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Leadership Characteristics Rotaract PETS Inserts & Online Materials

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1 Leadership Characteristics Rotaract PETS Inserts & Online Materials
Rotary Leadership Institute – Sunshine Division Part 1 – Discussion Leader Guide Rotaract PETS Leadership Characteristics Session Goals Explore the Characteristics of Leadership Discuss what Motivates People in a Volunteer Organization Examine Your Own Leadership Style Inserts & Online Materials Volunteer vs. Professional The Basics for Effective Leadership Are Really Pretty Basic 12 Leadership Essentials for the 21st Century Introduce Goals of the Session All materials here are on-line references for future use Are good leaders born or can leadership be taught? RLI believes that while there are certain innate qualities a person brings to leadership, leadership can be taught in the sense that a person can IMPROVE his/her leadership skills. P1.DLG

2 Leadership Characteristics
Rotary Leadership Institute – Sunshine Division Part 1 – Discussion Leader Guide Leadership Characteristics WHAT IS LEADERSHIP? A Working Definition Who are some persons you consider a Leader? Is it possible to define Leadership in One Word? Potential use of Scribe here to write down definition – especially the one word types. Possible Definition = Leadership is the ability to motivate people towards a worthy goal Possible One Word Definition = Influence Who comes to mind as a world leader? What are those persons’ leadership characteristics or differences in style? --Use a Scribe here --After list is complete, narrow down what the class sees as the most important ones. Think about the last few past presidents of your club, pick the one who stood out as the best leader, and without naming him/her, tell the group what differentiated him/her from the others. P1.DLG

Rotary Leadership Institute – Sunshine Division Part 1 – Discussion Leader Guide Leadership Characteristics HOW IS LEADERSHIP DIFFERENT In a BUSINESS In a VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION What is the role of the leader in each of these? How is leadership best exerted? What are the motivational factors a leader should consider in each? What motivates someone in business? What motivates someone in the military? What motivates someone in a Rotary Club? P1.DLG

4 Leadership Characteristics
Rotary Leadership Institute – Sunshine Division Part 1 – Discussion Leader Guide Leadership Characteristics PERSONAL LEADERSHIP STYLES Leader or Follower How does a club president exert leadership in the Club How does the average member exert leadership in the Club Are Leaders or Followers more important in an organization? Which is more important in your Rotary Club? Can you lead by following? -- make a point of good Rotary Leaders know the difference, and know when to be a leader and when to be a follower. VISION – What is it and how important is it for a Leader to have? --Vision is more than seeing – it is determining the potential/possibilities of something (effective service project). A visionary sees where he/she wants to go. P1.DLG

5 Leadership Characteristics
Rotary Leadership Institute – Sunshine Division Part 1 – Discussion Leader Guide Leadership Characteristics S U M M A R Y Good Leadership is critical for the future of your Rotaract Club. The most effective leaders deal with members one on one – they do not call for volunteers for critical tasks. Effective Leaders are prepared, thoughtful, creative, and willing to try new things. Effective Leaders take risks!!! P1.DLG

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