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CHAMPSCHAMPS Behavior Expectations that will change your lives! Become the Student you were meant to be “I will not let you be anything less than you are.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAMPSCHAMPS Behavior Expectations that will change your lives! Become the Student you were meant to be “I will not let you be anything less than you are."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAMPSCHAMPS Behavior Expectations that will change your lives! Become the Student you were meant to be “I will not let you be anything less than you are capable of being.”~ Randall Sprick

2 Silent Reading C onversation ~ Voice Level =0 H elp ~Come to the desk A ctivity ~Read entire time M ovement ~Infrequent – Pencil= No- Drink =Yes – Restroom =Yes- Hand in Materials =No P articipation ~Actively Reading S uccess = COLLEGE & CAREER READY

3 Independent Work C onversation ~ Content only Voice Level =1 H elp ~Use Resources /Ask neighbor A ctivity ~Complete Assigned Work M ovement ~Infrequent – Pencil= Yes- Drink =Yes – Restroom =Yes- Hand in Materials =Yes P articipation ~Active Progress S uccess = COLLEGE & CAREER READY

4 Direct Instruction C onversation ~ Voice level=0 H elp ~Raise Hand A ctivity ~Class Lecture – Actively Listen and be engaged M ovement ~None, stay in seat during teacher instruction P articipation ~Note taking/ Q & A/ Focus up front S uccess = COLLEGE & CAREER READY

5 Cooperative Group Work C onversation ~ Content Only Voice level=2 H elp ~Use available resources/ Ask neighboring groups A ctivity ~Follow the Rubric M ovement ~Limited to your area P articipation ~All members involved and contribute equally S uccess = COLLEGE & CAREER READY

6 Pair/ Share & Partner Work C onversation ~Voice Level =1 whisper H elp ~Ask 3 before me A ctivity ~Follow Instructions M ovement ~Infrequent w/ permission P articipation ~Engaged in partner lesson S uccess = COLLEGE & CAREER READY

7 Tests & Quizzes C onversation ~Voice level =0 H elp ~Come to the desk A ctivity ~Complete evaluation – Continue to work silently on other work M ovement ~Infrequent w/ permission – Pencil =Yes- Drink = Yes – Restroom = Yes- Hand In = When Finished P articipation ~Proper seated position S uccess = COLLEGE & CAREER READY

8 Behavior Consequences 1) Warning or Reprimand~ point to rule 2) Use proximity 3) Loss of Points for phone on test day 4) Time owed after class (30 seconds) 5) Individual Meeting during work time 6) Referral to the Office 7) Removal from class 8) Contact Home/ – Parent Meeting

9 Beginning of Class Expectations Have appropriate materials ready Learning Target or Agenda written in notebook Bell ringer exercise – Warm-up activity – Journal – Handout reading

10 Ending Class Procedures Class Ends when I end, not the tone – Remain Seated Review Learning Target Finish Assignment – Ticket out the door 1 Last minute Pack-Up/ Clean-UP Wave Good bye

11 4:1 Positive Feedback Reflection Student Name__________________________ – Positive Comments: – Negative/Corrective Comments: * How was my ratio today with ________________?

12 4:1 Positive Feedback Reflection Student Name__________________________ – Positive Comments: – Negative/Corrective Comments: * How was my ratio today with ________________?

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