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Computerized Assessment Tool Providing Solutions for Regulatory Boards Dr. Judi Gerstung, Executive Director or
Welcome to EBAS © 2015
Application Info Schedule Your Exam Exam Prep Score Your Exam Agency Info Home About Us Contact Us E&B Information Brochure FAQs EBAS © 2015
How Effective are Your Agency’s Disciplinary Measures?
Are your current procedures providing you with the best information to make a decision as to whether or not the licensee really “GETS IT” or are you still relying on your gut feeling? Does the licensee fully understand the consequences of ethical/boundary violations? Does the licensee understand what solutions are needed? Without Assessment as part of your Disciplinary Orders… is your agency truly serving & protecting the public? EBAS © 2015 3
What Does EBAS Provide? A tool that assesses the “moral compass” of the ethically-challenged professional A validated, reliable exam that crosses all professions A calibrated, and now, interprofessional grader training A means of furthering the goal of all regulatory jurisdictions: Protection of the public!! EBAS © 2015
WHY to Use… Offers more insight into ethical attitudes and thought processes Provides better evaluation of complex interactions required to work in an ethically appropriate manner Demands accountability for public and health safety concerns within professional environment Gives agencies an additional item in their “toolbox” of disciplinary orders EBAS © 2015
What Does the Exam Cost? (No Cost to Regulatory Agency)
$1,500 per initial exam administration includes all costs: processing the application seat time at computerized test center essay grading (including grader training and calibration) post-exam review mailing of transcripts to licensee and board $300 per retake area EBAS © 2015
Are There Guidelines for Writing Disciplinary Orders?
The following information is provided to assist you in advising your sanctioned licensees of the application procedures for EBAS. EBAS advises inclusion of these guidelines in your disciplinary orders: Specify agency requirements: “Licensee must take and pass all 5 topic areas of the EBAS Essay Examination within 6, 9, or 12 months of the date of these disciplinary orders.” Provide website location for accessing the EBAS Application Form: Enter in the web address line (URL) of an internet browser (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) to access the EBAS website. EBAS © 2015
How Is the Exam Delivered?
Launched its new assessment tool for use by inter- professional regulatory agencies in January 2014. Utilizes computerized testing centers throughout the United States (Int’l sites are also available). Currently offered in an “On-Demand” format and administered 6 times per week vs. 6 times/year (as from ). Each licensee receives five (5) unique essay scenarios – 60 minutes per essay with stratified random selection from pool of scenarios in each of the topic areas. EBAS © 2015
What Are the Scenario Topic/Focus Areas?
Boundary Violations (Licensee with Client/Patient; Licensee with Staff, including Harassment Concerns); Fraud (Fraudulent Billing/Coding; Falsification or Alteration of any Documents; Performing Unwarranted Services); Professional Standards (Quality Assurance Issues; Negligent Performance of Duties; Safety Concerns; Improper Diagnoses and/or Treatments; Improper Client/Patient Management); Office Protocols (Fabricated/Incomplete Records or Documentation; Failure to Release Records; Improper Billing Procedures); Unprofessional Conduct (Inappropriate Behavior; Substance Abuse; Prescription Forgery; Aiding/Abetting Unlicensed Activity; Practicing with Revoked/Suspended License). EBAS © 2015
How Is the Essay Response Formatted?
Required Essay Components (component text boxes have specified response directions with unlimited typing space): Personal Opinion Statements: Referring to the given scenario and its assigned focus, present several clearly stated opinions about potential issues and concerns. PLEASE NOTE: Limit this component to opinion statements only. You will have the opportunity to provide “EXAMPLES/EXPLANATIONS” for your opinions in the next component. Examples & Explanations: Expand and support each of your Introductory Opinion Statements with several thorough and well-developed examples and explanations. Consequences: Referring back to the given scenario and its assigned focus, discuss several consequences to include, when applicable: client/patient, staff, licensee, profession, and/or other public health/safety issues. Solutions: Referring back to the given scenario and its assigned focus, discuss several solutions that reflect the professional responsibilities and actions needed on the part of the licensee involved to resolve the relevant ethical/ boundary issues and concerns. Content and expression of ideas are more heavily weighted in scoring than grammar, punctuation, or spelling. EBAS © 2015 10
More Information? For specifics regarding the EBAS Essay Examination format, please review the EBAS website at Exam Prep: Test Plan Essay Exam Format Essay Writing Exercise Resource List Score Your Exam: Scoring Criteria EBAS © 2015
Who Grades the Essays? Graders are trained professionals who have addressed ethics and boundaries issues in a licensing/regulatory context. EBAS held its first inter-professional Grader Calibration Workshop in February 2014 including representatives from the following boards: Medical doctors, osteopaths, physician assistants, chiropractors, psychologists, pharmacists, massage therapists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, and cosmetologists. EBAS © 2015
What Establishes Exam Reliability and Validity?
Scenarios for essays are derived from realistic ethical and boundary situations. Graders are regulatory professionals that receive training in scenario writing, scenario content analysis, scoring, and mock grading with calibration – prior to participating on the graders panel. Graders receive additional follow-up scoring calibration – when indicated. EBAS © 2015
How Is Grader Bias Reduced?
Licensee identification is not disclosed to graders. Graders do not grade licensees from their own state (EBAS creates “firewall”). All essays are delivered in random order to graders to ensure that responses from each examinee are not rated sequentially. Content and expression of ideas are more heavily weighted in scoring than grammar, punctuation, or spelling. EBAS © 2015
What is the Score Report?
Both examinee and agency receive a copy of the score report. The report indicates the strengths and weaknesses of each component response and its contribution to the final point total for each of the 5 essays. Exam provides informative evaluation; not designed to be punitive. EBAS © 2015
Sample Score Analysis Report
Boundary Violations Fraud Professional Standards Office Protocols Unprofessional Conduct Introductory Opinion Statements 3.2 2.3 2.6 1.5 2.8 Examples/ Explanations 2.7 3.0 3.3 Consequences 3.7 3.5 4.0 Solutions 2.0 TOTAL 12 9* 10* Total scores are rounded to the nearest whole number. Licensees will NOT receive a score at the testing center at the end of their examination. Essays are batched (monthly or bi-monthly as needed) for delivery to the grading panel. As soon as a grading event is complete (graders have one week to score), essays undergo a thorough post-exam/panel review process. Upon finalization of the scores, the Score Report is sent to both the licensee and their state board. It may take anywhere from two (2) to six (6) weeks from the time a licensee takes their exam to receipt of their score report. Licensees need to factor in this period of time when scheduling their exam and especially when considering their sanctioning deadlines. * Indicates a failing score EBAS © 2015 16
What Are the Pass/Fail Statistics?
EBAS © 2015
How can EBAS Help You EXPEDITE Your Disciplinary Cases?
Cuts costs and case adjudication slow-downs; EBAS assessments provide a quicker path to settlement using a 5 topic essay examination; EBAS offers a tool to assess a licensee’s comprehension of ethical and boundary issues; EBAS supports your agency’s mission: Public Protection EBAS © 2015
How Does a Board Get Started?
Arrange for teleconference/webinar presentation at your Board meeting; Register your agency with EBAS by selecting the menu “Agency Info” at then click on the tab “Steps to Register”: Provide ALL information requested on the application form. This will ensure prompt processing of all aspects of a sanctioned licensee’s application to include completion of the automated/electronic authorization form: “E&B Examination Agency Authorization and Score Report Request” A link to access the Agency Authorization and Score Report Request form will be ed to you by EBAS upon receipt and verification of a licensee’s application and fees. EBAS © 2015
THANK YOU! Any Questions?
Please contact: Dr. Judi Gerstung Executive Director, EBAS or EBAS © 2015
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