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Solid Cylinder cut at an angle Drawing Abilities Teacher © J Lewis 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Solid Cylinder cut at an angle Drawing Abilities Teacher © J Lewis 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solid Cylinder cut at an angle Drawing Abilities Teacher © J Lewis 2004

2 Orthographic projection Plan Elevation Draw the Plan and Elevation of the cylinder, which is cut at an angle of 30 ° © J Lewis 2004

3 Drawing generators Divide the plan into 12 equal generators at 30 °, number these as shown © J Lewis 2004 Plan Elevation

4 Inserting reference points Project the vertical generators down to the Elevation and number as shown © J Lewis 2004 Elevation

5 Starting the End Elevation Construct the outline of the End Elevation, point 3 at the front and the generators shown © J Lewis 2004 ElevationEnd Elevation

6 Drawing horizontal generators Construct horizontals where the vertical generators cross the sloping top of the Elevation © J Lewis 2004 ElevationEnd Elevation

7 Marking out the shape Now mark the End Elevation. Points are found where horizontal lines cross similar marked generators. © J Lewis 2004 ElevationEnd Elevation

8 Drawing the ellipse Draw an ellipse passing through the marked points © J Lewis 2004 ElevationEnd Elevation

9 Finished End Elevation © J Lewis 2004

10 Surface Development Project horizontals from the Elevation and step off to circumference length in 12 steps © J Lewis 2004 Elevation

11 Marking points Mark the reference points carefully as shown below © J Lewis 2004 Elevation

12 Joining the points Join the points with a smooth curve © J Lewis 2004 Elevation

13 Finished Surface Development © J Lewis 2004 Plan Elevation Surface Development

14 Dealing with Cones Cones are dealt with in a similar way to cylinders The Plan and Elevation of the cone, which is cut at an angle of 30 ° by the plane A – A are shown below © J Lewis 2004

15 Drawing generators Divide the Plan into 12 equal generators at 30 °, number these as shown © J Lewis 2004

16 Inserting reference points Project the vertical generators down to the Elevation and number as shown © J Lewis 2004

17 Drawing Surface Generators Draw surface generators as shown © J Lewis 2004

18 Starting the End Elevation Construct the outline of the End Elevation, point 3 at the front and the generators shown © J Lewis 2004 ElevationEnd Elevation

19 Starting the End Elevation Construct surface generators on the End Elevation as shown © J Lewis 2004 ElevationEnd Elevation

20 Drawing the End Elevation Construct horizontals as shown © J Lewis 2004 ElevationEnd Elevation

21 Drawing the End Elevation Draw a smooth curve as shown on the End Elevation © J Lewis 2004 End Elevation

22 Starting the Plan Construct the lines shown from the Elevation up to the Plan © J Lewis 2004 Elevation Plan

23 Completing the Plan Transfer the measurement on 6 – 12 on the End Elevation to the same generator on the Plan and draw a smooth curve as shown. © J Lewis 2004 Elevation Plan End Elevation

24 Finished Orthographic Projection © J Lewis 2004

25 Surface Development Step off to circumference length in 12 steps along an arc with the same radius as generator 3 as shown – this is a true length of side Mark off the true lengths of each of the generators as shown and draw the surface development © J Lewis 2004 Elevation

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