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Welcome! Please find your child’s seat and begin to look through the provided information. Please don’t forget to visit the volunteer station located at.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Please find your child’s seat and begin to look through the provided information. Please don’t forget to visit the volunteer station located at."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Please find your child’s seat and begin to look through the provided information. Please don’t forget to visit the volunteer station located at the kidney table. I am so thankful for parent volunteers.

2 Born in Bricktown, New Jersey - moved to Georgia in 2 nd grade Attended Cobb County Schools (Kincaid, Simpson, Lassiter) Married to Randy for the past 15 years – we’ve been together almost 20 years Proud Mom of a 12 year old son and 7 year old daughter. Hunter is a 6 th grader at East Paulding and Savannah is a 3 rd grader at Frey. Graduated from Jacksonville State University (Alabama) in 1998 Experience teaching 6 th, 3 rd and 2 nd grade - 14 th year at Frey HUGE animal lover. I have 4 “fur-babies” - 2 dogs & 2 cats A few of my favorites: Sprite, Pistachios, Mr. Sketch Skinny markers

3 The 1 st bell rings at 7:15 & the 2 nd bell rings at 7:50. Tardy passes are given to students arriving after 7:50. When students arrive, they should: unpack their binder, get two sharpened pencils, use the restroom, & begin morning work. Morning Announcements begin at 7:50. Morning work will be checked at 8:00 so please have your child to school by 7:40 Please limit tardies whenever possible.

4 My main method of communication will be through our class blog, If you have not given me your e-mail, and would like to know of class postings, please let me know ASAP. If you do not have computer access, let me know this as well so that I can make sure your child receives a hard copy of any class postings. Please refer to the Remind 101 post on my blog and sign up as soon as possible. You may also email me at or contact the school at

5 Rules of the Wild West (located on the behavior calendar) I listen and follow directions the 1 st time. I keep my hands, my feet and my belongings to myself. I work quietly and do not disturb others. I raise my hand when I want to speak or leave my seat. I respect school and other people’s personal property. When students display these traits, I try my best to acknowledge and/or reward them. (compliment tickets) We also work as a class to earn letters on our Compliment Board Mystery Puzzle!

6 Comes home nightly and is our other method of communication. Please check it daily for notes from the school, classroom, as well as any behavior notifications from me. Please initial every Thursday night or Friday morning. Daily Behavior Calendar Graded/Completed Work Notes to and from school Homework & Unfinished Work

7 Weather permitting, we will have recess daily. In case of inclement weather, we will have indoor recess during which time students may watch a ‘G’ rated video, read independently, play games or free draw. Our class could always use donations of playground equipment throughout the year such as balls, jump ropes, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, soft frisbees, bases or small cones. During colder months, please make sure to send a jacket with your child, as we will go out as long as the temperature is above 40 degrees. Send a jacket each day as well because I keep the room cold. If your child leaves his/her jacket outside, they will not be permitted to return to the playground to retrieve it. However, they may visit the LOST & FOUND the following day.

8 Standards Based Report Card Examples…1, 2, 3 or 18/20 3 Proficient –consistent and independent 2 Basic Understanding 1 Minimal Understanding May also be marked …… Checked Together (CT) Guided Lesson (GL) Not all papers are graded, but are used to drive instruction Please note that at any time, you may refer to the, 2 nd grade standards handout, as well as the rubric located on he back of the report card. 3+‘s will only be awarded to those students who go above and beyond daily expectations consistently in the classroom.

9 Please make sure to check over your child’s homework to ensure accuracy. Homework is not busy work, but a chance for you and your child to communicate about skills being taught here at school. Homework will be in the form of a weekly packet. It comes home on Friday and is due the following Friday. Always keep homework in the homework section of your child’s binder. Homework is your child’s responsibility. Students who remain in the HOMEWORK CLUB during the nine weeks, will enjoy a treat at the end of the marking period. Homework should ALWAYS be neat, complete, & have your child’s name and number on it!

10 The students will rotate through a 6 day special rotation. Please refer to your specials calendar or the blog. Day 1: PEDay 2: Media Center Day 3: ArtDay 4: PEDay 5: Technology Day 6: Music Only tennis shoes should be worn on PE days for safety purposes. Our specials time is 9:55-10:45




14 I will make up any assignments in class. I do not send home the work. Send in an excuse letter After multiple absences a letter is sent home from the school/county. Remember, excessive tardiness has a negative impact on student achievement I will not provide extra work, make-up work or send home assignments ahead of time for those going out of town. I will use class time to make up work.

15 Healthy Snacks daily at 9:15 we do not have community snacks Birthday Treats: served at lunch/snack cupcakes are convenient- I will not cut or serve cakes Transportation Changes-in writing only, please do not send changes through email Please fax any changes in afternoon transportation to the office no later than noon. Join PTA and sign up for their online newsletters.

16 I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities! DON’T FORGET TO TAKE A WISH and make sure to turn in ALL of your supplies as soon as possible! and make sure to turn in ALL of your supplies as soon as possible! Flames of Frey……AIM HIGH

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