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Measuring liquids Click onto the measuring cylinder or syringe that contains the most orange liquid. Go on, tell me the answer!

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring liquids Click onto the measuring cylinder or syringe that contains the most orange liquid. Go on, tell me the answer!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring liquids Click onto the measuring cylinder or syringe that contains the most orange liquid. Go on, tell me the answer!

2 Measuring liquids Sorry, that’s not right. Go back and choose again. Go on, tell me the answer! Go back

3 Measuring liquids A trick question! They are all the same. You need to look at the scale on each one. They tell you the volume of liquid in cm 3. Try some more

4 2cm 3 2.5cm 3 3cm 3 3.5cm 3 How much liquid is in the measuring cylinder? Click on the answer.

5 That’s not right. Look closely at the scale on the measuring cylinder. Try again. 2cm 3 2.5cm 3 3cm 3 3.5cm 3 How much liquid is in the measuring cylinder? Click on the answer.

6 Try another Excellent. There is 2.5cm 3 in the measuring cyclinder. 2.5cm 3 How much liquid is in the measuring cylinder? Click on the answer.

7 30cm 3 33cm 3 36cm 3 40cm 3 How much liquid is in the measuring cylinder? Click on the answer.

8 That’s not right. Look closely at the scale on the measuring cylinder. Try again. 30cm 3 33cm 3 36cm 3 40cm 3 How much liquid is in the measuring cylinder? Click on the answer.

9 Try another Excellent. There is 33cm 3 of liquid in the measuring cylinder. 33cm 3 How much liquid is in the measuring cylinder? Click on the answer.

10 7cm 3 7.5cm 3 8.5cm 3 10cm 3 How much liquid is in the measuring cylinder? Click on the answer.

11 That’s not right. The liquid is at an angle. You can’t read the volume. How much liquid is in the measuring cylinder? Click on the answer. Remember to always have the measuring cylinder level when you read the scale.

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