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All rights reserved Sensecere 2014. About this Workshop The Aim of this workshop is to provide an Opportunity to: Gain an insight into sensory environments.

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Presentation on theme: "All rights reserved Sensecere 2014. About this Workshop The Aim of this workshop is to provide an Opportunity to: Gain an insight into sensory environments."— Presentation transcript:

1 All rights reserved Sensecere 2014

2 About this Workshop The Aim of this workshop is to provide an Opportunity to: Gain an insight into sensory environments. Experience a sensory activity. Take part in group discussions. Introduce some approaches and strategies that can help reduce anxiety and subsequent behaviours. Reflect on your own setting. All rights reserved Sensecere 2014

3 Learning about sensory experiences All rights reserved Sensecere 2014

4 Carly’s Experience All rights reserved Sensecere 2014

5 Question & Discussion Please write down three words to describe what you could be feeling if you were Carly. Can you turn to your right and share your thoughts together. And then discuss as a table. All rights reserved Sensecere 2014

6 We are going to take one example: Smell All rights reserved Sensecere 2014

7 Smell activity On your table you will have a Lime bottle. If at any time the smells gets a little overwhelming, please use the lime bottle to naturalise smells. In pairs, you should have two containers each. We are going to do two different activities:  1 st Task. Without telling your partner what is in the container, take off the lid and place the container under your partner’s nose.  2 nd Task. Look at the bottom of the container, tell your partner and pass them the container so that they have full control of the smell. Now please swap, so that you each have a turn. All rights reserved Sensecere 2014

8 Question & Discussion Please write down three words to describe how you felt either before, during or after TASK 1 (when you had no pre-warning of smell). Also three words to describe reactions or feelings during TASK 2 (with notice and control of smell). And then discuss as a table. All rights reserved Sensecere 2014

9 What’s happening? Our Reactions Child’s Reaction Sensory Experience All rights reserved Sensecere 2014 “I was hypersensitive to the texture of foods, and I had to touch everything with my fingers to see how it felt before I could put it in my mouth.” (Sean Barron) “In my total horror of sounds, the sound of metal was an exception. I really like it unfortunately for my mother, the doorbell fell within this category and I spent my time obsessively ringing it.” (Donna Williams)

10 How can we help? An awareness and your new understanding will play a big factor. Pre warning:  using photographs of people  objects to be used  look at your environment  Smells, Noises, Movement Make as much as possible known to the Child/Young person before. What solutions can you offer?  Pre visit.  Sending an environment story.  Could you create a quite area. Building trust. How amazing is it when we are understood? Being aware of what people bring into an environment i.e. perfumes, strong foods, cleaning products or paints. (Don’t have an event whilst building is being decorated) Lime All rights reserved Sensecere 2014

11 Sensory Environment Template All rights reserved Sensecere 2014

12 So in Conclusion... A short taster and introduction into the sensory environment and surrounding anxieties. The chance to explore the sensory challenges children/young people face. An insight into the sense of smell and ways we can help the child/young person. What do you gain?  A happier child, Parent or Carer, happier staff who are more engaged and feel more confident,  have ideas now and some suggested solutions,  Happier HCC more children staying for longer and returning, better use of resources? All rights reserved Sensecere 2014

13 Flyer/feedback “Making Sense” Sensecere Workshop Delivered by Sharon Wilson Date: Wednesday 12 March 2014 Time: 6.30pm-9.30pm Cost:£10 per person Location:Cups and Cakes Tea Rooms 166 Portsmouth Road Lee On The Solent Gosport Postcode: PO13 9AE This workshop is for mainstream and specialist recreation and leisure providers including managers, reception staff, paid and volunteer staff, coaches, and anyone involved in direct contact with children. This workshop offers the chance to gain an insight into the senses, environments, why it can be challenging for children with additional needs, what could be triggers for stress and what can we do to reduce these anxieties for children. On this twilight workshop you will experience an approach to teaching, which offers a mix of film footage, interactive group discussions and insightful hands on activities. All aimed to provide real practical solutions that can be put into practice straight away. All rights reserved Sensecere 2014

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