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Digital Footprint Objective: Students will gain awareness of what it means to have a digital footprint.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Footprint Objective: Students will gain awareness of what it means to have a digital footprint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Footprint Objective: Students will gain awareness of what it means to have a digital footprint.

2 Review – What is digital citizenship?  Link to intro video Link  Link to 8 min video Link  Create a concept map:  Types of Digital Media  Actions students take with digital media  Your feelings about digital media  Your parents feelings about digital media

3 What is a digital footprint?  Digital footprint handout  Write your name, date and period on the top right corner of the handout  link to digital dossier video video

4 your digital footprint  What can be found when you Google yourself?  Data collected by different websites you visit  Data recorded by email, educational networking, cell phone and video game companies  Anywhere where you use a username and password

5 On your digital footprint document  List all the accounts you have online :  Websites  Educational networks  Phones you text  Video games you play online  Etc.

6 Digital Footprint Video  Think about your online activity:  What is your digital reputation?  Watch videovideo  After video, write 2-3 sentences describing your digital reputation AND 2-3 sentences describing your “real life” reputation.  Are they the same?  Are they positive?

7 Kidsmart Digital Footprint  Read webpage: webpage  Create your own digital footprint after reading and using the template on the webpage template  Additional activities from website, if time permits


9 Netiquette Rules  Objectives:  Students will identify the “rules” of netiquette  Students will devise a way to teach 6 th graders about netiquette  Link to protecting reputations video Link to protecting reputations video Link to protecting reputations video

10 Netiquette  Brainstorm a list of etiquette rules that you use when face-to-face in a social situation  Discuss how these rules might change depending on the person/people you are talking to  2 Volunteers: Impromptu conversation in front of the class  Roles: young Justin Bieber fan & adult who think JB is the worst performer ever, a person who has never heard of JB, a die hard Lady Gaga fan, or…

11 Google Docs, Edmodo or Today’s Meet  Complete the same activity with impromptu conversations, but this time use an online collaborative tool such as Edmodo or Google Docs to simulate a chat room or exchange of emails.  Discuss the difficulties encountered in an online discussion, what elements of conversation are missing in an online discussion (body language, facial expression, tone)?  Homework - Plan a creative way to teach the rules of netiquette to a 6th grader (film, podcast, PSA, Poster). They don't have to create it, just plan it.

12 Digital Communities & Educational Networking  Objective:  identify the ups and downs of educational networking and digital communities.

13 Use the clickers - True or False 1. Students are part of an educational networking site. 2. Students use an educational networking site at least 3 times a week. 3. Students use the Internet to communicate with their friends. 4. Students us the Internet to play games with others. 5. Students use the Internet to post creative work. 6. Students have had something good happen to them by using the Internet. 7. Students have run into some kind of problem, or ended up feeling upset because of something that happened on the Internet

14 Google Drive, Edmodo or Today’s Meet  Reflect on your Internet use and digital life in general  Read and respond to at least 2 other students' reflections  Your responses should indicate that you have read and analyzed both authors' works and have compared evidence as to how their digital lives are or aren't affected by use of the Internet

15 Class Discussion  If the Internet, cell phones, or other forms of digital media did not exist, would your life be better or worse?  How would you feel if you could not use digital media for a week? Would your life be different in any way?

16 2 Readings  Internet Safety: Safe Surfing Tips for Teens Internet Safety: Safe Surfing Tips for Teens Internet Safety: Safe Surfing Tips for Teens  Protecting Your Online Identity and Reputation Protecting Your Online Identity and Reputation Protecting Your Online Identity and Reputation  What measures should be taken to ensure your safety and privacy while online.?

17 On Guard Online  Remind Kids That Online Actions Have Consequences Remind Kids That Online Actions Have Consequences  Tell Kids to Limit What They Share Tell Kids to Limit What They Share  Encourage Online Manners Encourage Online Manners  Limit Access to Your Kids’ Profiles Limit Access to Your Kids’ Profiles  Talk to Kids About What They’re Doing Online Talk to Kids About What They’re Doing Online

18 homework  Track your time and activity online over the next 2 days.  Keep a log of every time they text or get online and write down what sites they are visiting and if they are exchanging information on the sites.  This homework could be modified by having students pledge to give up texting and online activity for one or more days - how was their day different?

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