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IRI defined RICA Domain I Other Assessments Online resources

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1 IRI defined RICA Domain I Other Assessments Online resources
Reading Assessment IRI defined RICA Domain I Other Assessments Online resources

2 IRI Informal Reading Inventory Administered by teacher Used to:
Diagnose Reading Levels Prescribe Instruction As opposed to standardized, normed and validated assessments such as Stanford 9

3 RICA Domain 1: Planning and Organizing Reading Instruction Based on Ongoing Assessment
Teachers create a balanced reading program using multiple assessment measures and ongoing analysis of individual, small group, and class progress to plan instruction and classroom interventions. Students' reading development is supported by a well-planned and organized program that is based on content and performance standards in reading and is responsive to the needs of individual students.

4 Suggestions for RICA Study
Administer these assessment instruments to three students in grades K-2: Concepts About Print Phonemic Blending, Segmenting or BPST Reading Accuracy, Fluency, Comprehension Sight Words List or Letter Names and Sounds Johnston Spelling Inventory

5 Suggestions for RICA Study
Administer these assessment instruments to three students in grades 4-8: Graded Word List Oral Text Reading Accuracy Comprehension Johnston Spelling Inventory BPST if well below level on words and OTRA Reading Interest Survey or Other

6 Suggestions for RICA Study
Conduct a case study of a student in grades K-2 to examine the student’s literacy development and use the results of the case study to plan instruction. Assess concepts about print, letters of the alphabet, phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling, writing, word identification, and comprehension. In your case study report, include the following sections: Background information on the student Copies of assessment instruments Report of test results and analysis Interpretation and implications for instruction Instructional plans and goals

7 Suggestions for RICA Study
Conduct a case study of a student in grades 4-8 to examine the student’s literacy development and use the results of the case study to plan instruction. Assess phonemic awareness and phonics, word identification, vocabulary, comprehension, spelling, and writing. In your case study report, include the following sections: Background information on the student Copies of assessment instruments Report of test results and analysis Interpretation and implications for instruction Instructional plans and goals

8 Self-Assessment for RICA
Describe four measures you would use to assess a first grader’s reading and writing development. Describe four measures you would use to assess a sixth grader’s reading and writing development. Explain how to determine a student’s independent, instructional, and frustration levels of reading.

9 Self-Assessment for RICA
Explain how a teacher uses students’ reading levels to plan and implement effective reading instruction. List five assessment tools and explain their uses. What is authentic assessment? Give several examples.

10 Self-Assessment for RICA
List and describe three ways to assess students’ decoding skills. List and describe three ways to assess students’ comprehension. What do students’ independent, instructional, and frustration levels suggest about the students' instructional needs?

11 Organizations on Assessment
National Assessment of Educational Progress International Reading Association

12 Reading Assessment Sites

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