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A DΙgital Library Infrastructure on Grid EΝabled Technology Release BETA Release BETA Build Plan Geneva - 1 March 2007 Paolo Fabriani

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1 A DΙgital Library Infrastructure on Grid EΝabled Technology Release BETA Release BETA Build Plan Geneva - 1 March 2007 Paolo Fabriani

2 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 20072 Summary  Release Beta Numbers  Analysis of component dependencies  Integration configurations: a proposal  Expected times for build cycles  Build scheduling and execution  ETICS usage & infrastructure needs  Naming conventions update

3 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 20073 Release BETA Numbers  From ETICS  20 Subsystems  More than 200 Components  Services, Stubs, API, Service Archives  From Savane  158 Components  75 Services  49 Libraries  34 Portlets

4 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 20074 Release BETA Numbers CategoryServicesLibrariesPortletsTotal DIS44-8 DVOS45211 Keeper42-6 BMM13-4 VDL3-811 CMS56112 MMS3126 Content Security1--1 Annotation11711 Search156122 CSDS/DF31-4 Index172120 Personalisation3-11 Feature Extraction-617 PDS2518 PRS21-3 PES3-14 POS24-6 Application Layer21811 General-1-1 Total754934158

5 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 20075 DVOS DIS BMMKeeperVDL Dependency Analysis CM(2) MM(3) Annotation Cont Sec Feat Ext PRes (2) POpt(3) PExec(3) PDes (4)gLiteDIR(4)Search (4) Index (4) Personalisation (5)Application Layer (5)

6 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 20076 DVOS DIS BMMKeeperVDL Dependency Analysis CM(2) MM(3) Annotation Cont Sec Feat Ext DIR(4)Search (4) Index (4) PRes (2) POpt(3) PExec(3) PDes (4)gLite Personalisation (5)Application Layer (5)

7 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 20077 DVOS DIS BMMKeeperVDL Dependency Analysis CM(2) MM(3) Annotation Cont Sec Feat Ext DIR(4)Search (4) Index (4) PRes (2) POpt(3) PExec(3) PDes (4)gLite Personalisation (5)Application Layer (5)

8 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 20078 Dependency Analysis  20 Subsystems  1 without declared dependencies (independent)  i.e. gLite  Can be potentially built at any time  8 without dependants (non-critical)  i.e. POpt, MM, PDesign, Personalisation, Appl Layer, Annotation, Feature-extraction, Content-security  Have deps but no comp relies on them (can be post-poned if unavail.)  11 with dependants (critical)  5 from CL (DVOS, VDL, DIS, Keeper, BMM)  Process Resources  Process Execution  Content Management  3 from I&SM (Search, Index, DIR)  Need to be built in the above order

9 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 20079 Dependency Analysis Collective Layer (VDL + DIS + DVOS + Keeper + BMM) Proc ResCM MM Proc Opt Proc Exec Proc DesignSearch + Index + DIR PersonalisationApplication Layer Annot Cont Sec Feat Ext gLite

10 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 200710 Integration Configurations A Proposal Integration Configuration Critical ComponentsNon-Critical Components enabled by the previous build #1Collective LayergLIte #2Process ResourcesFeature Extraction, Content Security, Annotation #3Content ManagementProcess Optimisation #4Process ExecutionMetadata Management #5Search + Index + DIRProcess Design #6-Personalisation, Application Layer

11 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 200711 Expected Time for Build Executions  Build execution times:  Whole DILIGENT project: approximately 4 hours  Individual subsystems: 10 mins to 1 hour  Most time spent in checkout (Build Server: CPU 2 x Xeon 2.8GHz, 1GB ram)  Build errors require:  Action from developers: bug fixing and possibly local build  Experience with Alpha (and Alex) tells:  Average fixing time for build bugs (e.g. bad commands and/or dependencies in ETICS, missing libraries and classes, etc.) in a build execution was half day  Difficult bugs (e.g. vcsPrefix mis-usage) took nearly two weeks to solve

12 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 200712 Release Candidate Beta Exptected Times for Build Cycles AlphaRC Beta From 1st integration build to last deployTest 8 weeks6 weeks (19/3 to 31/4) Number of components89158 Number of integration configurations 46 Average nr of new components per integration configuration 2226 Average days from Build to DeployTest 4 days Number of Build-DeployTest cycles 9 (6 days/cycle) 6 to ? (depends on bugs found during DeployTest)

13 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 200713 Considerations  Consistent risk of missing a complete RC Beta for 31/4  Some components scheduled for  15 April (4 comps: VDL & CMS)  31 April (3 comps: CMS & PES)  31 May (1 comp: Search)  Unlikely to have 100% successful “build+deployTest” in one week for each integration build  Risk that some developments won’t complete by 31/3 even if scheduled  April TCOM  Possible solutions  Postpone deadline for a complete RC Beta  Remove components from Beta release

14 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 200714 Release Beta Exptected Times for Build Cycles  Release Beta process is from 1/5 to 30/6 (2 months)  How long to fix bugs discovered in testing and produce a new integration build? Depends on:  Number and Severity of bugs (more difficult than build errors  )  Reactivity of developers (good, so far )  Development still on-going (most likely to happen  )  Outcome of deployment testing (not expected to degrade )  Not less than 10 days = No more than 6 build/test cycles  But we must also consider time for testing  Possible solution  Start testing earlier than 1/5 on available components

15 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 200715 ETICS Usage & Infrastructure Needs  Foreseen usage of ETICS:  Dynamic/Static dependencies  “Module renaming” issue not yet solved in current version. We’ll keep using static dependencies  Dependency scoping adoption (build/runtime)  Saves time when building and testing  Infrastructure Needs:  No further infrastructure requirements

16 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 200716 Build Scheduling and Execution  Alpha  All 0_1_X integration builds have been stopped  HEAD  Project and Subsystem builds are scheduled nightly  Beta  Subsystem integration builds will be scheduled for build as soon as available  Project integration builds will be triggered manually

17 Digital Libraries Powered by the Grid Release BETA Meeting - Geneva, 1-2 March 200717 Configuration Naming  Alpha Release  Project-level configurations renamed to  org_diligentproject_0_1_1 ...  org_diligentproject_0_1_4  Beta Release  Module configurations will be  >_0_2_X  Project-level configurations will be  org_diligentproject_0_2_1  org_diligentproject_0_2_2 ...

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