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Develop Pilot Plan (1) Analyze Company Skill Needs 4. Develop Pilot Plan (Beta) Confirm Certification Match & Required LEVELS Institutionalize (Deploy)

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Presentation on theme: "Develop Pilot Plan (1) Analyze Company Skill Needs 4. Develop Pilot Plan (Beta) Confirm Certification Match & Required LEVELS Institutionalize (Deploy)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Develop Pilot Plan (1) Analyze Company Skill Needs 4. Develop Pilot Plan (Beta) Confirm Certification Match & Required LEVELS Institutionalize (Deploy) Certification Improve and Sustain

2 PURPOSE : Our goal is to reach necessary agreements to be able to pilot selected industry certifications we have been discussing. This will require commitments from:  -- How you will support the training and provide job opportunities for graduates.  -- What you will do to provide the training and a pool of certified candidates.  This will then allow us to move forward with details about how the pilot program will work. AGENDA:  Welcome, Introductions, Meeting Purpose and Agenda  Set the Context  Discuss/Clarify Expectations and Commitment/s  College  Manufacturing Partner(s)  Discuss Implementation Process and Timeline  Curriculum  Testing  Students  Employment  Wrap-up PURPOSE & AGENDA (1)

3 Manufacturing Partner(s):  Provide input to the curriculum  Participate in student interviews  Offer plant tours  Provide paid internships  Commit to interview completers CLARIFY EXPECTATIONS AND COMMITMENTS

4 Educational Partner(s):  Existing training curriculum  Options (& possible timeline) to adjust the curriculum  Possible career pathway  Minimum numbers of students  Frequency and timing for offering the program  Testing  Test Preparation  Costs and possible funding sources  Expectations for the manufacturing partner/s CLARIFY EXPECTATIONS AND COMMITMENTS (CONT.)

5  Foundational Skills:  Read  Apply Math  Locate Information (reading charts & graphs)  Set Required Level  Bronze  Silver  Gold  Platinum  NCRC

6  Curriculum  Possible curriculum outline  Steps, timeline, costs  Next steps IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS & TIMELINE CURRICULUM

7  Curriculum  Testing  Who  Where  When  Costs  Next steps IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS & TIMELINE TESTING

8  Curriculum  Testing  Students (Job Candidates)  WHERE will we find them?  Recent graduates  Individuals with industry experience  Veterans  Random Applicants  Work Readiness program participants  WHO will recruit?  Next Steps IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS & TIMELINE STUDENTS (JOB CANDIDATES)

9  Curriculum  Testing  Students (Job Candidates)  Employment  How will the training process lead to employment?  Employer Involvement throughout training  Interviews/Selection process  Wages  Certification Preferred (vs. Required)  Next Steps IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS & TIMELINE EMPLOYMENT

10  Summary of Decisions/Commitments  Assignments (TO DO’s)  Next Meeting REVIEW AND WRAP-UP (NEXT STEPS) TO DO’s


12 Develop Pilot Plan (2) Analyze Company Skill Needs 4. Develop Pilot Plan (Beta) Confirm Certification Match & Required LEVELS Institutionalize (Deploy) Certification Improve and Sustain

13 PURPOSE:  Cnfirm and finalize all necessary agreements and finalize our plan to pilot the certification system we have been discussing. AGENDA:  Welcome & review agenda  Report on assignments  Schedule implementation activities  Curriculum  Testing  Employment  Wrap-up  Summarize Decisions or Agreements  Review Assignments/Next Steps PURPOSE & AGENDA (2)


15  Curriculum Outline as refined  Training Timeline/Schedule  Training Costs  Next Steps IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES CURRICULUM

16  How testing will be accomplished  Testing timeline  Next Steps IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES TESTING

17  Intake Process  Training Process  Employment Process  Confirm/Schedule company involvement  Next Steps IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT PROCESS

18  How will we know if we’re successful?  Retention  Reduced OJT time  Decrease in errors or crap rate  Task completion  _______________  Do we have baselines or can we get them? EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE METRICS

19  Summary of Decisions/Agreements  Review Assignments  Next Steps  Schedule Check-in Meetings (or Calls) WRAP-UP

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