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BHS Baseball Parents Meeting WELCOME! Informational Parents meeting tonight: Sunday, March 8 th 2015 “PLAY WITH A PURPOSE” » WHY NOT US? “The Way a team.

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Presentation on theme: "BHS Baseball Parents Meeting WELCOME! Informational Parents meeting tonight: Sunday, March 8 th 2015 “PLAY WITH A PURPOSE” » WHY NOT US? “The Way a team."— Presentation transcript:


2 BHS Baseball Parents Meeting WELCOME! Informational Parents meeting tonight: Sunday, March 8 th 2015 “PLAY WITH A PURPOSE” » WHY NOT US? “The Way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.” - Babe Ruth

3 Meet the Coaches! Nathan Anderson- Junior Varsity Nate Dungey Junior Varsity Eric Reuss- Assistant Varsity 707-4040 Robert Webber – Pitching Coach Mick Scholl- Head Coach 707-2526 Mike Holmquist – Varsity Statistician Justin Banitt- Sophomores Frank Senta Junior Varsity Brad Fendler 9 th grade A Jordan Lamotte 9 th grade B

4 Mission Statements Live each day with a purpose and passion as I make a positive impact on the lives of others and live the lifestyle of honesty, integrity, and compassion, which is all centered around my faith. – Coach Scholl Build relationships and encourage my athletes in a caring, compassion, and loving way so I can help each of them see the connection between sport and life, understanding that the journey is the reward. – Coach Reuss

5 Meet the Captains Camden TraetowBrennan Pruszinske

6 Captains Practice Time – Now through first day of tryouts Tryouts – Monday March 16th Savage Dome 13500 Dakota Ave S, Savage, MN 55378 Captains and seniors organized – Live pitching and Hitting!

7 Goals 1.Every Individual becomes a better baseball player! 2.Every individual becomes a better teammate! 3.Every individual becomes a better person! We have HIGH EXPECTATIONS for all involved: Coaches….Players….Parents

8 Performance Vs. Outcome Control the Controllables – What coaches will evaluate during games 1.Execute with fundamentals 2.Be Mentally tough 3.Compete Aggressively PLAYING WITH A PURPOSE!

9 Player Expectations Be accountable Take Pride Focus on Team Goals Rewarding and Fun experience What can you control – Each player becomes a better player – Each player becomes a better teammate – Each player becomes a better person

10 Player Expectations COMMUNICATE! – Approachable – Answer the important questions – Provide Feedback – Aggressiveness – Honesty

11 Coaching Staff Expectations Coach and Teach for the Benefit of players Coach within the framework of the overall high school experience Have high expectations Simplify and Clear expectations Coach as a TEAM

12 Coaching Staff Expectations COMMUNICATE – Be approachable and available – Provide appropriate feedback – Honesty

13 Coaching Staff Expectations Provide a rewarding and fun environment! Model, teach, and preach CLASS and COMMITMENT!

14 Try Out Information All Paperwork must be turned in! – Check Eligibility (cannot tryout without it) – Jeanine Riggs 10-12 th Grade @ Savage Dome – Transportation – Monday - Friday 2:45-5:00 or 5:30 First Cuts – Wednesday – Thursday/Friday if needed

15 Try Out Information Eligibility – Any student failing a class will not be allowed to participate in the tryouts How to look? – You should be clean shaven. – You should have an appropriate haircut. Who may come and watch? – Athletes ONLY! – Try-outs will be closed to all spectators

16 Try Out Information What to wear – White Shirt with Tryout Number – Number will be given to athletes the week before – Numbers will not be assigned until athletic office has cleared athlete! Evaluation Process – Coaches meet and discuss players – Video to help evaluate and compare

17 What we are looking for Athletic Ability – How well can you run, throw, field and hit? – Hustle – Mental approach to the game. – Improvements from year to year. Good Students – Do you attend class and how are your grades? – Are you on time? – Have you been suspended?

18 What we are looking for Good Citizens – Are you representing the community, the school, the team and yourself in an appropriate manner? Good Teammates – Supportive – Able to sit on the bench without pouting?

19 Try outs On the bottom of MLB scouting form it reads... – Do they have enthusiasm to play the game? – Do they enjoy the game? – There are energy givers and energy takers. – Teams need energy givers! – What level of commitment do they have?

20 Secondary Evaluation Process A secondary component of the evaluation process is player position and depth. Sometimes an athlete is kept on the squad because of a lack of depth in a particular position. – Example: If a team is lacking in pitchers a player may be kept as a pitcher only.

21 Spring Break Sophomores – Monday through Friday – 2:00-4:30 – High School (Gym and F190) 29 Players in Arizona – Various times – 6 to 8 hours of baseball! – Players will pick up materials for trip Saturday the 21st

22 Dates and Information Check the Baseball website. All important Dates, Tryout information, and other important items will be posted here. Email – Are you on the list?


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