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PRESENTED BY Dolly vyas Branch EC 8 TH SEM Adina institute of science &technology.

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1 PRESENTED BY Dolly vyas Branch EC 8 TH SEM Adina institute of science &technology

2 The smooth circular cylinders of figure each of weight w = 100 N and radius r = 6 cm are connected by string AB of length l = 16cm and upon a horizontal plane, supporting a third cylinder of weight Q3= 200 N and radius r = 6cm above them. Find the tension S in the string AB and the pressure produced by the floor at points of contact D and E ?


4 Given :- Two smooth cylinders weight (Q1,Q2) = 100 N Radius of the all cylinders = 6 cm String AB length = 16 cm upper cylinder weight (Q3) = 200 N Tension S in the string = ? Pressure produced by the floor at points of contact D and E = ?

5  In this we use lami’s therom :-  Now we find the value of Ra and Rb  For finding the value we make a free body diagram of cylinder Q3  By that we get the value of the angle between Rb and known weight 

6  And the angle between Ra and known weight  And the angle between Ra and Rb

7  After that we get the value of  Ra and Rb = 1.55 N  This Ra and Rb are the tension S = 1.55 N  Since both the smooth sylinder are in the point contect of the surface so the value of the pressure at the point contect will be  Ra + Rb = weights of all cylinder  Since Ra and Rb are equal so

8  2 Ra = 400 n  Ra = 200 paskal  Here Ra be the pressure

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