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Project work “PEOPLE WE ARE PROUD OF: WARTIME CHILDREN” Student: Isakova Vera Form: 10 Teacher: Simkina Natalia Victorovna (English) Chibizova A.A. (local.

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Presentation on theme: "Project work “PEOPLE WE ARE PROUD OF: WARTIME CHILDREN” Student: Isakova Vera Form: 10 Teacher: Simkina Natalia Victorovna (English) Chibizova A.A. (local."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project work “PEOPLE WE ARE PROUD OF: WARTIME CHILDREN” Student: Isakova Vera Form: 10 Teacher: Simkina Natalia Victorovna (English) Chibizova A.A. (local history, museum keeper) МОУ Ключанская СОШ Кораблинского района Рязанской области

2 About myself My name is Isakova Vera. I study in Kluchanskaya Secondary School in the 10th form. I’ve been involved in studying local history and culture for many years now. I participated in the forum in St Petersburg dedicated to the siege of Leningrad when I was in the 6th form. Last year I got the second prize in the regional patriotic competition. So, this theme is the theme of my life.


4 The theme The theme of my research work is “Wartime children” (Memories about the Great Patriotic War).

5 Motivation I got interested in this theme during an excursion to our school museum. On one of the walls I saw my grandmother’s photo, she was 13 then. She is one of the War heroes. I got interested in this theme during an excursion to our school museum. On one of the walls I saw my grandmother’s photo, she was 13 then. She is one of the War heroes. I hadn’t known it but was very proud of her. I decided to learn more about the children who went through the War. I hadn’t known it but was very proud of her. I decided to learn more about the children who went through the War.

6 My grandmother told me that she had hidden “killed in battle" notice sent to her mother. She didn’t want her to suffer and die of grief. My grandmother told me that she had hidden “killed in battle" notice sent to her mother. She didn’t want her to suffer and die of grief. I was greatly shocked. She was younger than I am now but she managed to pluck up her courage and took care of her mother. I am incredibly proud of her and consider her an example to follow. I was greatly shocked. She was younger than I am now but she managed to pluck up her courage and took care of her mother. I am incredibly proud of her and consider her an example to follow.

7 The aim of the project My grandmother Maria Petrovna Isakova was my best consultant. She advised me to inerview the veterans of our village. I continued my work at the school museum and I became the guide of the Hall of Honour of War.My grandmother Maria Petrovna Isakova was my best consultant. She advised me to inerview the veterans of our village. I continued my work at the school museum and I became the guide of the Hall of Honour of War. I wanted everybody to know the hardships of these brave people. The aim of the project is to show the horrors of the War through the eyes of children.

8 Objectives, the source of knowledge and the object of study The objectives are as follows: Study the local history material of my village. Study the local history material of my village. Find out what traits of character developed in the children of the wartime and how they helped them later in life. Find out what traits of character developed in the children of the wartime and how they helped them later in life. Show the contribution of children in Russian military triumph. Show the contribution of children in Russian military triumph. Present it in English. Present it in English. The main source of knowledge were: the stories and reminiscences of my grandmother and the villagers, the stories and reminiscences of my grandmother and the villagers, the date from the school museum. the date from the school museum. The object of study is war memories of the veterans of my village (Isakova M.P. in particular)

9 The Black morning of June, 1941 That terrible day of the 22 nd of June, 1941 shaked the whole country. It mobilized many people in towns and villages to the army. According to the recollections of the survivors, heart-rending scream was heard everywhere. Small children didn’t completely understand that their fathers and brothers were going away forever but they felt it with their hearts. Teenagers hid under the beds or ran away from home. Many children were holding their fathers and slobbering. That terrible day of the 22 nd of June, 1941 shaked the whole country. It mobilized many people in towns and villages to the army. According to the recollections of the survivors, heart-rending scream was heard everywhere. Small children didn’t completely understand that their fathers and brothers were going away forever but they felt it with their hearts. Teenagers hid under the beds or ran away from home. Many children were holding their fathers and slobbering.

10 Maria Petrovna Isakova My grandmother, Maria Petrovna, told me about it because her father was also mobilized at the beginning of the War. Only small kids fell asleep, the other members of the family couldn't get over it. Only the dawn made everybody get up because they all had household duties. My grandmother, Maria Petrovna, told me about it because her father was also mobilized at the beginning of the War. Only small kids fell asleep, the other members of the family couldn't get over it. Only the dawn made everybody get up because they all had household duties. They had to continue living. My grandmother went to work to the sovkhoz. Almost all teenagers and even 9-12-year-old took the places of grown-ups. They had to continue living. My grandmother went to work to the sovkhoz. Almost all teenagers and even 9-12-year-old took the places of grown-ups.


12 Villages were abandoned. Only small children and women were left there. The whole burden of peasant labor fell on them. They had more hard working conditions were even harder than before the War. It was manual work because all the machinery were sent to the battle-front. Villages were abandoned. Only small children and women were left there. The whole burden of peasant labor fell on them. They had more hard working conditions were even harder than before the War. It was manual work because all the machinery were sent to the battle-front. Despite the hardships, labor standards were enlarged. Despite the hardships, labor standards were enlarged. The former school museum’s keeper, also a war veteran, said: “There were nothing that children’s hands didn’t do. Even 9-10- year-olds weren’t laid aside”. The former school museum’s keeper, also a war veteran, said: “There were nothing that children’s hands didn’t do. Even 9-10- year-olds weren’t laid aside”. But none of them complained. They knew it was for the country’s sake, for the sake of their future. But none of them complained. They knew it was for the country’s sake, for the sake of their future.

13 Osina Klavdia Konstantinovna was 9 when the War broke out. She lost her father in 1945 but her tried her best to keep up with other families. She worked days and nights to provide an education to her children. And Klavdia Konstantinovna devoted 50 years of her life to teaching mathematics at our school. She recently stopped heading local Council of veterans. Osina Klavdia Konstantinovna was 9 when the War broke out. She lost her father in 1945 but her tried her best to keep up with other families. She worked days and nights to provide an education to her children. And Klavdia Konstantinovna devoted 50 years of her life to teaching mathematics at our school. She recently stopped heading local Council of veterans. Osina Klavdia Konstantinovna

14 Responsibility, inexhaustible diligence and love of life are the traits of her character developed in her childhood. Responsibility, inexhaustible diligence and love of life are the traits of her character developed in her childhood. She considers her duty to retain the ordeals of the War in the memories of people. Her pupils make reports at conferences, participate in forums, make concerts and meetings and help the veterans of the village. There is constant work on the part of the school, its teachers and pupils to make the veterans’ life happier. She considers her duty to retain the ordeals of the War in the memories of people. Her pupils make reports at conferences, participate in forums, make concerts and meetings and help the veterans of the village. There is constant work on the part of the school, its teachers and pupils to make the veterans’ life happier.


16 Kluch village, 2009: war veterans and people who served on the home front

17 Conclusions Having interviewed the veterans, I’ve come to the conclusion that their most important traits of character are: modest, modest, kind, kind, hard-working, hard-working, believing in the victory, believing in the victory, respected, respected, fairly doing their duty, fairly doing their duty, disciplined, disciplined, responsible. responsible.

18 These traits helped our veterans to survive not only during the War but after it. They advise their grandchildren to get accustomed to work and discipline at an early age, study hard and be grateful to parents and honest. Irina Dmitrievna Monogarova thinks these traits will help anyone. These traits helped our veterans to survive not only during the War but after it. They advise their grandchildren to get accustomed to work and discipline at an early age, study hard and be grateful to parents and honest. Irina Dmitrievna Monogarova thinks these traits will help anyone.

19 All the pictures belong to the school and school museum’s archives. All the pictures belong to the school and school museum’s archives.

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