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Components of Fitness The 5 components of physical fitness are used in schools, gyms and health clubs to measure your level of physical fitness. Total.

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Presentation on theme: "Components of Fitness The 5 components of physical fitness are used in schools, gyms and health clubs to measure your level of physical fitness. Total."— Presentation transcript:

1 Components of Fitness The 5 components of physical fitness are used in schools, gyms and health clubs to measure your level of physical fitness. Total fitness is defined by how well your body performs in each of 5 categories. Understanding them will help you develop your exercise plan for your exercise log assignment!

2 Health Learning Target: Goal Setting Today you will be learning content that helps you put many components of fitness into your personal exercise plan as you set and achieve personal fitness and health goals!

3 The Components of Physical Fitness Cardiovascular endurance Muscle strength Muscle endurance Flexibility Body composition

4 Cardiovascular Endurance Cardiovascular endurance refers to the ability of your heart and lungs to work together to fuel your body with oxygen. The Cooper Run is most often used to test cardiovascular endurance. Aerobic conditioning, like jogging, swimming and cycling, can help improve cardiovascular endurance. Remember the PACER test in PE? Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run Do continual jumping jacks in class-

5 Muscle Strength Muscle strength refers to the amount of force a muscle can exert, in a single effort. Exercises like the bench press, leg press or bicep curl might be used to measure muscle strength. Arm Wrestle safely in class!

6 Muscle Endurance Muscle endurance refers to the ability of a muscle to perform a continuous effort without fatiguing. Cycling, step machines and sit up tests are often used to measure muscular endurance. Wall sit in class or hallway!

7 Flexibility Flexibility refers to the ability of each joint to express its full range of motion. Flexibility can be tested by stretching individual muscles or by performing exercises such as the lunge or the sit and reach.(Figure 4, stradde, butterfly) Warrior 2 stretch in class!

8 Body Composition Body composition refers to the amount of body fat you have, versus the amount of lean muscles, bones and organs. There are several tests that can be used to measure body composition. The most reliable is underwater weighing, but due to the size and expense of the equipment, this type of test isn't common. Many doctors, gyms and health clubs use a pinch test instead. (Calipers) Pinch an inch test in class!

9 Improving Individual Components If you're weak in cardiovascular endurance, you'll need aerobic conditioning in the form of jogging, swimming, cycling or even sports. Strength training exercises can help improve muscular strength. A strength training exercise that uses low weight and high reps can help improve muscular endurance.

10 What TYPE of component(s) of fitness best describe the following exercises/sports? Sometimes it can be more than one!


12 Gymnast



15 Football




19 Sailing


21 Canoe Slalom


23 Improving Flexibility Yoga and pilates can help improve overall flexibility. Following good exercise practices can also help; warm up and stretch before your workouts, then cool down and stretch after to keep your muscles from shortening. Flexibility often improves rapidly with practice. The more you exercise, the lower your body mass index should become as you lose weight.

24 Stair Climbing

25 Work all 5 components of fitness… An effective fitness program includes all 5 components of physical fitness. While it's acceptable to emphasize exercises for one or more weaker components, be sure not to neglect the others.

26 Rest Time is VERY IMPORTANT Any strenuous exercise in one muscle group or fitness component should be followed by 24 to 48 hours of rest for that area, to allow it to recover (very important…rest time allows your muscles to mend and become stronger)! and Coach Corkran

27 Circuit Training

28 Indoor Cycyling







35 Bobsleigh

36 Fencing

37 Nordic Skiing

38 Beach Volleyball

39 Freestyle Skiing

40 Hockey

41 The 5 Components of Fitness measure your body’s overall fitness. These 5 components measure your body's ability to use oxygen as fuel, your muscular strength and endurance, the flexibility of your joints and your total body fat.

42 Reminder: Exercise Log…1 hour daily Due date for exercise log________ Begin 2 nd exercise log (exercise 1 hour everyday)! You can do it!

43 Sources Created by Mia Corkran for health class 6,7,8 definition-of-muscular-endurance/#ixzz2eA528e5v definition-of-muscular-endurance/#ixzz2eA528e5v Mia Corkran

44 The End

45 CARDIOVASCULAR ENDURANCE Also called cardiorespiratory endurance. Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles and tissues, as well as the ability of those muscles and tissues to utilize that oxygen.

46 Muscular Endurance Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to repeatedly exert force against resistance. (for a sustained or long period of time) Performing multiple repetitions of an exercise is a form of muscular endurance, as is running or swimming. If your muscles have to contract in a similar pattern more than one time you are using muscular endurance. Read more: the-definition-of-muscular-endurance/#ixzz2eA528e5v the-definition-of-muscular-endurance/#ixzz2eA528e5v

47 MUSCULAR STRENGTH Physical strength, also known as muscular strength, is the ability of a person to exert force on physical objects using muscles. Increasing physical strength is the goal of strength training. Weight training Plyometric/jumping Free weights

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