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Change the world For the better. Now!. Introduction In our world we are all global citizens we must all be treated the same as everyone else in the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Change the world For the better. Now!. Introduction In our world we are all global citizens we must all be treated the same as everyone else in the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Change the world For the better. Now!

2 Introduction In our world we are all global citizens we must all be treated the same as everyone else in the world. Even though we have written statements called “Human Rights” claming that everyone in the world must be treated the same or better these rights are not being followed and are being broken in some countries whether it is because of poverty, environment, physical force, religion or something other.

3 Our world has unthinkable differences in wealth, through out it some people have extreme wealth some people have average wealth then some people have absolutely extreme poverty struggling for survival. Of course there are people living life in-between these wealth levels, but basically all New Zealanders live life far, far better than this.

4 But within our world we have treasure organisations such as “World Vision” working to make a change to this world for the better by helping these people and saving lives. As well as organisations working to help the world we have individuals such as “Mother Teresa” a lovely nun working to help the world

5 Human Rights Human Rights apply to every human being in the world, these are made around respect, dignity and the worth of each individual. In other words, all you have to do to qualify for Human rights is to be human.

6 So whether you are the head of the country or a street beggar, a movie star or a factory worker, an Olympic runner or a wheelchair user, whatever your race, colour, gender, language, religion, appearance, origins, wealth, ability and more you are entitled to these rights. And NO ONE in the world has the power to take them from you.

7 The information you are about to read has not been copied or pasted but has been written in my own words and next to the writing there is directly where I got it from

8 World Vision is a world wide organisation and is an organisation completely devoted to helping people in 3 rd world and war torn countries such as India, Asia and countries in the African continent, World Vision is also the largest organisation of this kind in the world. World Vision is powered by volunteer workers and donations ensuring that World Vision can get the most out of the donated money and use it on the people they are helping instead of wages. World Vision gets most of its donations by advertising on television and cyberspace as well as the word of mouth, movies and static images. World Vision does not just get all its money from donations the organisation runs other advents and programs such as the “Famine’’ which as gone from the 25hour famine to the 30hour famine and now has become the 40hour famine due to people learning more about people starving and suffering through out the world which can only be a good thing. The organisation “World Vision” believes that everyone should have Human Rights and no one should have the power to take that from you no matter what. With that World Vision sometimes gets children out of bonded labour and pays off their debt which is mainly why children are in bonded labour (Common in India) and helps set them up for the future. World Vision does not just give water in bottles or send food to where required (unless it is temporary), World Vision sets families, villagers and people up with utilities and items such as wells for drinking water and to grow crops, grains to grow fields of rice and wheat and fishing nets to catch fish so the people can fend for themselves instead of relying on World Vision forever and a day just to name a few. World Vision builds hospitals for health care and schools for education so people can get more jobs, learn more options, earn more money and live healthier and happier lives.

9 What we now know So now as you know the world is not always a lovely place but what's lovely about it is the lovely people working to make a difference. These people dedicate their lives to others working for a peaceful, safer, happier and equal world. So now you might think just $1.00c per week from my pocket money could save a life. It would feel good to be a hero.

10 Recommendations/ How you can help. Sponsor a child or adult. Try not to buy products made in places breaching human rights such as “Nike”. Try not to buy things you don’t need and instead use the money to donate to charity even the local “SPCA” would be a good thing but if you wanted to do something even better try donating that money to World Vision or some other organisation like it.

11 How you can help. Tell friends and family about what's happening around the world or anyone its just great to raise awareness. Try to do fundraising projects such as the “40hour Famine” to raise money for these things and try to get your mates into it. And you also don’t have to help the global community helping a sick or ill neighbour by even just feeding the cat for them would be making a start and doing something.

12 How you can help. Make posters about these happenings and ask to put them in local shop windows. As a long term goal you could even consider volunteer work for these organisations for becoming a nun or a priest and work like Mother Teresa. As a country we could make it a law that every tax paying person in New Zealand must take a % of their money and add it to their tax then the government could take that money and give it directly to a company like “World Vision”.

13 Bibliography Working for change (DVD). Life in chains (DVD). The tragedy of child labour (DVD). Mother Teresa biography (Book) Auckland National Library/ Emily. Sophie's research. The Power of One Add. Faith Wyllie's teaching. Social talking. Television. My present knowledge.

14 Credits and thanks Mrs Wyllie for teaching me well. Mrs Wyllie for teaching me well. “Sophie” for letting me read her unwanted research. “Sophie” for letting me read her unwanted research. “Emily” for letting me read her Mother Teresa book. “Emily” for letting me read her Mother Teresa book. Mrs Wyllie for letting me use the Activboard for this presentation. Mrs Wyllie for letting me use the Activboard for this presentation. “David” for giving me some of his research. “David” for giving me some of his research.

15 By Jesse Thank you for listening and goodbye.

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