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EDIT 6900: Research Methods in Instructional Technology UGA, Instructional Technology Spring, 2008 If you can hear audio, click If you cannot hear audio,

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Presentation on theme: "EDIT 6900: Research Methods in Instructional Technology UGA, Instructional Technology Spring, 2008 If you can hear audio, click If you cannot hear audio,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EDIT 6900: Research Methods in Instructional Technology UGA, Instructional Technology Spring, 2008 If you can hear audio, click If you cannot hear audio, click If you have a question, click Lloyd Rieber Instructor Eunjung Oh Graduate Assistant

2 Five Topics for Today Important Reminders Eun Jung’s Report on AERA LSAT Logic in Everyday Life Focus on Becoming a Better Writer Conclude Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods

3 Informal Activity SDC Systematic Data Collection An informal, (hopefully) enjoyable activity designed to give you first-hand experience collecting research data Your Task: Go and research something of interest to you! Report on it informally in writing Give 5 minute oral report 10%, Due: April 9

4 Informal Activity SDC Systematic Data Collection An informal, (hopefully) enjoyable activity designed to give you first-hand experience collecting research data Your Task: Go and research something of interest to you! Report on it informally in writing Give 5 minute oral report 10%, Due: April 9

5 April 2Quantitative Research (con’t) April 9Preparing a Research Report SDC Reports (in class) April 16Finish SDC Reports (if needed) Research Project Presentations? April 23Research Project Presentations Remaining Course Calendar

6 Course Evaluation Rubric Questions?

7 Course Project Presentations MP3/PPT –Audra Edwards –Marty Kilroy –Erin Noh & Amy Wright –Darin Parker & Eddie Hutchinson –Trudy Trail Present on April 16 –Myra Blackmon The rest present on April 23

8 Eunjung Oh’s AERA Report

9 “What Gives?”

10 Let’s choose the person to briefly summarize this week’s podcast…

11 “What Gives?” Take away points Spending money on others leads to happiness “Direct support for our causal argument that spending money on others promotes happiness more than spending money on oneself.” –Study 1: In a national sample, happiness correlated with money given to charity Flaw in drawing causal relationship from correlation –Study 2: Workers happier when bonus money spent on others Controlled for bonus size Sample size too small –Study 3: Students given $5 or $20. Happier when spent on others Not an authentic design Does giving away money cause happiness? –Maybe happy people like to give away money. –Maybe people who have more money than others are just happier!

12 This concludes our use of…

13 Holy APA, Batman! In Pursuit of Excellent Writing

14 Utilize vs. Use effects vs. affects Use & inside parentheses, use “and” outside Here are some of my writing “pet peeves.” What are some of yours?

15 Other IT Faculty Pet Peeves about Writing Use of the word “key” Missing articles (e.g. a, an) Run on sentences Sentence fragments Anthropomorphism Use of passive voice Use of unnecessary words Paragraphs not linked together meaningfully

16 Dr. Lloyd Rieber The University of Georgia Department of Educational Psychology & Instructional Technology Athens, Georgia USA EDIT 6900 Research in Instructional Technology Part IV. Quantitative Research Methodologies Chapters 9-11


18 Final Thoughts on Research Methodologies Research methods follow from the research questions Consider your predispositions to research methodologies as you write your research questions. Don’t think of it as “qualitative versus quantitative” Be skilled and comfortable in a variety of research methodologies. Think triangulation

19 Concept of Triangulation: “Where are you” in the data collection?

20 Questions? Go ahead and enter question in message field, or… Click and wait for my prompt to speak.

21 To do list Follow the Course Learning Plan!

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