that occurred during the test session (Portal User Guide). Close the test session according to the instructions in the Portal User Guide.

36 Checklists For your added convenience, ACT Aspire has provided the following checklists on Avocet: Test Coordinator Paper Room Supervisor Online Room Supervisor Technology Coordinator


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