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Cloudy in Malibu: Pepperdine Libraries’ Migration to OCLC’s Webscale Management System Michael W. Dula, Ph.D.Gan(Grace) Ye Director for Digital Initiatives.

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Presentation on theme: "Cloudy in Malibu: Pepperdine Libraries’ Migration to OCLC’s Webscale Management System Michael W. Dula, Ph.D.Gan(Grace) Ye Director for Digital Initiatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloudy in Malibu: Pepperdine Libraries’ Migration to OCLC’s Webscale Management System Michael W. Dula, Ph.D.Gan(Grace) Ye Director for Digital Initiatives &Digital Systems Librarian Technology StrategyPepperdine University Libraries Pepperdine University

2 WMS Features WorldCat (242,757,082 records) WorldCat Local Cataloging Circulation Acquisitions KnowledgeBase LicenseManager Cooperative Intelligence and Reporting (pending)

3 Where We Started 521,000 records in Voyager, many of which had been migrated from an earlier system. Upgrades always somewhat difficult to fit into academic calendar. Usually have to do over Christmas break. Time-consuming and risky. Complex needs to support multiple branches, separate School of Law database, overseas programs. Getting systems to talk to each other always difficult: Voyager, EZproxy, Syndetics Solutions, link manager, website, e-reserves, interlibrary loan, patron management, suppliers, etc.

4 Phase 1: WorldCat Local, Fall 2009 Preceded decision to pilot WMS. Looking for a better search interface for our patrons Wanted to implement Web 2.0 features Looking for a long term federated search strategy Wanted to expand access to collections outside our own

5 WorldCat Local: The Big Data Cleanup Required substantial batch load project to bring our WorldCat holdings up to date. Also required a data cleanup of our Voyager database to bring records up to date with accurate, properly formatted OCLC numbers. Ongoing cleanup efforts underway to ensure that records display accurately in WCL.

6 Voyager Search Interface vs. WCL

7 Search Results

8 Easy to Access E-Resources

9 Easy to Request Item via ILL


11 Combination of WCL and ILLiad yielded increased searching (64% more searches) and borrowing. ILL volume tripled. Feedback from students and faculty was very positive. BUT... Patrons still had to access Voyager system to renew books, see pending orders, and view their account information. Library staff had to be familiar with two systems. Duplication of labor in cataloging and acquisitions among Voyager, WorldCat, and our PeopleSoft accounting system. Can we provide a Web 2.0 user experience for our staff as well as our patrons? Initial Results

12 We got our first look at about the same time WCL went live at the end of last summer. Moving the ILS to the cloud fit our technology goals. A number of our technical services and circulation librarians tried out and commented on the first prototype Circulation interface. Goal is to bring efficiencies to Circulation and Acquisitions processes and reduce TCO. Phase 2: Implementing WMS

13 Outsourced hosting: Library already using for iTunes U, CONTENTdm. University using for Blackboard, Sakai. In past year, Library had also added hosted ILLiad, WorldCat Link Manager. Web server moved in December from Library Sun server to central Pepperdine servers. We want to get out of the server management business and manage information, not technology. Why WMS? Cloud Technology

14 Web 2.0 features like tagging, RSS feeds. User interface that makes life much easier for our staff. OCLC’s plans for integration with ILLiad, WorldCat Link Manager, ezProxy, CONTENTdm, etc. Shared data—vendor management, license management, statistics. Opportunities for 3 rd party integration: widgets galore! Why WMS? The Features

15 The addition of WorldCat Local and ILLiad has already increased circulation, tripled our ILL volume, and made our patrons happier. Our total system costs would drop significantly as soon as we made the transition. Our Acquisitions and Cataloging workflow become markedly more efficient. We won’t have to worry about replacing our near end-of-life Sun servers or upgrading software every year or two. Our Systems Librarian will actually have time to work on other projects besides the care and feeding of the ILS. Why WMS? Cost/Benefit

16 Data Migration

17 Our holdings in WorldCat should be complete and up to date. We need to send following data to OCLC: Bibliographic Records: OCLC#s, Local system IDs. Each bib record should have a unique bib ID. Local Holding and Item Records Patron Data: unique bar code and patron type for each patron Circulation Transaction Data: Items checked out, bills/fines, holds WMS System Data Requirements

18 Local Holding Records Our OCLC symbol OCLC Holding Location Code Shelving Location Call Number, and Item Barcode 856 field for electronic records, and holdings information for serials (enumeration levels, chronology, frequency, numbering schemes, etc.) is also stored in the Local Holdings Record. WMS System Data Requirements

19 Voyager Data Bibliographic Records: 542,601 Holding Records: 568,684 Item Records: 405,433 Patron Records: 14,620 Circulation Transactions: around 500,000

20 Data Migration Process First Step: Updating our current holdings in WorldCat. Batchload Projects: We exported our bibliographic records and sent to OCLC OCLC matched our bibliographic records to WorldCat records OCLC added our OCLC symbol to indicate we hold the items. OCLC generated cross reference files including our records’ Voyager system IDs and corresponding OCLC#s. We added/updated OCLC#s in our records

21 Data Migration Process Second Step: Local holding and item records Patron data Circulation transactions data

22 Problems and Challenges

23 Item public/non-public note field

24 Problems and Challenges We found the note was put to 876$z field in our LHR records at the Connexion site:

25 Problems and Challenges Patron Group/Type In Voyager, one patron can have multiple patron groups. In WMS, one patron can have only one patron group

26 Problems and Challenges Patron Group/Type Voyager PATRON_GROUP_NAME Alumni Crest Associates Dependents of fac/staff Faculty GSBM distance learners GSBM students GSEP distance learners GSEP students Graduating seniors Inst. of Dispute Resolutn Law Faculty Law students Public policy students Seaver graduate students Summer high school stdnt Undergraduate students others WMS Patron TypeBorrow Priority Faculty5 Staff4 Graduate3 Undergraduate2 Other1

27 Phase 3: E-Resource Management in WMS E-Serials: PubGet  WorldCat Knowledge Base E-Books: Package: WorldCat Knowledge Base Single Title Purchase: WorldCat Knowledge Base or Create LHR (Local Holding Record)

28 Set up Our Vendor Logins

29 Check Our Logins

30 Check Our Holdings Update

31 WorldCat Knowledge Base

32 WorldCat Local Site

33 Connexion Site

34 Updating e-Book Holdings Workflow Before Dec. 2010: Downloaded records from vendors’ sites Updated 856 links in the records Loaded records into Voyager Exported records from Voyager Sent records to OCLC to update our holdings in WorldCat Jan. 2011-Jul. 2011 Downloaded records from vendors’ sites Sent records to OCLC to update our holdings in WorldCat Searched and Marked the collection/records as owned via the Knowledge Base Aug. 2011- Searched and Marked the collection/records as owned at the KB (OCLC has monthly update to synchronize KB data with vendors’ data.)

35 E-book Collection




39 Single e-Book Purchase Order

40 Add Our Holding at the KB

41 Holding Appears in WMS

42 Holding Appears in WCL

43 Outcomes

44 No longer have clients, servers, or updates to manage Can work from a laptop from anywhere (in the stacks, at home, overseas) Logins are person-specific—no longer have department logins No longer log into specific modules—you are given all of the permissions you need to do your job Some Advantages of Being in the Cloud

45 Look and usability of WMS is great Having Pull list and Cancel Hold Shelf list in real time is fabulous Reserves system has worked very well Holds are still being improved—item level holds are due in November Impact on Library Workflows: Circulation

46 Specify shelf location at time of order Scan barcodes into WMS during receiving (which receives item, attaches a Bib record, and creates LHR in Connexion) Check items out to internal “in process” patron rather than changing status (temporary) No longer load YBP EDI invoices (temporary) Impact on Library Workflows: Acquisitions

47 No longer export bib records into local system No longer update holdings in OCLC No longer edit records in local system Catalog all items in Connexion including laptops and white board markers Had to learn about Local Holdings Records (LHRs) Check displays in WorldCat Local No longer attach barcodes to items Impact on Library Workflows: Cataloging

48 Most e-resources now discoverable through same interface (WCL) as everything else Most vendor subscriptions now updated automatically via PubGet and KB Don’t need separate federated search product No local system needed to store vendor records Vendor authentication in KB, works with ezProxy Centralized management of ILL rights for e- resources Impact on Library Workflows: E-Resource Management

49 The Path Ahead Single sign-on support Custom reporting and notifications Implementation of License Manager for improved license management New apps and widgets yet to be conceived Increased use of shared data such as serial publishing pattern data and peer institution comparison data Integration with PeopleSoft accounting system

50 Questions? Michael W. Dula, Ph.D.Gan(Grace) Ye Director for Digital Initiatives &Digital Systems Librarian Technology StrategyPepperdine University Libraries Pepperdine University

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