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Progress and Value of CERC to the Virgin Islands 2007-2012 October 18, 2012 Gloria B. Callwood, PhD, RN FAAN, Edith Ramsay- Johnson, EdD, RN, Desiree Bertrand,

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Presentation on theme: "Progress and Value of CERC to the Virgin Islands 2007-2012 October 18, 2012 Gloria B. Callwood, PhD, RN FAAN, Edith Ramsay- Johnson, EdD, RN, Desiree Bertrand,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress and Value of CERC to the Virgin Islands 2007-2012 October 18, 2012 Gloria B. Callwood, PhD, RN FAAN, Edith Ramsay- Johnson, EdD, RN, Desiree Bertrand, MSN, RN, La Verne Ragster, PhD, Doris W Campbell, PhD, RN, FAAN

2 Center Structure Center funded by NIH NIMHD 5 year funding from NIMHD after 3 year research capacity building grant Organized into four Cores –Administrative –Research –Research Education Training and Mentoring –Community outreach Functions with a Collaborative Model with researchers from research intensive universities

3 Collaborative Structure UniversityActor (s)RolesActivities John Hopkins University Dr. Jackie Campbell Dr. Phyllis Sharps Mentor, Research Core Mentor, Community Core Support Cores, Collaborative Research, Assist grant writing, collaborative writing, presentations Case Western Reserve University Dr. Faye GaryMentor, Training and mentoring Core Support Core, Collaborative Research, Assist grant writing, Collaborative writing, presentations University of Wisconsin Dr. Sandra Underwood Mentor, Training and mentoring Core Support Core, Collaborative Research, Assist grant writing, Collaborative writing, presentations University of Colorado Dr. Michael RadeletMentor, Administrative Core Support Core, Collaborative Research collaborative writing, presentations Wayne State University Dr. Hossein YarandiMentor, Research Core Support Core, Collaborative Research, statistician, presentations University of Pittsburg (Retired) Dr. Angela FordMentor, Community Core Support Core, Collaborative Research, collaborative writing, presentations University of South Florida (Retired) Dr. Doris CampbellMentor, Administrative Core Support Core, Collaborative Research, Assist grant writing, collaborative writing, presentations

4 Face to Face interactions Center Institutes, Bi -annual Board meetings, conferences Continuous tasks Research team's activities, data analysis, presentation poster and podium development, manuscript development, share point access for data sharing Remote Interaction Regular Teleconference with Core groups, Adobe Connect, skype Communications and coordination E-mail, calendars, text messages Time/Space Collabarative Matrix Same Time Synchronous Different Time Asynchronous Same Place Co-located Different Place Remote


6 Outcomes Five years of this collaborative relationship has resulted in: –Partnerships and cooperative relationships with community agencies/organizations Territorial Hospitals Department of Health Federally Qualified Health Centers Hope, Inc Family Resource Center

7 Outcomes: Dissemination –Podium and poster presentations at professional conferences local, National, International –Publications Samples of poster presentations and published articles are on display

8 Contributions to the University and Community –Mentoring of students and community research scholars –Outreach to the community to share health related information, materials and forums on research outcomes –Employment opportunities for students and community health professionals

9 Contributions to science and knowledge –Annual Health Disparities Institutes Digitalization of the Heckler Report outcome of 2010 Institute –Development and implementation of Health Disparities course

10 Research Core Oversight of Studies related to: –diabetes (3), women’s health (1), –breast cancer (1), men’s health (1), –Human Papilloma Virus (1), mental health (1), –Human Immune Virus (1), Intimate partner abuse (1), –women and girl abuse after a disaster (1), Homicide (1), multiple myeloma (1), –Brief Risk Factor Surveillance Survey analysis (BRFSS) (1) – Climate change and public health (1)

11 Research Core Funded Pilot studies –Issued calls for proposals –Reviewed proposals for substance –Facilitated Institutional Review Board and NIMHD assessment of safeguards to protect human subjects Three pilots currently in process related to: –Diabetes –Mental Health –Obesity

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