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Today We Learn Mathematics

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1 Today We Learn Mathematics

2 The goal of this lesson is solving maths problems by applying what you learned at school. (If you still remember it)

3 I give you 3 digits and a result and you must put all the signs necessary to restore the equality.
I give you an example. The remainder you solve by yourself. = 6 + + Easy! Isn't this? It is the same for the remainder.

4 = 6 = 6 = 6 = 6 = 6 = 6 = 6 = 6 = 6

5 What, did You solve some? … Not, N°2 : it was the example, which I showed you presently .
¿ Another? Ah… N°6. Very difficult !!! = 6 + - EINSTEIN!!!!!

6 3 3 3 = 6 x - 5 5 5 = 6 / + - 7 7 7 = 6 / + ¿And the others?
? Do you want assistance? Ah, not, I forgot you are intelligent. I think that you solved the 3th , Perhaps the 5 th. With a little chance the 7th . = 6 x - = 6 / + - = 6 / + Still not? Ok. We are here for that! - (7/7) = -1. And thus = 6

7 Now let we see those which are a little more complicated.
The 4th. = 6 + + The 9th. - = 6 x The 8th. 3 3 3 = 6 + + No Good ? Ahhh!!! That’s another thing!.

8 Ah, not… It’s ;true… It remains to solve the first one.
On this, I finish today’s class Ah, not… It’s ;true… It remains to solve the first one. 1+1+1 = 3 3x2x1 = Dunce’s cap! = 6 + + ! Well I give you a track, but I must acknowledge this one is muscular... No ? Still not? You are not gifted in Maths, eh!! FACTORIAL: the factorial of a number is obtained by multiplying all the formers up to 1. It is symbolised by the exclamation point.

9 Good, Considering your performances, the next course will treat the art of walking while chewing chewing-gum.. Kindly: THE PROF.

10 Shared by a member of NidoKidoS Group
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