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Penwith District Council Guy Botterill. Penwith District Council 'A Healthy Active Workplace' Healthy Active Workplace Conference 2008 Friday 19 th September.

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Presentation on theme: "Penwith District Council Guy Botterill. Penwith District Council 'A Healthy Active Workplace' Healthy Active Workplace Conference 2008 Friday 19 th September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Penwith District Council Guy Botterill

2 Penwith District Council 'A Healthy Active Workplace' Healthy Active Workplace Conference 2008 Friday 19 th September Guy Botterill B.Sc (Hons) Acting Leisure Manager - Penwith District Council

3 Introduction - What is a 'Healthy Active Workplace?' - Background to the Penwith District Council Scheme - The Health and Wellbeing Survey - Planning the PDC Healthy Active Workplace - What is being delivered? - What next...........?

4 What is a 'Healthy Active Workplace?' 'The combined efforts of employers, employees and society to improve the health and well-being of people at work.' There are many benefits to the empoyee and employer: - Reduced levels of sickness, less staff turnover, improving morale, positive corporate image, increasing productivity - Better health, more energy, reduces stress, increased immunity, happier staff

5 Background to the Penwith District Council Scheme - Corporate acknowledgment - Healthy Officers group was established - Need for some consultation / baseline data from employee's - Health and Wellbeing Survey - Health and Wellbeing Group (Leisure Manager, Health and Safety Manager, Personnel Manager, Personnel Officer, Union representatives, member of Corporate Management Team)

6 Health and Wellbeing Survey - Went out to all staff for completion (roughly 50% return rate) - General Health, Working Conditions, Communications, Exercise, Flexible Working - Out of the 7 stressor areas, there were two that scored quite poorly; Demands and Change - Average Physical Activity Levels were around 3x30mins of moderate intensity activity per person, per week - Identified time, motivation, child care and cost as main barriers to participation - Activities identified as most popular were swimming, badminton and walking

7 Planning the PDC Healthy Active Workplace - Increased Physical Activity Levels have a significant effect on the health of the employee and employer - Action Plan / Proposal was written - Cost / Benefit analysis (key evidence) - Received excellent support from the Corporate Management Team and Councillors - Financial commitment from Penwith District Council, Sport England, Parkwood Leisure, Unions

8 What are we delivering? - Free Activities around the working day - Free activities for employee's and their family members at weekends - Lifestyle Consultations, Healthy Eating Advice, Weight Management Course, Health Checks - Promotion of Healthy Active Lifestyles - Promotion of activity opportunities within the community - Stress Focus Groups

9 What next..............? - Continue to deliver activities to all staff - Health and Wellbeing Survey 2 - Produce a report in November when 2 nd quarter BV12 statistics are available - Continue to work with partners in promoting Healthy Active Workplaces to other organisations - Identify opportunities to continue good work into the new Cornwall Council

10 Contact details Guy Botterill Acting Leisure Manager 01736 336606 Dawn Bailey Health and Safety Manager 01736 336815

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