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STOP HPV, Oklahoma: HPV is not for me! University of Oklahoma School of Community Medicine Summer Institute 2011 Marie Roy, Jennifer Crone, Megan Cunningham,

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Presentation on theme: "STOP HPV, Oklahoma: HPV is not for me! University of Oklahoma School of Community Medicine Summer Institute 2011 Marie Roy, Jennifer Crone, Megan Cunningham,"— Presentation transcript:

1 STOP HPV, Oklahoma: HPV is not for me! University of Oklahoma School of Community Medicine Summer Institute 2011 Marie Roy, Jennifer Crone, Megan Cunningham, Ashley Bunce, Gabriel Presley, and Sheila Crow

2 The problem HPV is the most common STI in the US Infections are most common in youth 20- 24 years old HPV infection can lead to cancer or genital warts in both men and women The solution? Two prophylactic vaccines for HPV have been developed Protect against 4 strains of HPV 90% of HPV infections can be prevented The controversy -Several states have required vaccination for students entering middle school -Only 40% of adolescents in the US receive the first shot of the series -Only 26% complete the series -Concerns abound about side effects of the vaccine and issues of sexual morality

3 Our project GOAL: a community-based research project to assess community fears and concerns about the HPV vaccine – Step 1: Form partnerships with Tulsa City-County Health Dept; local physicians; students, parents, and administration at McClain High School; and local and state representatives – Step 2: Create a questionnaire about HPV and distribute to 9 th & 10 th grade McClain students – Step 3: Hold a focus group with 30 participants in the survey and 15 parents to discuss their questions and concerns about HPV and the vaccine

4 The outcomes Analysis of survey and focus group data to determine general education level, concerns, and social/cultural barriers to vaccination Design a future education and intervention project to promote vaccination in Tulsa adolescents

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