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POLYMER ROAD TECHNOLOGY Present by Geoplus and TerraBest corporation.

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1 POLYMER ROAD TECHNOLOGY Present by Geoplus and TerraBest corporation

2 1.1 What is stabilization? A process in which small quantities of additive(s) is used and added to the existing materials which can significantly improve the normal engineering properties of soils, crushed rocks and gravels e.g. CBR, permeability and strength ec.. 1.2 How to carry out stabilization? * Usually carry out in-situ * Sometimes in a centralized processing plant 1 STABILIZATION SoilSoil + CementSoil+Cement+Polimer 1

3 1.3 Advantages * Minimal use of chemical * Efficient & rapid construction * Reduced energy consumption * Environmentally sound * Existing materials can be used * Reduces susceptibility to water * Well proven process 1 STABILIZATION (Cont.#1) 2

4 2.1 What is Polymer ? * A water soluble white milky viscous liquid which is neutral and non-toxic * Chemically, a polymer-based mixture composes of latex and cellulose dispersed in water * A German Chemical Group formulation in origin * A world-wide patented product 2 POLYMER 3 Other physical properties are : Boiling Point 100  C Specific Gravity @25  C 1.00 – 1.02 Viscosity @25  C 1,200 – 2,000 cps Solubility in waterMiscible in water pH value @25  C 11.0 – 12.5

5 2.2 What polymer is used * A polymer mixture for use in soil-stabilization * An additive to improve the performance of soil-stabilization through modification of their properties * Enhance modulus of elasticity, flexibility, strength characteristics and durability * Experience and track records confirmed it to be a beneficial modifier of soil-stabilization 2 POLYMER (Cont.#1) 4

6 2.3 Modification of soil- stabilization by Polymer * Cyclic load(repetitive & reversal) from traffic caused fatigue failures in pavement * Above factors render original soil-stabilization less suitable today * Conventional soil-stabilization susceptible to sulphate attack and proved inappropriate for clayey soils containing excessive fines(> 35% passing the No. 200 sieve) and of high plasticity (P.I. > 10) * All these suggest modification(s) to original soil-stabilization is necessary in order to meet critical needs of pavements today * Tests by renown laboratory, full-scale test pavements and in-service pavements have confirmed the suitability of RENOLIT as a modifier 2 POLYMER (Cont.#2) 5

7 2.4 How Polymer modify Soil-Stabilization? * Increase modulus of elasticity through connecting cement-coated soil particles by numerous ‘micro- rubberbands’ * The water-holding nature is useful during curing process * Protect soil-stabilization against harmful effects of chemical compounds in soil, e.g. sulphate * Prevent penetration and capillary rise of water within soil-stabilization * Reduce the effects of moisture migration – a major cause of pavement deterioration 2 POLYMER (Cont.#3) 6

8 2 POLYMER (Cont.#4) 7 Polymer “micro rubberbands” Soil particles Cement Soil particles Harmful soil chemicals Polymer Coating

9 Shortage of water in conventional soil stabilization during curing 2 POLYMER (Cont.#5) 8 RC-Soils overcome water shortage problem during curing Soil Cement Base course Cracks ! Polymer water storage No Cracks !

10 2 POLYMER (Cont.#6) 9 Free capillary rise of water Blocked capillary rise of water Soil-Cement Surface Micro pores PC-SoilsSurface Capillary action (bleed) in Normal Soil Cement Reduced bleeding in PC-SOILS

11 2.5 What is polimer modified soil-cement ? Adding 5% POLIMER (by weight of cement) will produce a mixture on site which upon compaction and curing will harden to give an impermeable durable structural slab with high elastic modulus & flexibility and at the same time possesses improved compressive and tensile strength characteristics to resist today’s critical load conditions experience by pavements. Acronym “PC-SOILS” 2 POLYMER (Cont.#7) 10 = In-situ Soil Cement (3-7% by wt. Of dry soil) Polymer (5-10% by wt. Of cement) PC-Soils Assume useCalculateQuantity Dry Soil1 cu.m.(dense)= 1 x 2,000= 2,000 kg Cement required5%= 2,000 x 5/100= 100 kg Polimer5%= 100 x 5/100= 5 Litres

12 STEPS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POLIMER ROAD PAVEMENT 3 START LABORATORY SOIL TESTING * SITE INVESTIGATION& SOIL SAMPLINGS RESULTS DESIGN ** CONSTRUCTION FINISH NO PEAT PEAT * Soil Test Required : 1.Natural Moisture Content 2.Grain Size Distribution 3.Atterberg Limits 4.Sulphate Content 5.Organic Content 6.Compaction Test (Modified Proctor Method) 7.Durability Test 8.Compression Strength Test ** Design Method Used : Equivalent Thickness Method (TA) - Pavement Design END 11

13 ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE BY SOIL STABILIZER 4 12 Step 1 : Spot marked for cement placement according to the designed ratio Step 2 : Spreading the required amount of Portland cement Step 3 : Roughly mixing cement and existing soil by graders Step 4 : Homogenously mixing soil and cement by soil stabilizer

14 ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE BY SOIL STABILIZER (Cont.#1) 4 13 Step 5 : Spraying the mixture of Renolith and water on the construction Step 6 : Mixing soil-cement and the mixture of Renolith and water by grader Step 7 : Compaction each layer to the required density Step 8 : Compaction with Pneumatic tyre rollers and smoothing with Tandem rollers

15 ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE BY RECYCLING MACHINE 5 14 Step 1 : Mark the stabilized area Step 2 : Load Renolith mixture and Portland cement as designed ratio into the soil stabilizer machine Step 3 : Run the soil stabilizer machine over the existing base material Step 4 : Mix the existing material with cement and Renolith mixture to the designed thickness

16 ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE BY RECYCLING MACHINE (Cont.#1) 5 15 Step 5 : Compact the stabilized area by the roller compactors to the required CBR Step 6 : Cure the Renolith base with water for 3-7 days Step 7 : The Renolith surface after completed Step 8 : Density test by sand replacement

17 ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE BY GRADER MACHINE 6 16 Step 1 : Grading the constructing area Step 2 : Putting the suitable volume of cement Step 3 : Spread the Portland cement all over the surface Step 4 : Mixing soil and cement properly

18 ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE BY GRADER MACHINE (Cont.#1) 6 17 Step 5 : Spray the mixing of Renolith and water. Step 6 : Mix Renolith and Water to Soil-Cement Properly. Step 7 : Smoothing the surface by grader and compacting the road. Step 8 : The Renolith road surface 1 day after construction.

19 ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE BY MIXING PLANT 7 18 Step 1 : Sub-grade appearance after completely leveling and compacting. Step 2 : Mixing Renolith with water at mixing plant. Step 3 : Dumpers are waiting for Ready-mixed Renolith from the continuous mixing plant. Step 4 : Ready-mixed Renolith flow onto Dumper.

20 ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE BY MIXING PLANT (Cont.#1) 7 19 Step 5 : Pour the blend from Dumper to Paver. Step 6 : Paving the Renolith-soil-cement by Paver. Step 7 : Compacted by vibrating roller compactor. Step 8 : Surface appearance of second layer after curing.

21 CONCLUSIONS 7 20 1.POLIMER modified soil-cement (or RC-Soils) are a well proven soil stabilization process. In essence, it is a mixture of pulverized soil, RENOLIT admixture, cement and water which when compact, cure and harden will turn into a durable structural material. 2.A change in today’s traffic loading conditions as compared to previous; notably high traffic volume and heavy axle load have rendered modification of the conventional soil-cement most necessary, if not a must. 3.The technique is appropriate for new pavement construction, pavement rehabilitation and recycling works for maintenance.

22 CONCLUSIONS (Cont.#1) 7 21 By optimizing and improving the engineering properties and performance (e.g. Load carrying capacity, elastic modulus and thus fatigue resistance and permeability and thus dimensional stability) of local materials available on site (e.g. Soil, crushed rocks and gravel) so that they can be efficient, economical and durable this method lessen the dependence and reliance on outside imported quarry products and/or borrowed soil materials during pavement construction. Consequently, it represents not only a time saving solution but also an environmental sustainable & friendly construction and maintenance approach. 4.

23 CONCLUSIONS (Cont.#2) 7 22 Although partial mechanization, a seemingly more affordable method, is suitable for less trafficked rural roads or construction in remote areas, full mechanization is preferred in the construction of major highways and runways or the like structures where better homogeneity is achieved through more efficient mixing process and also higher and more predictable output capacity are realizable. In brevity, effective RC-Soils stabilization treatment requires specialized stabilization or recycling equipment, engineering know- how, an understanding of materials and quality systems. All these are necessary to ensure that desired design outcomes are achieved. 5.

24 PROJECT REFERENCE Acapulco Highway, Mexico 24 ProjectPavement Recycle on Acapulco Highway Location Acapulco Highway, Mexico Project Description Damaged road demolition and renovation by Renolith Base Course with Asphalt Concrete pavement. Total Area 8,000 m 2 Type of Existing Soil Crushed rock Type of Soil to Fill No Fill Type of Soil for Polimer Course Existing Soil Typical Section - Renolith Course Thickness 15 cm - Asphalt Concrete Thickness 7 cm Mix Design of Polimer Course - Portland Cement 6 % by Weight of Dry Soil - Renolith 10 % by Weight of Cement - Water 6 % by Weight of Dry Soil Equipment - RS500B Reclaimer / Stabiliser - 10 Ton Roller / Water Truck ( 2 ) - Motor Grader Construction Period 1 month 8

25 PROJECT REFERENCE Bicycle Track,Thailand 25 Project Bicycle Track Managed by Bangkok Metropolitan Authority Location Ekamai – Ramintra Toll way Road Project Description Bicycle Track along the footpath, 2.5 meter width and 24 kilometers length Total Area 60,000 m2 Type of Existing Soil Sandy Silt Type of Soil to Fill No Fill Type of Soil for Polimer Course Existing Soil Typical Section - Renolith Course Thickness 7 cm.Asphalt - Concrete Thickness 3 cm. Mix Design of Polimer Course - Cement 5 % by Weight of Dry Soil - Renolith 5 % by Weight of Cement - Water 10 % by Weight of Dry Soil Equipment - Grader / Roller Compactor Construction Period 1 Month, November 1997 8

26 PROJECT REFERENCE Car Parking, Thailand 25 8 Project Auto City Entertainment Center Location Rachadaphisek Road, Huay Kwuang, Bangkok Project Description Road and Car Parking Total Area 27,000 m 2 Type of Existing Soil Very Soft Clay Type of Soil to Fill Imported Laterite for Sub-grade Course Type of Soil for Polimer Course Imported Laterite for Renolith Course Typical Section - Sub-grade Course Thickness 10 cm - Renolith Course Thickness 10 cm - Concrete Pavement Thickness 7 cm Mix Design of Polimer Course - Cement 7 % by Weight of Dry Soil - Renolith 5 % by Weight of Cement - Water 10 % by Weight of Dry Soil Equipment Back-Hoe / Grader / Roller Compactor Construction Period 30 Days, December 1998

27 PROJECT REFERENCE Highway No.1003, Thailand 26 8 ProjectPolimer Soil-Cement Road at Phetchaburi Managed by Public Works Department LocationHighway No. 1003 Puploo-Thasalao–Huaykasem Amphur Nongyaplong, Phetchaburi Province Project DescriptionRoad Construction Project Comparing Between Renolith Road and Conventional Road Total Area(W) 8 m. x (L) 18 Km. Type of Existing SoilLaterite Type of Soil to FillNo Fill Type of Soil for Polimer CourseLaterite Typical Section - Renolith Course Thickness 20 cm Mix Design of Polimer Course- Cement 5 % by Weight of Dry Soil - Renolith 5 % by Weight of Cement - Water 10% by Weight of Dry Soil EquipmentGrader / Roller Compactor Construction Period55 Days, 26 March 1999

28 PROJECT REFERENCE Rehabilitation Road,Bangkok 27 8 ProjectRoad Rachadamnoenklang Managed by Bangkok Metropolitan Authority Location Rachadamnoenklang Road, Bangkok Project Description Settlement Course Demolition and renovation by Renolith Course with Overlaying Asphalt Concrete Total Area 8,000 m 2 Type of Existing Soil Very Soft clay Type of Soil to Fill Recycling Asphalt Concrete from Demolition for Sub-grade Course Type of Soil for Polimer Course Crushed Rock Typical Section - Sub-grade Thickness 15 cm - Renolith Course Thickness 30 cm - Asphalt Concrete Thickness 5 cm Mix Design of Polimer Course - Cement 5 % by Weight of Crushed Rock - Renolith 10 % by Weight of Cement - Water 5 % by Weight of Crushed Rock Equipment Back-Hoe, Grader, Roller Compactor and Ready-Mixed Concrete Truck Construction Period 30 Days, November 1999 Project Cost 3,200,000 Baht

29 PROJECT REFERENCE Farm Entrance Road, Malaysia 28 8 Project FARM ENTRANCE ROAD BY RENOLITH Location Koda state, MALAYSIA Project Description Farm entrance road Total Area L 3,240 m x W 4.30m. x D 150 mm. Type of Existing Soil Laterite Type of Soil to Fill Laterite ( A-7-5, AASHO Classification) Type of Soil for Polimer Course Laterite ( A-7-5, AASHO Classification) Typical Section Renolith Course Thickness 15 cm Mix Design of Polimer Course - Cement 6.8 % by Weight of Dry Soil - Renolith 5% by Weight of Cement - Water 8% by Weight Laterite (O.M.C.) Equipment Grader,Rotary tiller,8 tons rubber roller compactor, 12 tons vibratory roller,Water truck Construction Period 14 March 2000

30 PROJECT REFERENCE Road Construction,GHANA 29 8 Project ROAD Construction BY RENOLITH Location GHANA Project Description Road Construction by Renolith Total Area L 300 m x W 6.00 m x D 120 mm Type of Existing Soil Laterite Type of Soil to Fill - Type of Soil for Polimer Course Laterite Typical Section Renolith Course Thickness 12 cm Mix Design of Polimer Course - Cement 5% by Weight of Dry Soil - Renolith 5% by Weight of Cement - Water 6.48% by Weight Laterite Equipment Grader,Steel Compaction,Water truck Construction Period -

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