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Winter Storm 2004. 24” Snowfall 20 Days of Freezing Rain.

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Presentation on theme: "Winter Storm 2004. 24” Snowfall 20 Days of Freezing Rain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter Storm 2004

2 24” Snowfall 20 Days of Freezing Rain

3 Vehicles Sliding off Road State Highway 26 First Impact of Storm

4 Pickup Truck Off Side of Road BIA Route 33

5 Weather During Storm

6 Simnasho Fire Hall After Storm Note Height of Piles of Snow Removed

7 Simnasho Longhouse Picture taken Jan 16, 2004

8 Snowpile at Kahneeta Casino Parking Lot Picture taken Jan 16, 2004 Note Height of Snow Pile

9 Entrance to Golf Pro Shop Picture taken Jan 20, 2004

10 Detail of Sign at Entrance to Golf Pro Shop Kahneeta

11 Sander and Plow Carries 7 CuYd. Sanding Material Cleans 60-100 miles of road per shift Removes loose snow and sands hazardous areas

12 Snowplows in Equipment Shed

13 Sanding Boxes in Shed Rear View of Dump Truck Plows

14 Front of Snowplow Note Rubber Cutting Edge

15 Detail of Rubber Cutting Edge

16 Wheels to Keep Plow Above Roadway Located between Snowplow and Cab of Truck Two Wheels (One on left and right side of plow)

17 BIA Route 24 Well Maintained Paved Road

18 BIA Route 33 Well Maintained Aggregate Surface

19 BIA Route 25 Seekseequa Canyon Little Snow and Ice

20 BIA Route 15 Snowplow Removal Only

21 BIA Route 7 Snowplow Removal Over 2” Packed Snow and Ice (16+ days freezing weather)

22 BIA Route 24 Over 2” Packed Snow and Ice

23 BIA Route 27 Over 2” Packed Snow and Ice

24 BIA Route 76 Over 2” Packed Snow and Ice Steep Grades

25 Sanding Shed After Storm

26 Simnasho Cinder Pile After Storm

27 BIA Route 4 Cinders in Shoulder Berms

28 Junction Route 4 + 53 Hollywood and Tenino Cinders in Melting Berms

29 BIA Route 16 Paiute Street Cinders in Melting Berms on Side of Roadway

30 Cinders Arriving to Replenish Stockpile

31 Cinders Delivered Outside Shed to Permit Drying

32 Road Grader Leaving Shop to Clear Roadways Note: Chain all 6 Wheels

33 Road Grader Leaving Yard For Snowplow Operations

34 Carbide Tipped Cutting Edge Used to Shave Packed Snow and Ice From Roadways

35 Grader Removing Packed Snow and Ice From Junction Routes 4 + 75

36 Berm of Shaved Ice On BIA Route 4

37 Road Grader Removing Ice From Junction Routes 4 + 53 Note Broken Stop Sign in Stop Bar

38 Grader Damage to Paiute Street BIA Route 16

39 Road Grader Shaving Ice Cleans 5-10 miles of road surface per shift Uses Carbide Tipped Cutting Edge

40 BIA Route 7 After Ice Shaving Note Clean Berms (No Aggregate Loss)

41 BIA Route 35 School Bus Route After Ice Shaving

42 BIA Route 9 1 Day After Ice Shaving

43 BIA Route 51 Simnasho After Plowing with Road Grader

44 BIA Route 51 After Plowing With Road Grader

45 BIA Route 51 Cul-de-sac After Plowing With Road Grader

46 BIA Route 3 4 Days After Plowing

47 BIA Route 3 4 Days After Plowing (U-pick Snowmen Parts)

48 BIA Route 79 Wolfe Point After Snow Removal

49 BIA Route 45 After Snow Removal

50 Junction Routes 45 + 451 After Snow Removal

51 Entrance Water Treatment Plant BIA Route 451 After Snow Removal

52 Backhoe Removing Snow From Road Intersection

53 Backhoe Dumping Snow Behind Extruded Curb

54 Unimog Snowplow Useful in small areas

55 Snowplow Wheel Unimog

56 Sanding Salt Applied to intersections and sidewalks.

57 BIA Facilities Maintenance Plow and 4WD Pickup

58 Road Conditions Before and After Snow and Ice Removal

59 BIA Route 1 Packed Snow and Ice

60 BIA Route 1 After Snow Removal

61 Charley Canyon Route 20 Packed Snow and Ice

62 Charley Canyon Route 20 Mostly Melted

63 Charley Canyon Route 20 After Snow and Ice Thaw

64 Wolfe Point Route 79 Packed Snow and Ice Ruts

65 Wolfe Point Route 79 After Ice Removal

66 Wolfe Point Route 79 Packed Snow and Ice

67 Wolfe Point Route 79 After Ice Removal

68 Potholes After storm freeze thaw cycles, asphalt fails in form of various potholes due to expanding water in pavement voids. Next operation for road maintenance is cold patching of potholes along paved routes.

69 Cold Mix Pile Road Crew Shop

70 Move Cold Patch into Warm Shop to Thaw and Heat Up

71 Potholes Route 53

72 Patched Pothole Route 53

73 Potholes Route 53 Junction Hollywood and Tenino Road

74 Potholes Route 3

75 Pothole Route 3

76 Patched Pothole Route 3

77 Melting Road Breakup Charley Canyon Route 20

78 Charley Canyon Muddy Road After Snow and Ice Melt

79 Tire Buildup Charley Canyon

80 BIA Route 10 Muddy Ruts

81 High Water Runoff Operations Clean Culvert Inlets and ditches of obstructions to reduce upstream flooding and damage. Sign all hazards to warn public of damaged roadways. Remove signs when damage is repaired.

82 BIA Route 7 Cleaning Culvert of Ice

83 Junction Routes 7 and 12 Cleaning Culvert of Ice and Snow

84 BIA Route 12 Highwater Runoff

85 BIA Route 7 Driveway Flooding

86 Setting Traffic Cones on Washed Out Shoulder Route 7

87 Completed Cone Placement

88 Runoff At Potters Pond Bridge Site BIA Route 7

89 Washout of Guardrail Posts BIA Route 4

90 BIA Route 10 Poorly Maintained Leadoff Ditch

91 End of Presentation

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