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HFT Technical Overview September 26, 20111. HFT 2013 TPC FGT 2011 STAR Detectors Fast and Full azimuthal particle identification EMC+EEMC+FMS (-1 ≤ 

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Presentation on theme: "HFT Technical Overview September 26, 20111. HFT 2013 TPC FGT 2011 STAR Detectors Fast and Full azimuthal particle identification EMC+EEMC+FMS (-1 ≤ "— Presentation transcript:

1 HFT Technical Overview September 26, 20111

2 HFT 2013 TPC FGT 2011 STAR Detectors Fast and Full azimuthal particle identification EMC+EEMC+FMS (-1 ≤  ≤ 4) TOF DAQ1000 MTD 2013 2

3 MSC Pixel Insertion Tube Pixel Support Tube IDS East Support Cylinder Outer Support Cylinder West Support Cylinder PIT PST ESC OSC WSC Shrouds Middle Support Cylinder Inner Detector Support Inner Detector Support (IDS) September 26, 20113 Carbon Fiber Structures provide support For 3 inner detector systems All systems highly integrated into IDS

4 Detector Support ESC,WCS and OSC used for run-12 and FGT installation. Carbon Fiber cylinder provides mechanical and electric separation between sub-systems. September 26, 20114

5 Mechanical support with kinematic mounts (insertion side). Can be extracted/inserted on maintenance day ( <24 hours) after machine tune-up, or in case of failures. Insertion from one side 2 layers 5 sectors / half 4 ladders/sector Pixel Detector (PXL) September 26, 20115 End view 8 cm radius 2.5 cm radius

6 Intermediate Silicon Tracker (IST) Intermediate tracking layer with good r-phi resolution 250  m Conventional Si pad detector using CMS APV chip for ladders Readout system copy of just completed FGT detector system September 26, 20116 24 ladders 50 cm long at 14 cm radius

7 IST Characteristics September 26, 20117 Liquid cooling Carbon Fiber ladder APD chips flex hybrid cable <1.5% Xo Fast detector

8 Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) 8 4.2 Meters ~ 1 Meter 44 cm 20 Ladders September 26, 2011

9 SSD Instrument 20 of the existing SSD ladders with new readout electronics compatible with STAR TPC readout SSD to be installed on the Outer Support Cylinder at 20 cm Provide cabling and cooling compatible with the IDS structure and FGT Upgraded cooling system Air cooled. 9September 26, 2011

10 Project Schedule Scheduled to received final approval and funding following successful CD2/3 review Goal to complete fabrication and assembly in two years. Install for run-13 –New small radius beam pipe. –PST support for PXL. –PXL prototype detector. Mechanical identical to final PXL detector, instrumented with fewer sectors instrumented with ladders. Install for run-14 –Install IST and SSD detectors –Final PXL detector. September 26, 201110

11 11 PXL insertion mechanism for rapid detector replacement Courtesy Howard Wieman September 26, 2011

12 Air cooling of silicon detectors - CFD analysis air flow path – flows along both inside and outside surface of the sector Silicon power: 100 mW/cm 2 (~ power of sunlight) 240 W total Si + drivers 12September 26, 2011

13 13 PXL detector centered in STAR in the Middle Support Cylinder (MSC) single end support allows rapid insertion and removal Can replace PXL detector with less than day of shut down September 26, 2011

14 14 Insertion and closing about the beam pipe open to clear beampipe flanges closing downfully inserted and locked in kinematic mounts September 26, 2011

15 15 insertion mechanism carriage rides on support rails kinematic mounts engage at center position cam and guides control lateral location during insertion hinge mechanism for lateral motion mechanical release to transfer load to kinematic mounts thin carbon half tube for PXL support and cooling air duct September 26, 2011

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