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Fall 2014, project. XAMPP (or other stack) Go to Install a MySQL, Apache,

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2014, project. XAMPP (or other stack) Go to Install a MySQL, Apache,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2014, project

2 XAMPP (or other stack) Go to Install a MySQL, Apache, PHP stack Go to http://localhost/XAMPPhttp://localhost/XAMPP Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ Note, you can also get stacks at: The mac app store - MAMP stack – WAMP and MAMP

3 Project requirements Design a database Create your tables un-normalized There must be transitive FDs in each original table There must be at least one pair of MVDs in the original schema (in the same table) Create at least 10 tables with at least six fields in each table Normalize your tables into 4NF Most of your tables should be involved in PK/FK relationships

4 Using PHPMyAdmin Create your database Populate your tables with INSERT commands Write queries that do the following (at least one of each) A simple SELECT FROM WHERE A SELECT FROM WHERE ORDER BY A SELECT FROM WHERE ORDER BY LIMIT A SELECT FROM WHERE with an implied join A SELECT FROM WHERE GROUP BY A SELECT FROM WHERE GROUP BY HAVING

5 Using PHPMyAdim, continued A SELECT FROM WHERE with two implied joins, a MAX function, an AVG function, and at least two levels of parentheses embedding in the where clause (i.e., a very non- trivial where clause) A SELECT FROM WHERE with a NOT operator and an IN operator, and a nested query A SET command and a nontrivial WHERE clause An UPDATE with a nontrivial WHERE clause A CREATE USER A DROP USER A START TRANSACTION and a ROLLBACK

6 For ugrads & grad students You will run your queries manually for the grader All queries must compile and run properly – the grader will be there on the day of the final for demos You will send to the grader via email your pre-normalized schema and your schema in 4NF, as well as show them to him on the day of the final You will also send the grader the text of all your SQL queries (including the ones making tables and doing updates/inserts).

7 For grad students (or extra credit for ugrads) Create a web page interface to your set of queries so that queries can be chosen from a menu and then run The interface will show the growing schema as tables are created For read only queries: The web page interface will display the result of each query, including table names, attribute names, and the tuples returned For queries that update tables: The interface will show all updated tuples

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